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1、LOUIS: So you want me to tell you the story of my life. 路易:你想要我把我的故事告诉你? MALLOY: Oh yes, like I said, thats what I do. I interview people. Im a collector of lives. F.M. radio. K.F.R.C. 马洛依:是的,我说过,这就是我的工作。我是人生故事的收藏家。我采访别人,然后在 K.F.R.C电台播出。 LOUIS: Youll need a lot of tape for my story. 路易:我的故事需要很多的磁带来记

2、录。 MALLOY: No problem. I got a bag full of tape ready. 马洛依:没关系,我准备了一整袋的磁带。 LOUIS: You followed me here, didnt you? 路易:你跟踪我到这儿,不是吗? MALLOY: Yeah, I suppose I did. You seemed very interesting. This is where you live? 马洛依:对,正是这样。你看上去相当有趣。你住在这儿吗? LOUIS: No. Just a room. 路易:不,这只是一个房间 MALLOY: What do you

3、say we get started? So, what do you do? 马洛依:你说我们怎么开始呢?你是干什么的? LOUIS: Im a vampire. 路易:我是个吸血鬼。 MALLOY: Thats something I havent heard before. Well, you mean this literally, I take it. 马洛依:这我倒从来没有听说过。嗯,你说真的? LOUIS: Absolutely. I was waiting for you in that alleyway, watching you watching me. And then

4、you began to speak. 路易:千真万确。我在那条小巷子里等着你,看着你看见我。然后你开口说话。 MALLOY: So what a lucky break for me. 马洛依:那我真走运。 LOUIS: Perhaps lucky for both of us. 路易:也许我俩都很走运。 MALLOY: Yousaid you were waiting for me? What will you do? Kill me, drink my blood or likes that? 马洛依:你在你说你在等着我?你要干什么?杀了我,喝我的血或者诸如此类的事情? LOUIS: Y

5、es. But you neednt be worry about that now. 路易:不错。不过现在你无需担心。 MALLOY: You believe this, dont you? That youre a vampire? 马洛依:你为什么相信这个,相信你是个吸血鬼? LOUIS: We cant begin this way. Let me turn on the light. 路易:我们不能这样开始。我打算把头顶上的灯打开。 MALLOY: But I thought vampires didnt like the light. 马洛依:可我以为吸血鬼不喜欢灯光呢。 LOUI

6、S: We love it. I only wanted to prepare you. 路易:我们喜欢灯光。我只想为你准备。 MALLOY: Christ! 马洛依:上帝哪! LOUIS: Dont be frightened. I want this opportunity. 路易:别害怕。我需要这个机会。 MALLOY: How the hell did you do that? 马洛依:你怎么做到的? LOUIS: The same way as you do. A series of simple gestures. Only I moved too fast for you to

7、see. Im fleshand blood, but not human. I havent been human for two hundred years. Please! What can I do to put you at ease? Shall we begin like David Copperfield? I am born, I grow up. Or shall we begin when I was Born to Darkness, as I call it. Thats really where we should start, dont you think? 路易

8、:和你一样,一连串的简单动作。只不过我动作太快你看不清。我有血有肉,但并非人类。我不是人类已经有两百年了。请坐!我要怎么让你放松呢?我们像大卫科波菲尔那样开始?我出生,我长大。或者从我生于黑暗 我是这么称呼的 开始。我们就从这儿开始,你说呢?MALLOY: Youre not lying to me, are you? 马洛依:你没骗我,对吧? LOUIS: Why should I lie? 1791 was the year it happened. I was twenty-four, younger than you are now. But times were different

9、then. I was a man at that age. The master of a largeplantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth. She and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would to have been joined them. I couldnt bear the pain of their loss. I longed for a release from it. I wanted to l

10、ose all. My wealth, my estate, my sanity. 路易:为什么要骗你?那是 1791 年,我 24 岁,比你现在年轻(娃娃发话了:马洛依采访路易的时候是 20 岁,也不知道谁比谁年轻) 。但时代不同。那时我已经是个成年人,是新奥尔良南部种植园的主子。我妻子难产死了。她和夭折的婴儿长眠地下已有大半年。我想一死了之。我无法忍受丧妻失子的痛苦。我希望解脱,想放弃一切,我的财富,我的事业,我的神智。 GAMBLER: How many aces are in a deck? 赌徒:一副牌到底有几张 A? LOUIS: Youre calling me a cheat?

11、 路易:你说我出老千了? GAMBLER: Im calling you a piece of stinking offal! 赌徒:我说你是个垃圾! LOUIS: You lack the courage of your convictions, sir. Do it! 路易:你真是个胆小鬼,先生。动手吧! LOUIS (V.O.): Most of all I longed for death. I know that now. I invited it, a release from the pain of living. My invitation was open to anyone

12、. To the whore of my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampirethat accepted. 路易(旁白):我一心想着死。现在我知道了,我想从生命的痛苦中解脱出来。我的这种邀请是对所有人的,我身边的妓女,我身后的皮条客。可想不到找上门来的竟是一个吸血鬼。 THE PIMP: Give me your money or you will die! 皮条客:要钱还是要命? LESTAT: Do you still want the death, or have you tasted it enough? 莱斯特:你

13、还想死吗?或者已经尝够了死亡的滋味? LOUIS: Enough! 路易:够了 LOUIS (V.O.): He left me half dead on the banks of Mississippi, somewhere between life and death. 路易(旁白):他把我扔在密西西比河畔,一个生死交界的地方。 LOUIS: Who are you? What are you doing in my house? 路易:你是谁?你在我房子里干什么? LESTAT: Ive come to answer your prayers. Life has no meaning a

14、nymore, does it? The wine has no taste. The food sickens you. There seems no reason for any of it, does there? But what if I could give it back to you?Pluck out the pain and give you another life? One you could never imagine. And it would be for all time? And sickness and death could never touch you

15、 again? Dont be afraid. Im going to give you the choice thatI never had. 莱斯特:我来回应你的祈祷。生命没有任何意义,不是吗?美酒索然无味,佳肴令你恶心。似乎再也没有什么理由生存。但如果我能让你从头再来呢?略去痛苦,给你另一段人生?一段你绝对想象不到的人生,它将是永恒的。疾病和死亡再也不会降临到你头上。别害怕,我会给你一个我从来没有过的选择。 LOUIS (V.O.): That morning I was not yet a vampire, and I saw my last sunrise. I remember i

16、t completely, and yet I cant recall any sunrise before it. I watched the whole magnificence of the dawn for the last time, as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sunlight and set out to become what I became. 路易(旁白):那个早晨我还没变成吸血鬼,我最后看到了一次日出。那之前见过的日出我都记不得了,这一次却留下了深刻的印象。我最后一次观赏朝辉的美丽,犹如第一次见

17、到。然后我毅然告别阳光,去变作一个吸血鬼。 LESTAT: Have you said goodbye to the light? 莱斯特:你跟太阳说再见了吗? LESTAT: Ive drained you to the point of death. If I leave you here, youll die. Or you can be young always, my friend, as we are now. But you must tell me, will you come or not? 莱斯特:我已经吸干了你的血。如果我把你扔在这儿,你会死。或者,你可以永远年轻,像我们

18、现在这样,我的朋友。但你必须得告诉我,你愿意,还是不愿意? LOUIS: YesYes! 路易斯:愿意愿意! LESTAT: Your bodys dying. Pay no attention. It happens to us all. Now have a look with your vampire eye!莱斯特:你的身体正在死去。别担心,我们都是这样的。现在,用你吸血鬼的眼睛看吧。MALLOY: What did you see? 马洛依:你看见了什么? LOUIS: No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what i

19、t sees. No human can know. The statue seemed to move or didnt, the world has changed and yet stayed the same. I was a newborn vampire, weeping at the beauty of the night. Perhaps youd like another cigarette? 路易:难以言表。不妨问问上天看到了什么。没有人会知道。雕像似动未动,世界似变未变。我是个新生的吸血鬼,为夜色之美而伤感。你要再抽支烟吗? MALLOY: Oh yes. Is it b

20、other you or not? 马洛依:哦,对。会不会影响你? LOUIS: No. 路易:不。 MALLOY: I dont assume it would. Its not like youll die from cancer. 马洛依:我想也不会。你应该不会死于癌症吧。 LOUIS: I dont think so. 路易:大概不会。 MALLOY: How about the crucifixes. 马洛依:那十字架呢? LOUIS: Crucifixes? 路易:十字架? MALLOY: Dare you look at it? 马洛依:你敢正视它吗? LOUIS: I am p

21、articularly fond of looking on crucifixes. 路易:我尤其喜欢看着十字架。 MALLOY: What about stakes through the heart? 马洛依:木桩穿心? LOUIS: Nonsense. 路易:也是胡扯。 MALLOY: Coffins, what about coffins? 马洛依:棺材,棺材呢? LOUIS: Coffins. coffins unfortunately are a necessity. 路易:棺材很遗憾,棺材是必需品。LESTAT: Dont worry. In moments youll be s

22、leeping as soundly as youve ever slept. And when you awake Ill be waiting for you, and so will all the world. 莱斯特:别害怕。很快就你会陷入沉睡。当你再次醒来时,我会等着你,整个世界都会等着你。LOUIS (V.O.): Blood that I was found was necessities well. I woke the next evening with the hungry I neverfelt. 路易(旁白):我发现血液也是必需的。第二天夜里,我在极度饥渴中醒来。 T

23、ERESA: Once you taste this youll never go to any other tavern again. 妓女:一旦你品尝了这个,你就再也不会想到其他酒馆了。 LESTAT: You think so, cherie? But what if Id rather taste your lips? 莱斯特:是吗,女士?但如果我更想品尝你的朱唇呢? TERESA: My lips are even sweeter still. 妓女:我的唇更加甜美 LESTAT: My friend should taste those lips. 莱斯特:我的朋友也该尝尝这双唇。

24、 TERESA: Is his kiss as deeper as yours? 妓女:他的吻也和你的一样深情吗? LESTAT: Deeper, ma cherie. 莱斯特:更深情,亲爱的。 LOUIS: I will not take her life! 路易:我没法要她的命! LESTAT: I do it for you. Shes dead, as a doornail, my friend. 莱斯特:我替你杀了她。她死了,成了具死尸,我的朋友。 LESTAT: Its so easy, you almost feel sorry for them. 莱斯特:杀人很容易,你几乎要为

25、此感到遗憾。 LESTAT: Youll get used to killing. Just forget about that mortal coil. Youll become accustomed to things all too quickly. 莱斯特:你会习惯杀人的。忘记尘世喧嚣。你很快就会学会这些。YVETTE: You are not hungry, sir. 伊薇特:你不饿吗,先生 LESTAT: Au contraire, ma cherie. He could eat the whole colony. 莱斯特:恰恰相反,小姐。他能够吞下一匹马! LOUIS: I wi

26、ll finish it, Yvette. Now leave us. 路易:我会把它吃完的,伊薇特。你先下去。 LESTAT: Cant you pretend, you fool? Dont give the game away. Were lucky to have such a home. 莱斯特:你不会装吗,蠢货?别把游戏揭穿了。有这么一个家是我们的幸运。 His hand snakes out under the table. It comes up holding a large grey rat. He bares his fangs and slices the rats t

27、hroat. He pours the blood into a crystal glass. (他弯腰在桌子下抓住一只田鼠,用牙咬穿了它的脖子,把血挤到一过水晶杯里。 ) LESTAT: Pretend to drink, at least. Such fine crystal shouldnt go to waste. 莱斯特:至少假装喝点儿酒。这么好的水晶器皿不该被浪费了 He hands the glass to Louis. Louis drinks the blood and stares at it in surprise, then at the dead rat on the

28、 finelace tablecloth. (他把杯子递给路易。路易惊奇地看着它,并喝了一口,但立即把血给吐了出来。 ) LESTAT: I know. It gets cold so fast. 莱斯特:我知道,它很快就冷了。 LOUIS: We can live like this? On the blood of animals? 路易:我们能这么生活吗?靠动物的血? LESTAT: I wouldnt call it living. Id call it surviving. A useful trick if youre caught for a month on a ship at

29、sea. Theres nothing in the world now that doesnt hold some. 莱斯特:我可不把这称为生活,我把它叫作求生存。若你要一整个月在轮船上,这就是一个很有用的伎俩。在这世界上没有什么是更有 LOUIS: Fascination. 路易:魅力 LESTAT: Yes. And Im bored with this prattle 莱斯特:是的。我不想再扯这些 LOUIS: But we can live without taking human life. Its possible. 路易:但我们可以不靠杀人而活。这是可能的。 LESTAT: A

30、nything is possible. But just try it for a week. Come into New Orleans and let me show you some real sport! 莱斯特:任何事都是有可能的。但就尝试一个星期吧。去新奥尔良,我给你看看有意思的事!LOUIS (V.O.): Lestat killed two, sometimes three a night. A fresh young girl, that was his favorite for the first of the evening. For the seconds he pr

31、eferred a gilded, beautiful youth. But the snob in him loved hunting in society. And the blood of the aristocrats thrilled him best of all. 路易(旁白):莱斯特每天晚上杀两到三个人。漂亮的女孩子是他晚上的第一道菜。接下来是年轻貌美的男子。但他的虚荣心使他喜欢在上流社会捕猎。贵族的血最能令他兴奋。 LESTAT: The trick is not to think about it. You see that one? The widow St. Clair

32、? She had that gorgeous young fop murder her husband. 莱斯特:秘诀就是别想太多。你看见那个人了吗,那是圣克莱尔夫人。她让她的那个小白脸儿杀死了她丈夫。 LOUIS: How do you know? 路易:你怎么知道的? LESTAT: Read her thoughts. 莱斯特:读她的内心。 Louis turns to look at him. (路易十分吃惊地看着他。 ) LESTAT: Read her thoughts. 莱斯特:读心术。 LOUIS: I cant. 路易:我做不到。 LESTAT: The dark gift

33、 is different for each of us. But one thing is true of everyone. We grow stronger as wego along. Just take my word for it. She blamed a slave for his murder. Imagine what they did to him. The evildoers are easier. And they taste better. 莱斯特:我们每个人的黑暗禀赋各不相同。但有一样是可以肯定的,我们会越来越强大。记住我的话吧。她找了个奴隶作替罪羊,想想看他们怎

34、么对待他。杀死恶人更容易,味道也更美 WIDOW ST. CLAIR: Bonsoir Monsieur. Monsieur, bonsoir. 圣克莱尔寡妇:晚上好,先生。 (对路易)先生,晚上好。 YOUTH: Where are we going? 年轻人(就是那个脸涂得比吸血鬼还白的小白脸儿):我们去哪儿? LESTAT: Nowhere. 莱斯特:哪儿也不去。 WIDOW ST. CLAIR: Now, young man, you really amaze me! Im old enough to be your grandmother. OhYes, thats the melo

35、dy, I remember it. Oh yes. Murder! Murderer! My little papillions! My butterflies! He killed them! Oh no! 圣克莱尔寡妇:哦,年轻人,你真令我吃惊。我的年纪足够做你的祖母!哦是的,就是这种感觉。我还记得。哦是的凶手!凶手!我的小宝贝!我的甜心!他杀了它们,哦不! LESTAT: You whining coward of a vampire who prowls the night killing rats and poodles. You could have finished us both! 莱斯特:你这个吸血鬼懦夫,成天只知道杀老鼠和小狗。你会害死我们的! LOUIS: Youve condemned me to hell. 路易:你令我身处地狱。 LESTAT: I dont know any hell 莱斯特:我从来不知道什么地狱 LESTAT: HaThats more likely, anger, fury, thats why I choice youBut you cant kill me, Louis. Fe


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