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1、大学英语考试四级听力考前辅导A.应试策略 所谓应试策略指应付考试的有效手段,一般包括 (1)预读选项 预读选项指在听之前先将试题的四个选项浏览一遍。这是做好听力必备的技巧。通过分析四个选项可以对所提问的问题有个大体的了解,带着问题去听,有助于提高注意力,将注意力集中于对话中的某一点信息,减少听的负担,解题也更加准确,快捷。(2)记笔记 记笔记是一项比较重要的听力技巧,尤其是在听短文时,实际上听力中也有对记笔记的专项考题,如听写填空。因为各题的四个选项都有可能在对话中或文章中出现,记笔记有助于分清具体的细节,以免出现混淆。(3)整体理解 无论是对话还是文章都是围绕一个主题展开的,文章的一切细节都

2、是用来说明一个主题。一般选择题的设计也都是针对文章的主题和用来说明主题的有关细节。在听的时候,考生通过预读选项了解了文章的话题范围,这样在听的之后就可以搜索与该话题有关的信息,前后联系,综合考虑,从而把握文章的主题。前后的关联,整体的把握对听力文章的理解至关重要,不能因为细节而忽略整体。要做到整体理解需要: 注意文章的首句。一般文章的主题由首句提出,然后以举例、列举、比较、对照等手段,抓住首句也就掌握了文章的主题,对文章的叙事方式也就有了预测性的了解。理解起来也就简单了许多。 抓关键词。并不是每个单词,每个句子都同样的重要,有的是论点,有的是论据,有的只表示关联,更有很多是冗余信息。因此,在听

3、的时候,同学们要注意分清哪些是关键词汇,哪些是关键句子,将注意力集中在关键之处。 忽略。所谓忽略,指当同学们遇到难以理解的词句时不要停,而是跳过去,继续听下文,根据上下文的关系去理解文章。(4)推测同学们可以通过出现的词汇推测对话发生的地点,会话人之间的关系,各自的身份等。 (1)利用出现的词汇判断对话发生的地点以及会话人之间的关系和身份、职业等。(2) 利用话题和主题知识把握全文: 文章的主题一般出现在文章的首句,在听时一定要注意首句的理解,然后根据首句推测文章可能会包括的内容,在听的过程注意用来说明主题的信息,进行前后的连贯思索,就可以轻松地理解全文。事实上听力中也有对文章主题的考查。B.

4、对话部分的应试技巧听力测试的对话内容主要是日常生活中的一般交际内容,涉及到衣、食、住、行、工作和学习等。对话的题材主要谈工作情况、职业特点、家庭计划、行为动机、事件背景、人物动态、行动意图等。根据近年,尤其是 2003 年 6 月四级听力测试的试题来看,听力材料中的句子结构渐趋复杂,主从复合句明显增加,隐含否定题型,言外之意题型和重复反问题型时有出现,而且语境材料偏长,信息量大、选项相对较长,这就使四级听力的难度大大增加,考虑到听力测试命题的这种趋势,同学们更应该明确主攻方向,针对听力测试的重点和难点,做好复习备考工作。1 有关“对话” 部分中的常见短语与表达方式:(1) 职业与身份:a, 教

5、师与学生可能的场景:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生校对论文打印错误。常见词与短语:textbook, course, subject, homework, assignment, test, quiz, tuition, school record(成绩单),credits(学分),registration, quit school, term paper, thesis(毕业论文),band (乐队),Students Union, gymnasium, homecoming(校友聚会), dormitory, teaching building,d

6、o research for ,professor, semester, work as ones teaching assistant, assistance, assist, trouble a professor, may I ask you a few questions, I have a class at ten, come in ones office hours, finish reading ones research report, revise (improve) some parts of it, get it published, read some papers h

7、e recommended, correct all the typing errors in a paper, read it through again, check the paper for typing errors 等。b, 图书馆管理员与学生常见词与短语:library, book for reading assignment, magazine, periodical, fiction, reading room, library card, library catalogue(图书馆的图书目录), loan desk(借书处), journal, reference book

8、, stacks(书库), shelves, renew, due(到期的), overdue (过期的),close, open, weekend, weekday, check out, volume two (ten), check for sb., borrow, one the upper shelf, a book hard to identify/ is missing, has been misplaced 等。c, 营业员与顾客常见词与短语:on sale, bargain, price, out of style(老式), fashion, ready-made (成衣)

9、, cloth pattern(花纹,图案),tip, cash or charge(付现金还是记账),department store, cashier, supermarket, daily necessities, check-out stand(付款柜台), receipt, shop assistant, salesman, clerk 等。d,饭店与顾客常见词与短语:seasoning(调味品) , menu, wine, drink, food, snack, banquet-tray(餐盘) , paper napkin(纸餐巾), go Dutch(各自付账) ,recept

10、ionist, service counter, a single room, a double room, customer, manager, boss, well-done(全熟的), underdone(半熟的)等。e,医生与病人常见词与短语:hospital, doctor, nurse, patient, operation, ward, physician, medicine, surgery, hospital registers office(挂号处), outpatient department(门诊部), emergency department (急诊部) , to s

11、uffer from, to give an infection, to give first-aid treatment(急诊)等。(2)地点与方向a,Hospital( 医院 )常见词与短语:blood pressure, cough, fever, a headache, pills, tablets, take ones temperature, take medicine, patient, doctor, nurse, dentist, a physical examination, physician 等。b,Bank( 银行)常见词与短语:account, bank clerk

12、, current account(活期存款帐户), check, service charge, cash the cheque, saving/check account(储蓄/支票帐户)等。c,Hotel(宾馆)常见词与短语:hotel, motel, a single/double room, a suite, book a room, check in/out, register, fill in a room, make a reservation, lobby, Room Service, reception, front desk, porter, tip 等。d, Railw

13、ay station(火车站)常见词与短语:train, platform, passenger, check in/out, catch a train, miss a train, fail to catch a train 等。e, Bus station/stop(汽车站)常见词与短语:conductor, passenger, fare, next stop, the terminal station(终点站)等。f,Airport or on plane(飞机场或在飞机上)常见词与短语:airliner, airlines, land, take off, flight, on b

14、oard, boarding card, departure, arrival, destination, cancel a flight, delay, check in, luggage, fasten the safe belt, crew 等。g, Library(图书馆)常见词与短语:librarian, assistant, call number, book, due, overdue, return, renew, borrow, lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, fine(罚款), fiction, novel, magazine, b

15、ookshelf 等。h, Movie/Theatre(影剧院)常见词与短语:film, movie, play, show, drama, row, seat, be on (上演,上映), performance, program, Shakespeare, Oscar, ticket, check in, The Twelfth Night等。i,Store( 商店)常见词与短语:department store, the grocers, drug store, shop, go shopping, market, on sale, sell well, size ,type, fas

16、hion, style, color, cost, price, counter, brand, cash, check, assistant, May I help you? What can I do for you? How much does it cost? Here you are. pay, buy, purchase, change(零钱), US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, pounds, shelling, penny 等。j,School/University(学校)常见词与短语:campus, department, dean, colleg

17、e, professor, teacher, student, tutor, lecturer, headmaster, principal, lecture, academic report, textbook, semester, examination, test, lab, required course(必修课), elective course(选修课), gymnasium, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, grade, bachelors degree, m

18、asters degree, doctors degree 等。k,Restaurant(餐馆)常见词与短语:make a reservation, order(点菜), soft drink, wine, beer, brandy, whisky, dessert, salad, soup, bread, rice, noodle, potato, tomato, beef, meat, pork, chicken, mutton, pie, roast, fry, steam(蒸), a dish, main food, menu, Help yourself, Im full. cook

19、, delicious, taste, smell, waiter, waitress, pay the bill, cash, go Dutch(各付各的帐)等。l,Post office(邮局)常见词与短语:post, mail, postage, stamp, envelope, parcel, air-mail, EMS(Emergent Mail Service), registered mail, transfer(汇款), postcard, telegram, fax(facsimile), cable(电报) 等。m, Customs house(海关)常见词与短语:decl

20、are(报关), clear/clearance(清关), tariff(关税), pay duty on, duty free, fill in the form, article(物品), passenger, smuggling/smuggle, drugs, illegal, legal 等。n, Meeting(会议)常见词与短语:deliver a speech, preside, host, chairman/chairperson, conclude, propose, suggest, for, against, agree, disagree, reinforce, arg

21、ue, debate, dispute, solution, decide/decision 等。o, Dance & party(舞会/聚会)常见词与短语:gather, together, DJ, disco, have a ball, dance with, music, band, dancer, singer, May I have the pleasure of next dance?等。p, Gas station(加油站)常见词与短语:pull in/out, petrol, gasoline, fill in the tank, litre 等q, At home(家里)常见

22、词与短语:housework, go to bed, retire to bed, housewife, sitting room, bedroom, washing room, do cooking, gardening, take a rest, in the garden 等。r, Court(法庭 )常见词与短语:your honor, jury, judge, justice, case, counselor, recess, lawyer, witness, victim, proof, identity, suspicion, to be executed sentence(裁决

23、), imprisonment, execution, laws, legal, illegal, defendant, complainant 等。2. 对话部分考查的重点有:1) 地点根据对话内容判断对话发生的地点或对话中所提事件发生的地点是四六级英语听力测试中常见的也是比较重要的一个题型。2) 职业、身份根据说话内容判断说话者的身份和职业是四级听力测试中又一常见题型。3) 计算题计算题在四六级英语听力中属于比较难的题型,要求同学们不仅能分辨不同的时间、金钱等数量概念,还应能将听到的各个数量联系起来进行加减运算。4) 言外之意、弦外之音推测说话者话中之话是听力中必考的题型。从试题的设计特点

24、来看,大体有一下几种:(1)对虚拟语气的考查包含虚拟语气的听力考题中一般都有“是不非“ 相对的选项,这就要求同学们了解虚拟语气的表意功能,根据虚拟语气判断正确选项。(2)对建议的考查建议题要求大家掌握建议的各种表达方式,根据建议选择正确选项。建议的常用表达方式有:Why not ? What do you think of ? If I were you/If I were in your shoes, I would Shall we ? I suggest . Youd better/You ought to.(3) 对话题的考查话题指会话双方所谈论的话题,要求同学们具有概括能力。(4)同

25、义表达方式的考查同义表达方式,也就是同学们对具体句式、短语、词组甚至单词的理解。在听力选择中,相当一部分情况下,答案就是对话信息的同义表达方式。(5)上下义概念的考查有些问题问的是含义之类,但其实考查的是对上下义关系的掌握。3.对话听力中其它考查项目,如因果、条件、否定、比较等等。a.肯定与否定(1)含否定语义的副词和形容词,如: hardly, barely, scarcely, rarely, little, seldom, few 等。(2)含否定语义的代词和连词, 如:nobody, nothing, neither, nor 等。(3)含否定意义的词缀, 如:im-,un-,mis-

26、,dis-, -less 等。(4)含否定语义的动词、动词词组及介词词组,如:fail, miss, avoid, deny, hate, stop, refuse, doubt, far from, anything but, instead of, rather than 等。(5)含 too.to 的结构。(6)强调否定句,句首的否定词多数是 never, little, rarely, 并且句子必须倒装,如:Never before have I., Little did they., Rarely do we.等。(7) 双重否定句,如 not uncommon, no one ca

27、n deny., not care less 等。(8) 注意缩写形式的否定读音,如: arent, dont, hasnt, werent, wasnt 等。b.具有倍数意义的名词、形容词、副词或动词等times 乘,quarter 四分之一, twice 两倍,one-third/fourth 三/四分之一,couple 双,三两个,discount 折扣, half(of) 的一半,half as much/ many as 加半倍,一倍半, double 使加倍,增加一倍,twice as much/ many as 是的两倍 percentage 百分比,off 减、降、少, pai

28、r(a pair of) 一对,一双c.比较与选择asas 和一样,not as/not so as 和不一样,twice (half) as as是两倍一半 三组表示同级比较。more/lessthan,not morethan,not/no+ 比较级(最高级)三组表示不等比较:“ 比更”。类似词还有 never better, nothing better, than ever before, than anyone else, than anything else 等等。其它:the more,the more表示越越,not so much as (=less than ) 与其说不如

29、说其它暗含的比较形式还有:动词 prefer rather than/to , reduce (to),形容词 top, favorite,句型 would rather than (宁可也不),the last (the least likely) ,not the less (none the less)仍然,依然。4下面重点介绍一些听力中常见的疑难句式,下面具体介绍以下几种类型:1、Id like toI d love to,but 。表否定,重点放在 but 后面。如:The students English club is having a party on Saturday nig

30、htCan you come?I would like to,but I work at a restaurant on weekends (1990 年 1 月)2、使用虚拟语气的句子。在很多四级听力考试试题当中,经常采用虚拟语气,这些句子形式上是肯定的,但往往表达一种“本应该,本可以(却没有) ,希望”的情绪,放在一定的语言环境中表否定。而这一点也是考生常忽略的,要特别注意。如:If the traffic wasnt so bad,I could have been home by 6:00What a pity!John was here to see you (1990 年 1 月)

31、 (意思是如果早到家的话,就可以见到约翰了,但是事实是因为交通堵塞,没能及时回家)3、Im sorry , 。这种句型是委婉的否定,其后一般接原因。如:Hello, may I speak to John Smith, please?Im sorry,nobody by that name works here (1990 年 1 月) (意思是说没有叫约翰史密斯的人)4、由形容词 last 构成的特殊句型。这种结构的字面意思是“是最后一个 ”,但真正的意思是“是最不可能的”。如:Would you like to go mountain climbing with us?Thats the

32、last thing in the world I want to do (字面意思是爬山是这世界上我最后想做的事,反过来讲就是根本不想去爬山)5、anything but 句型。此句型在四级考试中语法与结构部分考过,如果出现在听力理解部分,应该来说比较难,但是如果我们掌握了它的基本意思“除 以外的任何事物” 或“根本不”,并在听的过程中多加小心的话,还是可以做对的。如:Everyone is helping out with dinner Could you make the soup?Anything but that (意思是我不可能做汤)6、由一些特殊短语构成的句型。这种短语很多,因此

33、就需要学生平时不断地积累,这里举两个短语为例:Youre not much of a rock and roll fan, are you?Its far from being my favorite kind of music,thats for sure (这里的 be far from 短语意思是“远非”,可理解为“这根本不是我所喜欢的音乐” )(b) 、形否定意肯定的句型(分别介绍六类):1、Why dont youWhy not ?这种句型相对来说比较简单,意思是 “为什么不呢?”,但我们还是应该注意它真正表达的是一个肯定概念,即“建议做某事 ”。如: John,I dont kno

34、w what to get for your fatherHe has just about everything,doesnt he? Do you have any suggestions? Why dont you get him a pocket calculator?(1990 年 6 月)2、Do you mind ?问句的回答用 No, of course not或者 Not at all 。虽然字面上是否定的,而且也理解为“不介意” ,但考虑到具体的语境,通常都应理解为肯定的,意思是对方可以做其想做的。如:Do you mind if I borrow your note?No

35、,of course notThey are on my desk (1994 年 1 月) (从侧面讲可以使用)3、not until 句型。此句型一般都应理解为“直到才”,因此是肯定的。如:When can the doctor see me?He wont be free until tomorrow (1995 年 1 月) (意思是直到明天才能见你)4、not more better 构成的特殊句型。此句型意思是不可能有比这样更好的情况发生了,反过来讲就是指这样很好,说者对此表示赞许,所以此句型仍然表示的是肯定意思。如:I think its high time we turned

36、our attention to the danger of drunk driving nowI cant agree with you moreYou see countless innocent people are killed by drunk drivers each year (1997 年 6 月) (意思是说后者非常同意第一人的观点)5、Without a doubt;Dont mention it;No problem 等作为回答的否定句型。这些我们常用的作为回答的句型,其实在语境中通常是用作肯定的回答,意思是“没问题” ,肯定是这样的。如:Do you think we

37、have to review the chapter of Industrial Revolution?Without a doubt,it will be on the exam6、由一些除 not 和 never 之外的否定词如 hardly,seldom ,scarcely,rarely 等构成的句型。这种句型其实本身就应归结为否定句,但在此将其放到这里是想强调这些句子如果出现在听力理解当中,学生经常容易疏忽这些词的否定意思,因此需特别留意。如:What a surprise!Tim has improved his English so much after a holiday abroadI can hardly hear an accent (意思是几乎听不出有任何地方口音)


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