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1、中考英语词类知识点梳理及操练一铁西精品英语高分家教监督电话:024-31688948主编人:吴军一. 冠词:冠词用在名词的前面,有定冠词“the”与不定冠词“a;an”之分。定冠词表示“ 确指”,译作“这( 那)个”;不定冠词表示“泛指”,译作“ 一个” 。例题解析:( ) _ lady over there is _ university teacher.A) A, the B) The, an C) The, a D) The, the“over there”意为“那边的”,是后置定语,它表示前面名词“lady”(女士)是“确指” 的说法,因此要加上定冠词“the” 。后半句意为 “一位大

2、学教师”,是泛指的说法,因此要加上不定冠词“a”或“an”。由于“university”的读音起始于辅音“j” ,因此要加定冠词“a”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) He prefers playing _ piano to playing _ hockey.A) the, the B) the, / C) / , / D) / , the“piano”意为“钢琴”,属于乐器,要求前面加定冠词“the”。后半句中“hockey” 意为“曲棍球”,属于球类活动,要求不加任何冠词。所以本题答案应该选“B”。( ) Mr. Black was made _ manager of our comp

3、any.A) / B) a C) an D) the“manager”表示被选的职位,前面不应加任何冠词。所以本题答案应该选“A” 。此外,冠词还有许多特殊的用法:1. 由普通名词组成的专有名词前,要加定冠词,如:the Great Wall(长城)2. 在拼音名词前,一般不加任何冠词,如:Thomas Green;Changfeng Park3. 在江、河、湖、海前,即使是拼音名词,也要加定冠词“the”,如:the Dongting Lake4. 一般用“单数名词加a ;复数名词不加the”来表示“泛指”的意思。习题训练:Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用

4、 A、B、C 或 D 表示,填入空格内 ):( ) 1. There is _ “u” in _ word “uniform.”.A) an, a B) an, the C) a, a D) a, the( ) 2. _ sign here stands for _ mistake.A) A, a B) A, the C) The, a D) The, the( ) 3. We made Joyce _ monitor _ her experience.A) a, because B) the, because C) / , because of D) the , because of( )

5、4.Two months ago Mr. Green wrote _ article on Shanghai International Art Festival.A) the B) an C) a D) / ( ) 5. Q: Is Mr. White _ teacher of your school? A: Yes. _ teacher is from Australia.A) a, A B) a, The C) the, The D) the, A( ) 6. Paul is _ European student. He likes to study _ history of China

6、.A) a, the B) a, / C) an, the D) an, /( ) 7. This is _ honey. As we all know, _ honey is sweet.A) / , the B) / , / C) the, / D) the, the( ) 8. They didnt catch the last train because of _.A) some heavy traffics B) any heavy trafficC) heavy traffic D) a heavy traffic( ) 9. It wont take long, its only

7、 _ walk.A) ten-minutes B) ten minutes C) ten minutes D) ten-minutes二.名词: 名词表示人或物体的名称,有普通名词(park)、专有名词(Peter;Party)、集合名词(family, class, police)、缩写名词(SARS, CEO, WTO)等。总体上说,它们可以分成两大类;即可数名词和不可数名词。要注意它们在句中的不同要求和变化。例题解析:( ) His grandfather is _.A) Robert Bob B) Tom Black C) Kate White D) Black Green英语中,人的

8、姓名排列是倒过来的;先是名,即“first name”,后为姓,即“second name”,也可叫做“family name”或“surname”。做这类题目,必须先搞清楚哪个单词是表示名字,哪个单词是表示姓氏,名字还要分清男女性别。这道题中说的是“爷爷” ,是男名,所以本题答案应该选 “B”。( ) _ are playing tennis in the playground.A) The Browns B) The Browns C) Browns D) Browns英语中,姓氏前加定冠词“the”,后面加“s” ,有“ 一家人”之意。所以本题答案应该选 “A”。( ) Be caref

9、ul. There is a _ hole in the ground.A) two-foot-deep B) two-feet-deep C) two-foot deep D) two-feet deep这道题目考的是复合形容词。在复合形容词中的名词应该用单数形式,在整个复合形容词中的各个单词都要用短横“ ”来连接。由于它被看作为一个普通的形容词,因此,在可数名词前还要再加上冠词。此句中, “一个两英尺深的洞”应译为“a two-foot-deep hole”,所以本题答案应该选“A”。( ) Hes got bad toothache. Hed better go to _.A) dent

10、ist B) the dentist C) the dentists D) see the dentists“去看牙科医生”可译为“go to see the dentist”或“go to the dentists”。后一个词语中的“the dentists”表示“the dentists clinic”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) The _ teachers wondered if the _ students were in trouble.A) woman, boy B) woman, boys C) women, boy D) women, boys英语中, “女教师们”应该

11、译为“women teachers”,而“男学生们” 应该译为“boy students”。 所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) _ came that Houston Rocket won again and Yao Ming got the most scores.A) A news B) Message C) Word D) Words“据说” 在英语中有多种说法:“It was said that”、 “Word came that”、 “News came that”、 “A message came that”等。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) All of a sudden, s

12、omething on the ground caught _.A) his eye B) his eyes C) his own eyes D) eyes of his own“catch ones eye”是固定词组,意为“ 引起某人注意”;即“be noticed by sb.”。此句中, “eye”是“ 视线”之意,由“eyesight”演变而来。随着语言的发展,一些词语会产生演变,大致上都是朝“简单化”方向发展,如:“countryside”“country”、 “mankind”“man” 、 “campsite”“camp”、 “in the daytime”“in the da

13、y”等。所以本题答案应该选“A”。( ) The lady with long _ found her husband had already got three gray _.A) hair, hair B) hair, hairs C) hairs, hair D) hairs, hair要掌握英语中哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。但是有些名词具有可数和不可数两种性质,要靠具体说法来判别。如这道题中的“hair”(头发)就是这类词。前半句说的是“ 一头长发”,是不可数名词;后半句说的是“三根白发”,是可数名词。所以本题答案应该选“B”。习题训练:Choose the best answe

14、r (选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C 或 D 表示,填入空格内 ):( ) 1. He has got _ to tell you.A) a good news B) some news C) a lot news D) many news( ) 2. Its seven oclock. _ are sitting at table.A) Mr. Greens B) The Greens C) The Greens D) Greens( ) 3. Your brother is the same _ mine.A) old as B) age as C) old like D) age li

15、ke( ) 4. Our bodies need food to give us _.A) health B) strong C) energy D) taste( ) 5. A lemon is the same _ as a banana.A) yellow B) colour C) fresh D) sweet( ) 6. What kind of _ do you like best?A) watermelon B) the watermelon C) a watermelon D) watermelons( ) 7. Look at this magazine. Lets do th

16、e _ about eating habits.A) quiz B) list C) cooking D) dinner三.代词:代词是名词的代用词,有指示代词(this, those)、人称代词主宾格(I, me)、形容词性物主代词(my)、名词性物主代词(mine)、反身代词(myself)、不定代词(either, others, anything, nobody)。其中,不定代词的变化最复杂。在不同的句子中,它们的变化和要求都不一样,这一点我们一定要有充分的认识,不能掉以轻心。例题解析:( ) Would you please give _?A) him it B) it him C)

17、 to him it D) it to him英语中,当直接宾语(人)与间接宾语(物)都用人称代词时,一定要先讲间接宾语(物)后讲直接宾语(人) ,而且要在直接宾语(人)前加上介词“to”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) She always thinks of _ more than _.A) others, her B) the others, she C) others, herself D) the others, herself在英语中, “别人”属于“ 泛指”,应译为“others”。后半句是介词“of”的宾语。由于这里的“她” 与主语的“她”是属于同一个人,因此不能用人称代词

18、宾格作宾语,要用反身代词作宾语才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) Some people like watching the sports news, _ prefer TV series.A) the others B) the other C) others D) another 在英语中, “一些,另一些 ”有两种译法:“Some , the others ”是属于“非此即彼”的两部分情况,而“Some , others ”是指有第三部分的情况存在。本题意为“ 一部分人喜欢看体育消息,而另一部分人比较欣赏电视剧”,显然还有其他人喜欢其他的内容,所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) The

19、 light in the room was too poor for _ to see it clearly.A) everyone B) someone C) anyone D) none英语中, “too to”意为“太 而不能” ,具有否定的含义。因此, “for sb.”中应该选运用在否定句中的“anyone”才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) _ the fuel here is from foreign countries, so we must make full use of it.A) Some B) Much C) The most of D) Most of带有定冠

20、词“the”的名词前,应该用代词词组:“some of”(意为 “其中一些”) 、 “much of”(意为“ 其中许多”) 、 “most of”(意为“其中大多数 ”)等。 “the mose of”(意为“其中最多的” )在本句中的译法欠妥,所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) Can you call on my mother on Saturday or Sunday? Im afraid _ day is possibleA) either B) each C) both D) neither在英语中,有“两者”和“ 三者以上” 的不同词语说法:“both” 意为“两者都”、 “all

21、”意为“三者以上都” 、“neither”意为“ 两者都不 ”、 “none”或 “no one”意为“三者以上都不” 、 “either”意为“ 两者之一”、 “one”意为“ 三者以上之一”、 “between”意为“两者之间”、 “among”意为“ 三者以上之间”。根据本题句意,答句应该是说 “我恐怕没有一天能行”, 所以本题答案应该选 “D”。( ) There are three bathrooms in the house. One is upstairs, _ two are downstairs.A) other B) the other C) others D) the o

22、thers在英语中, “另两个”的译法有多种:“the other two”、 “the others”、 “the rest”。由于本句中讲到三间浴室,“另两间”的说法应该是“ 确指”的,因此,必须有定冠词“the” 。又由于后句已经写了 “two”,因此这里要选作形容词用的“other” 。 所以本题答案应该选“B” 。( ) The dishes on Table One are much fewer than _ on Table Two.A) that B) those C) dishes D) /要注意所比较的两个对象具有对称性:这句是“the dishes on Table On

23、e”(一桌上的菜)和“the dishes on Table Two”(二桌上的菜)作比较,因此后半句中的“菜”字不能省略。 “that”与“those” 是比较级句中的专用代词。由于该句中所比较的对象是复数,因此,要用“those”来代替前面的名词。所以本题答案应该选“B”。( ) There are more people in this room than _ in that one.A) that B) those C) people D) /要注意在“There is ”或“There are ”的比较级句型中,习惯上不用上题所讲到的专用代词。所以本题答案应该选“D”。习题训练:Ch

24、oose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C 或 D 表示,填入空格内 ):( ) 1. Show your watch _ me. _ is slow.A) to, Mine B) to, My C) for, Mine D) for, My( ) 2. _ do you like _, the summer holidays or the winter holidays?A) What, better B) What, best C) Which, better D) Which, best( ) 3. She wrote a letter and encl

25、osed a photo of _ taken in her housing estate.A) herself B) her C) hers D) myself( ) 4. She told Jack, Tom and me to _ among _.A) talk it over, us B) talk over it, usC) talk it over, ourselves D) talk over it, ourselves( ) 5. Ill do it by myself. I wont need _ help.A) anyones else B) anyone elses C)

26、 anyone others D) other anyones( ) 6. I heard _ until my friend told me about it.A) everything B) something C) nothing D) anything( ) 7. Would you like _ more bread, Jack?A) any B) another C) little D) a little( ) 8. Only one student got the right answer. But _ didnt.A) the other B) another C) other

27、s D) the rest( ) 9. He doesnt think _ of them will go there with you.A) none B) some C) many D) much( )10. The film is dull and _ people like it.A) a few B) few C) a little D) little( )11. Have you all _?A) got ready everything B) got everything ready forC) got everything ready D) got ready for ever

28、ything( )12. Help _ to some sweets, everyone.A) yourselves B) your own C) yourself D) by yourself( )13. He has six uncles. Five of them are doctors and _ is a driver.A) another B) the sixth C) other D) the other( )14. Believe or not, I did it all by _.A) me B) us C) myself D) ourselves( )15. A: Are

29、these two books yours ? B: No, _ of them is mine.A) either B) none C) both D) neither( )16. Neither of the twins _ the toy train.A) like B) likes C) is like D) are like四.数词: 数词有基数词和序数词之分:基数词表示数量概念;序数词表示顺序概念。首先要注意一些数词在写法上的变化,如:forty;ninth;twentieth 更要注意它们在句子中的不同用法和变化。例题解析:( ) About _ students went to

30、 the picture show that day.A) hundreds of B) two hundreds C) two hundred of D) two hundred“about”意为“大约”,是指具体数量,因此,不能用表示不定数量的词语“hundreds of”(意为“成百个” ) 。在表示确定数量时,英语中的“hundred”不加“s”,即不变复数。再由于“students”前没有定冠词“the”,不是“其中”之意,因此,也不能加介词“of”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) _ of _ Class Four students have joined the singin

31、g group.A) Three-fifths, the B) Three-fifth, the C) Three-fifths, / D) Three-fifth, /英语中, “几分之几”的表达方式是分子用基数词、分母用序数词,中间用短横 “”连接。当分子大于“ 一”时,分母序数词要加“s”。再由于本题句中数量用的是“of”词组,即意为 “其中的五分之三”,因此后面的名词“students”必定是“确指”的,要加定冠词“the”。 所以本题答案应该选 “A”。在这里要特别注意的是:不要看到“students”前有修饰词“Class Four”就不敢加定冠词“the”,要懂得这里的“the”

32、 是修饰“students”的。同样, “the English language”词语的表达形式也类似于此种情况。习题训练:Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C 或 D 表示,填入空格内 ):( ) 1.John has twelve coins and Joan has _ ones, three times as many as John.A) thirteen B) fifteen C) thirty-six D) forty-eight( ) 2.The post code used in our neighbourhood is _.A)

33、 56348574 B) 200333 C) a quarter D) a dozen( ) 3.Today is her brothers birthday. _ is on _.A) She, fifth of May B) She, May fifth C) Hers, May fifth D) Hers, May the fifth( ) 4. _ of the students go to school by bike.A) Two-three B) Two-thirds C) Two-threes D) Two-third( ) 5.There are about _ seats

34、in the hall.A) two hundreds B) two hundred C) hundreds of D) two hundred of( ) 6. A: How often should we publish the paper? B: _.A) In one weeks time B) Once a month C) After two weeks D) For half a month( ) 7. About _ the students went to the Science Museum last Thursday. A) hundreds of B) two hund

35、red C) two hundred of D) two hundreds 五.介词:介词是一种虚词,它不能单独使用,后面要跟名词、人称代词宾格或动名词。同一个动词,搭配不同的介词,可以衍变出各种不同含义的词组来,而且在不同场合所用介词也各不相同。因此,介词的用法是比较复杂的,要求我们去逐个记住。只有在看懂、理解整个句意的前提下,才能选对正确的介词。例题解析:( ) Mr. Brown flew to Washington _ the night before last.A) in B) on C) at D) / 在表达某一天的具体时间时,应该用介词“on”。但是本句是表达“在前天的夜里”

36、,与“在前天”(the day before yesterday)相仿,前面不该用任何介词,所以本题答案应该选“D” 。( ) The school gate is _ the north of the classroom building.A) in B) to C) on D) at在英语中,表达“东、南、西、北 ”的方位介词常见有三个:表示在方位区域的内部时,用介词 “in”。如:The playground is in the south of the school.(操场在学校的南面。 )表示在与方位区域连壤的外部时,应该用介词“on” 。如: Room 203 is on the

37、west of Room 205.(203 室在 205 室的西面。 )表示在与方位区域不连壤的外部时,应该用介词“to”。如:Shanghai is to the east of Nanjing.(上海在南京的东面。 )本题的“校门” 在“教学大楼”的北面,应该用介词“to”,所以答案应该选“B” 。( ) Youll get one thousand dollars _.A) after all B) at all C) in all D) all together“after all”意为“到底”、 “毕竟”、 “终于”;“at all”通常与“not” 连用,意为“ 完全不”、 “一点

38、也不” ;“in all”通常用于数量词后面,意为“总共”,同义词是“altogether”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) This bus can run _ 70 miles an hour.A) for B) with C) at D) in在表示“速度”、 “温度”、 “价格”意思时,应该用介词“at”。所以本题答案应该选“C” 。( ) Its said he stayed there quietly _ two oclock that afternoon.A) on B) at C) until D) by“at two oclock that afternoon”意为“ 在昨

39、天下午两点钟”,时态通常用“过去进行时” ;“by two oclock that afternoon”意为 “在昨天下午两点钟前”, 时态通常用“ 过去完成时” ;“until two oclock that afternoon”意为“直到昨天下午两点钟”, 时态通常用“一般过去时” 。本句中“stay” 是延续动词,因此可用“until”句型;如果句中谓语是瞬间动词的话,就应该用“not until”句型了。所以本题答案应该选“C”。( ) Tom didnt attend the lecture yesterday evening _ his illness.A) as B) for C

40、) because D)because of在本句中, “因为生病”是一个词语,而不是原因状语从句,因此,不能选连词 “as”、 “for”或“because”来连接,而要用介词词组“because of”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。( ) Now its quite important _ us to make full use of time.A) for B) to C) of D) with“Its important to sb.”( 意为 “它对某人来说很重要”)是词语搭配, “Its for sb. to do ”(意为“做某事对某人来说是怎样的”)是句型。当两者交叉、重叠使用时

41、,词语要让位于句型。所以本题答案应该选“A”。同样, “I like it so much that ”句型中用“so”、而不用“very”,也属于这种类型的表达方式。( ) Its nice _ you to get the ticket _ F1. Its said the car-race is very exciting.A) of, for B) for, for C) of, of D) for, of这句是“Its of sb. to do”句型,意为“某人真是怎么样,做了某事”。后半句中“ticket for”是固定词语,意为“什么内容的票子”。 所以本题答案应该选“A”。习题

42、训练:Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C 或 D 表示,填入空格内 ):( ) 1. You can draw it _ paints and brushes.A) by B) with C) in D) use( ) 2. What did you have _ breakfast?A) as B) with C) about D) for( ) 3. The police _ helping to make our city a safe place to live and work _.A) is, in B) are, in C) is,

43、/ D) are, /( ) 4. Ive got three question _ you to think about.A) of B) for C) give D) to show( ) 5. We can ask people _ the Festival to do the quiz.A) in B) on C) at D) for( ) 6. What happens when we put some sugar _ a glass of warm water?A) on B) off C) out D) into( ) 7. _ they arrived at the villa

44、ge after all.A) At the end B) In the end C) Last D) Attentively( ) 8. The class teacher was sent _ Christmas cards _ some of the students.A) to, by B) / , by C) to, from D) / , to( ) 9. Q: What is that film _? A: Its a science film.A) like B) about C) on D) for( )10. Why not ask your friend _ some a

45、dvice if youre really in trouble?A) offer B) to give C) to D) for( )11. The beautiful house is _ sale. But it wont be _ sale.A) on, for B) for, on C) with, for D) with, on( )12. The weather here was _ cold last week.A) a kind B) a kind of C) kind of D) kinds of( )13. The singing group is made _ four handsome lads.A) of B) from C) up of D) up from( )14. Something _ wrong _ my watch, Im afraid.A) is, with B) is, in C) are, with D) are, in( )15. There _ a man and two women _ the picture.A) is, on B) are, in


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