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1、中考英语词汇训练 7I. 将下列词组填入合适的句子中:in a hurry , in a loud voice, in a low voice, in bed, in fact, in front of ,in half , in silence, in surprise, in tears , in the open air , in time, in trouble, in turn(s)1. The baby is sleeping. Please dont talk _.2. The teacher went into the classroom _.3. Someone has st

2、olen her purse, She told this to the policeman _.4. People now like to stay _, instead of staying indoors because of SARS.5. The girl folded the paper _ and then cut it into two pieces. 6. Dont read _. Its bad for your eyes. 7. He came back to his hometown _ and had a last look at his dying father.8

3、. When the woman suddenly saw the shadow of the hat, she was _.9. There is a beautiful park _ our school. 10. I asked him not to do it again and again, but he didnt listen .Now he was _ again. How angry I was!11. Boys and girls, take it _ to play the game.12. After having a long-time meeting, they a

4、ll felt tired.Now they are talking _13. She said she knew nothing about the necklace, but _, it was she who stole the necklace.14. She is always _ at meetings.II.完成句子:1. _(使我们惊讶的是) , he was the first to hand in his paper in the exam. 2. You should _(遵守交通信号)when you cross the road. 3. The fellows are

5、 all _(在他们的老板的控制之下).4. China is a great country _(具有悠久历史).5. -Thanks a lot for helping us. -_(别客气).6. The monkey hung _(倒挂)to play with the others.7. The guests are usually offered some _(茶袋)to make tea in hotels. 8. _ the money is to be sent him.(余下的)9. He is _ age _ (与一样)his wife. 10. His mother o

6、ften listens to _(天气预报) after the news report. 11. She is so tall that she can hardly buy _(合适的尺码)clothes. 12. He was sent to _(急救站)as quickly as possibly. 13. - Im sorry that I cant stay with you. -_(没关系).14. “_(对吗)?” the teacher asked, pointing at his answer on the blackboard. 15. “_(太棒了) !” the b

7、oy shouted excitedly when he heard the exciting news. 16.He knows four foreign languages, _ (像)English and Russian. 17. _ they were getting to the top.(一步步地)18. He is _ lovely a boy _(如此以至于)we all like him. 19. He got up early _(是为了)he could catch the fist bus. 20. Weve learned 2000 new words _(到目前为

8、止) .21. The girl looked at the modern dress carefully in _(橱窗).22. Jenny is the best singer in _(合唱队).23. Her mother works as a conductor in _(火车站).24. -Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest _(邮局)?-Sorry. Im new here.25._(中国文化民俗村)is in _ (华侨城).26. _(元旦)is on January 1st. 27. -Let me carr

9、y that for you.-_(没关系).28. Mrs Black has two daughters. _ is a teacher, _ is an account.(一个另一个)29. Tom is _(最好的学生中的一个) she has ever taught. 30. Jim won the gold medal in_(百公尺赛跑).31.-Would you mind if I open the window?-_(不介意).32. His father often goes to Hong Kong _(因公).33. My bike is broken and I h

10、ave to go home _(步行).34. I met an old friend of mine _(在我返回家的路上)35.There is a blackboard and two maps _(在前墙上).36. Please come to school _(准时).37. The teacher often puts her rulers _ (在顶上)the television box. 38. He goes to see his grandma _(一周一次).39. _(从前)the mountain was covered with trees and grass

11、. 40. She is _(不再) a student. 41. The boy _do his homework _(直到才)his father came. 42. There will be _(不上学)tomorrow because of the bad weather. 43. We should help and learn from _(互相).44. The boys looked at _ (互相)and laughed. 45. _ Peter _(要么要么)his friends there. 46. He is _ Japanese _(不是就是)Chinese.

12、47. We know the moon is _(遥远)from the earth. 48. His father works in a city_(遥远).49. The little boy is _(熟睡) soon. 50. He seems to be _(熟睡).51. More and more people like _(快餐) , such as hamburger. 52. There many interesting places to visit in Shenzhen. _(例如), the Window tothe World, Happy Valley. 53

13、. Dont worry about me, I can take care of myself. Im _(长大).54 His son cant ride d bike ,_ (毕竟) he is only five.55. The news spread _(遍及)the country soon.56. He kept silent _(一直)at the meeting.57. They were talking and laughing _(一路上) to school.58. He will write to me _he gets to America.(一就)59. I th

14、ink this book is _ interesting _ that one.(和一样)60. I like English and I like maths _(也).61. There is _(一幅中国地图) and _ (一幅世界地图) on the wall of our classroom.62. His mother went to buy some _(咳嗽药) at a _(药店)63. The man with _(一幅眼镜)is Toms father.64. He found a _(兼职工作) on his spare time.65. I had _(几片)b

15、read for breakfast this morning.66. He didnt get up in time today because his _(闹钟)didnt go off.67. It seems that Mary doesnt know the news _(根本).68. The policeman drove the car _(以高速 ) to send the old man to hospital.69. His father can speak _ (至少)there foreign languages. 70. Walk on and youll see

16、a book shop_(在 的尽头)the street. 71. Today I didnt go to school _(在和往常一样的时间).72. My father isnt at home _(此时此刻).73. When the boy saw the toy, he ran to get it _(立即).74. Ken worked even harder and _(最后) he passed the final examination. 75. My friend Betty has a _ (大量收集)of all kinds of stamps.76. There

17、are _ (一些)cakes and bread on the table. 77. They have done lots of work for their neighbours _(整天).78. Tony has to stay away from school for a few days _ (由于)his illness.79. My friend gave me the _ (最好的祝愿 ) in his letter.80. Many boy students like _ football _(两者都)basketball. 81. The Great Wall was

18、built _(用手工) by Chinese people. 82. We had learned more than 5000 English words _(到末为止)of last term.83. It took them an hour to drive to the _(宿营地).84. Miss Li received a lot of presents on _(教师节).85. _(圣诞节)is the most important festival in western countries. 86. Some of the students will join the L

19、eague on _(中国青年节)87. The teacher bent down and spike _(靠近)Kens face. 2003 年中考英语词汇训练 7 答案I. 1.in a loud voice 2.in a hurry 3.in tears 4.in the open air 5.in half 6.in bed 7.in time 8.in surprise 9.in front of 10.in trouble 11.in turns 12.in a low voice 13. in fact 14.in silenceII. 1. To our surprise

20、2.obey traffic signals 3. under the bosss thumb 4. with a long history 5. You are welcome 6. upside down7. tea bags 8. The rest of 9. the same as 10. the weather forecast 11. the right size12. the first-aid post 13. Never mind14. Is that right 15. Thats great16. such as 17. step by step 18. sothat19

21、. so that 20. so far 21. the shop window22.the singing group 23. railway station 24. the post office25. the Chins Folk Culture Villages/Overseas Chinese Town26. New Years Day 27. Thats all right 28. onethe other29. one of the best students 30.one-hundrred-mettre race31. Not at all 32. on business 33

22、. on foot34. on my way back home 35. on the front wall36. on time 37. on top of 38. once a week39. once upon a time 40. on longer 41. didnt until42. no school 43. each other 44. each other45. eitheror 46. eitheror 47. far away48. far away 49. fast asleep 50. fast asleep51. fast food 52. for example

23、53. fully grown54. after all 55. through 56. all the time57. all the way 58. as soon as 59. asas60. as well 61. a map of China / a map of the World62. cough medicine/chemists shop 63. a pair of glasses 64. part- time job65.some pieces of 66.an alarm clock 67. at all68.at high speed 69. at least 70. at the end of71. at the usual time 72. at this moment 73. at once74.at last 75.a good collection of 76. some77. all day 78. because of 79. best wishes80. bothand 81. by hand 82. by the end83. camping site 84. Chinas Teachers Day85. Christmas Day 86. Chinas Youth Day87. close to


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