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1、2013 年职称英语考试综合类完形填空- A Health Profile摘要: 2013 年职称英语考试报名时间各地陆续公布,职业培训教育网为备考 2013 年职称英语考试的网友提供职称英语备考辅导相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助。点击查看:全国各地 2013 年职称英语考试报名信息汇总A Health ProfileA health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health. To draw your health profile, you will1 what diseases run in

2、your family, what health hazards you may be exposed to2 work, how your daily3 compares to the recommended standards, how much time per week you4 exercising and what type of exercise you engage5 , how stressful your work and family environments are, what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and 6 or

3、 not you have any one of a number of addictions.7 this portrait, your should have a checkup to determine how your blood, heart, and lungs are functioning. This checkup will serve 8a baseline, to which you can then compare later tests.9 this profile is thoroughly drawn. you can begin to think about s

4、etting health priorities based10 your particular portrait. For example, if you drink two martinis every evening, have a high-stress11 , are overweight, smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, and use marijuana occasionally on weekends, you should quit smoking first, followed 12 losing the excess weight, r

5、educing the stress of your job. giving up your marihuana habit, and then finally giving some13to those martinis if you want to prevent first cancer, and then heart disease. Even for the youthful working person who has never been sick a day in his life, who is14 excellent health, a good look at all h

6、ealth habits and at work and home environments may suggest changes that will15him in the future.1.need to know 需要知道2.at work 在工作3.daily diet 日常饮食4.spend much time exercising 花时间锻炼5.engage in 从事6.whether or not 是否7.to complete this profile 为了完成8.serve as a baseline 作为基点9.once 一旦10.based on 以为基础11.hav

7、e a high-stress job 压力巨大的工作12.followed by 跟随13.give some thought to 考虑14.in excellent health 身体健康15.benefit 有益于健康概貌健康概貌是对所有影响健康的因素的一个概述。要描述健康概貌,你要知道有过怎样的家庭病史,在工作时你可能面临什么不利健康的因素,你每日的饮食和推荐的标准相比之下如何,你一个星期当中花费多少时间锻炼,从事什么样的锻炼活动,你的工作和家庭环境给你造成的压力有多大,你经常得什么样的病,是否有一些不良的嗜好。为把这一切描述清楚,你应该进行一次体验,以确定你的血液 、心脏、肺功能是否正常。把这个检测作为一个基点,将以后的检验结果和它做比较。一旦有了这样一个完整的描述,你可以开始考虑根据这个健康概貌确立优先要做的事情比如,如果你每天喝两杯马提尼酒,工作压力很大,过度肥胖,每天抽一包烟,周末偶尔食用大麻,你首先应该停止抽烟,然后减去多余的体重,减轻工作的压力,戒掉吸食大麻的习惯,最后如果你想首先预防癌症,其次预防心脏病的话,那么就该考虑一下马提尼酒里该不该喝。即使对于那些从没得过病的年轻上班族来说,他们身体很好,但认真看看自己工作和家庭生活中的全产健康习惯,做出一些调整会使其在未来受益。


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