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1、Aaccompany vt. 伴奏、陪伴 2 次Tomorrow the mayor is to a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.A) coordinate B) cooperate C) accompany D) associate (2005-1-38)This is the nurse who _ to me when I was ill in hospital. A)accompanied B) attended C) entertained D) shielded (2003-6-52)associate,

2、vt. 使发生联系、使联合。 Vi. 交往结交。N.合作人。Adj. 副的 3 次Tomorrow the mayor is to a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. A) coordinate B) cooperate C) accompany D) associate (2005-1-38) Researchers at the University of Illinois determined that the _of a father can help improve a childs grades.A) inv

3、olvement B) interaction C) association D) communication (2003-9-57)It was in the United States that I made the of Professor Jones. A) acknowledgement B) acquaintance C) recognition D) association (2003-6-61)attach vt.缚上,系上,贴上。Vi.配属,隶属于 2 次Science and technology have in important ways to the improvem

4、ent of agricultural production.A) attached B) assisted C)contributed D)witnessed (2005-1-44) You would be _ a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A) omitting B) attaching C) affording D) running (2002-6-41)Assist v.援助,帮助 2 次Science and technology have in important ways to the improvement

5、 of agricultural production.A) attached B) assisted C)contributed D)witnessed (2005-1-44) He asked us to _ them in carrying through their plan. A) provide B) arouse C) assist D) persist (2003-12-41)Artificially adv.人工的 2 次The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated instead of me

6、chanically.A) artificially B) automatically C) manually D) synthetically (2005-1-47) The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _ instead of mechanically.A) manually B) artificially C) automatically D)synthetically (2002-1-70)automatically adv.自动的 2 次The ships generator broke d

7、own, and the pumps had to be operated instead of mechanically.A) artificially B) automatically C) manually D) synthetically (2005-1-47)The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _ instead of mechanically.A) manually B) artificially C) automatically D) synthetically (2002-1-70)a

8、fford vt.提供,给予,共得起 2 次Only those who can to lose their money should make high-risk investments.A) maintain B) sustain C) endure D)afford (2005-1-55)You would be _ a risk to let your child go to school by himself.A) omitting B) attaching C) affording D) running (2002-6-41)assured 确实的,确定的 2 次As one of

9、 the worlds highest paid models, she had her face for five million dollars.A) deposed B) assured C) measured D) insured (2005-1-60)He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he us that he would try as hard as possible. A) insured C) assumed B) guaranteed D) assured (2003-6-55)amuse

10、vt. 使发笑,使愉快的 2 次The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A) amazed B) awkward C) curious D) amused (1998-6-42) I was so _ in todays history lesson. I didnt understand a thing.A) amazed B) neglected C) confused D) amused (2004-6-41)amaze vt. 使吃惊 2 次The sh

11、y girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A) amazed B) awkward C) curious D) amused (1998-6-42)I was so _ in todays history lesson. I didnt t understand a thing.A) amazed B) neglected C) confused D) amused (2004-6-41),abandon vt 放弃、遗弃 n. 狂热、放任 2 次abandoned adj.

12、 被抛弃的,自甘堕落的Operations which left patients _ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leavethem feeling relaxed and comfortable.A) exhausted B) abandoned C) injured D) deserted (2001,1,67)It is reported that Uruguay understands and _ China on human rights issues. A) grants C) abandons B) chan

13、ges D) backs (2003-12-63)access n. 接近;进入;通路 4 次且全部是正确答案Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _ to the health service.A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access (1998-6-63)Only a few people have _ to the full facts of the incident. A) access C) contact B) resort D) path (200

14、3-12-64)It British government often says that furnishing children with _ to the information superhighway is a top priority.A) procedure C)allowance B) protection D) access (2003-9-55)51 There is no _ to there house from the main road.A) access B) avenue C) exposure D) edge (2002-1-51)adapt v 使适应、编写、

15、改写 adaptable adj 可适应的、可通融的、可改编的 3 次I suggested he should _ himself to his new conditions. A) adapt B) adopt C) regulate D) suit (2001,1,42)Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available (1999-1-69.)It is too early to

16、say whether IBMs competitors will be able to _their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost.A)adapt C) yield B)stick D)adopt (2003-9-64)adopt vt. 采用,收养 3 次I suggested he should _ himself to his new conditions.A) adapt B) adopt C) regulate D) suit (2001,1,42)It is too early to say whether

17、IBMs competitors will be able to _their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost.A)adapt C) yield B)stick D)adopt (2003-9-64)If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A) adopt C) accumulate B) acquire D) assemble (2002-12-34) attend 照料、注意 attention n 注意

18、、专心、关照、考虑 3 次Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A) contribute to B) attribute to C) attend to D) devote to (2001,6,55)Niagara Falls is a great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors every year.A) attention B) attraction C) appointment D) arrangement (2000-1-42)Th

19、is is the nurse who _to me when I was ill in hospital.A) accompanied B) attended C) entertained D) shielded (2003-6-52)assume v 把视为当然,以为;假定为 3 次I didnt _ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. A) assume B) suppose C) mean D) hope(2001-1-53 )The Car Club couldnt _ to meet the demands of all its m

20、embers. A) ensure B) guarantee C) assume D) confirm(2001-6-52)He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he _ us that he would try as hard as possible. A) insured C) assumed B) guaranteed D) assured (2003-6-55)acquire vt. 获得、学到 2 次Not only the professionals but also the amateurs wil

21、l _ from the new training facilities. A) derive B) acquire C) benefit D) reward (2003-6-56)If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A) adopt B) acquire C) accumulate D) assemble (2003-1-34) acquaintance n.相识、熟人 2 次It was in the United States that I made the _ of

22、 Professor Jones.A) acknowledgement B) acquaintance C) recognition D) association (2003-6-61)The author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.A) A)informed B) acquainted C) enlightened D) acknowledged (2002-1.68)accumulate v. 积聚、堆积

23、 3 次Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A) assembled B) accumulated C) piled D) joined (2000-6-44)If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A) adopt B) acquire C) accumulate D) assemble (2002-12-34)_ energy under the earth must be re

24、leased in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.A) Accumulated B) Gathered C) Assembled D) Collected (2002-1-52)assemble v 聚集、集合、会集 4 次Everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. A) assembled B) accumulated C) piled D) joined(2000,6,44)Extensive reporting on televisi

25、on has helped to _ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. A) gather B) generate C) assemble D) yield (2001,6,53)If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A) adopt B) acquire C) accumulate D) assemble (2002-12-34)_ energy under the earth must be rele

26、ased in one form or another, for example, an earthquake. (2002-1-52)A) Accumulated B) GatheredC) Assembled D) Collectedattribute n. 属性、品质、特征、加于、归结于 2 次Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. (2001-6-55)A) contribute to B) attribute toC) attend to D) devote to Everyone

27、should be _ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated. (2002-12-39)A) attributed C) identifiedB) entitled D) justified ambitious adj. 有雄心的、野心勃勃 2 次In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are _ enough to get into universities. (2002-12-52)A) ambitious C) aggress

28、iveB) fortunate D) substantial My brothers plans are very _; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen. (2002-1-58)A) arbitrary B) aggressiveC) ambitious D) abundantanxiety n. 焦急、忧虑、渴望、热望 2 次A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough _.(2000-1-69)A) n

29、uisance B) troubleC) worry D) anxiety To our _, Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. (2002-6-62)A) anxiety B) reliefC) view D) judgmentaccount for v. 说明、占、解决、得分 2 次Id _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about w

30、hether or not to approve a loan. (2000-1-63)A) take into account B) account forC) make up for D) make out I would never have _ a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate. (2002-6-66)A) sought for B) accounted forC) turned up D) resorted toaffair n.事件、事务、私事、恋爱事件 2 次On New Years Eve, New York City ho

31、lds an outdoor _ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. (2001,1,59)A) incident B) eventC) case D) affair The lawyer advised him to drop the _, since he stands little chance to win. (2002-1-43)A) event B) incidentC) case D) affair accurate adj. 正确的,精确的 2 次By law, when one makes a large p

32、urchase, he should have _ opportunity to change his mind. (2000-6-29 )A) accurate B) urgentC) excessive D) adequate The statistical figures in that report are not _. You should not refer to them(2002-1-60)A) accurate B) fixed C) delicate D) rigidalter v 改变、改建、改作 2 次The price of beer _ from 50 cents

33、to $4 per liter during the summer season. (1999-6-44.)A) altered B) rangedC) separated D) differedThe hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. (2000-1-44)A) alter B) shiftC) transfer D) varyapply v 运用、申请、应用 2 次This article _ more attention to the

34、 problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning. (2001,6,57)A) calls for B) applies forC) cares for D) allows forThose gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _.(1999-6-70.)A) appreciated B) approvedC) appealed D) appliedarrangement: 安排 arrange:安排、筹备、整理、计划 2

35、 次Niagara Falls is a great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors every year. (2000-1-42)A) attention B) attraction. C) appointment D) arrangement After the guests left, she spent half an hour _ the sitting-room. (1999-6-64)A) ordering B) arranging C) tidying up D) clearing awayBbarrier n. 栅栏;屏障;海关

36、关卡;障碍物 2 次Deserts and high mountains have always been a _ to the movement of people from place to place. (2004-6-35),A) barrier C) preventionB) fence D) jam 49 Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication _.(2002-1-49)A) tragedy B) vacuumC) question D) barrierbargain v 争

37、论价钱、订约、协议 n. 特价商品 3 次Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city. (1999-1-53)A) debate B) consultC) dispute D) bargainSome people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _ in the market. (1999-6-59.)A) batteries B) bargainsC) baskets D) barrelsThe tes

38、t results are beyond _; they have been repeated in labs all over the world. (2004-6-37)A) negotiation C) bargainB) conflict D) disputebring up v。教育、培养、提出 2 次Computer technology will _ a revolution in business administration. (2003-12-56)A) bring around C) bring out B) bring about D) bring up As the

39、old empires were broken up and new states were formed, new official tongues began to _ at an increasing rate. (2003-12-68)A) bring up C) spring up B) build up D) strike up burst v. 爆裂,炸破,急于,爆发。 N. 突然爆发,爆发,脉冲 2 次In a sudden _ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. (2000,1,60)A) attack B)

40、burstC) split D) blast His trousers _ when he tried to jump over the fence. (2003-12-65)A) cracked C) broke B) split D) burst bare adj.赤裸的,无遮蔽的,空的。Vt. 使赤裸、露出 2 次Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _.(1999-6-49)A) blank B) hollowC) vacant D) bare Could

41、you take a - sheet of paper and write your name at the top?A) bare C) hollowB) vacant D) blank(2003-6-62)blank adj. 空白的,空着的,失色的。N. 空白,空格。 2 次Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _.A) blank B) hollowC) vacant D) bare(1999-6-49) Could you take a sheet of

42、paper and write your name at the top?A) bare C) hollowB) vacant D) blank(2003-6-62)CConsult v.商量、商议、请教、参考、考虑。 3 次Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city.A) debate B) consultC) dispute D) bargain (1999-1-53)Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to with the local police.A) inquire B) consult C) register D) profession (2005-1-33) Please _ dictionaries when you are not sure of word spelling or meaning.A) seek C) searchB) inquire D) consult


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