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1、 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 1 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:小黑雅思基础口语句型讲解Useful Structures and Expressions句型千变万化,立竿见影,脱口而出,马上使用!1 .Its been nice talking/meeting功能:见面即将结束时表达亲切的问候搭配:Its been nice doing sth 或 Nice doing sth with sb扩展句式: 1.Nice having you!很高兴你能来!2. Fancy seeing you here! .真想不到在这儿遇见你.常用范例: 1.

2、Its been nice talking with you today.2. Nice cooperating with you!合作愉快!对比:Nice to talk with you./Nice to meet you .功能: 此句型用于初始见面的问候扩展句式:Pleased /Nice /Happy/ Good /Great to meet you. 情境记忆:Bill:Hi ,Tom,nice to meet you!Tom:Nice to meet you too ,Bill. You are really excellent ! Bill:Ah,Im flattered.Yo

3、ur performance is also wonderful!Tom:Oh,sorry, Im afraid its time I got going. Very nice meeting you! Bye bye!Bill:Bye,see you next time !2.Im excited to meet you here功能:表示某人做某事的态度 .搭配:Im+ excited +to do+sth 或:Im+ excited +with/about sth 或Im+ excited +从句扩展句式 1.Im delighted to meet you.2. Im crazy ab

4、out music.我为音乐痴狂.常用范例 1.Im excited to meet you here.小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 2 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:2. I was excited when I got the good news. 情境记忆: Tom:Whats the good news,Mary?You look so excited! Mary:Please have a guess!Tom: By the way you burst into the room, I can tell that maybe you ar

5、e admitted into your ideal university, right?Mary:Yeah,Peking university! I cant help being so excited and I always believe Im a lucky dog!Tom:Congratulations!3 .What a pleasant surprise功能:表示惊奇.高兴.或遗憾等感情搭配:What a+名词(可数)+!扩展句式: 1. What a shame!2. What a pity!常用范例 1.What a pleasant surprise!真没想到会遇见你 !

6、2. What a sunny day!情境记忆: A:Jim! What a surprise! A,吉姆!太令我惊讶了!B:I dont believe it.What are you doing here in Beijing? B.太高兴了,你现在北京干什么?A:Oh,I just spent a few days with my parents.Now Im on my way back to Shanghai A.我只是陪我爸妈几天。现在我正准备回上海B:Gee,ist been a long time. 。 B.吉,好久不见了A:It sure has.Say,I hear yo

7、u started your own computer business. A.是的,听说你开电脑公司了B:How did you know? B.你怎么知道的?A:My mother.She keep s track of all my old friends. A.我妈说的,她和我的老朋友都保持联系Asking after sb 问候某人4How are you doing?功能:用于问候对方生活、工作状况等搭配 How+be+主语人称+doing?扩展句式: 1.Hows it going? 日子过得怎样? 2. Hows everything?一切都好吗?3.How are thing

8、s going with you?你过得怎么样?4. Hows life treating you/ with you?生活怎么样?常用范例:1. How are you doing with your study?2. Hows everything at home?小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 3 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:情境记忆:Tom: Hi,Bill, Long time no see!How are you doing recently?Bill:Well,not yoo bad yet.What about you?Tom:Al

9、l right 很好/Much better 好多了/Pretty good 很好/Quite well/Very well /Cant complain 还过得去/ Could be better,but not bad.没有预期的那么好,不过还不坏./So-so 马马虎虎/Same as ever 同以前一样.Expressing thanks(表示感谢)5Im grateful to功能:表达感激之情搭配: 主语+be 动词+ grateful +to+sb扩展句式: 1.I can never thank you enough.我对您永远感激不尽.2.I do appreciate y

10、our timely help.我的确很感谢您的及时帮助.常用范例: 1.Im really very grateful to you.2. Im grateful to you for your kindness.我非常感谢您的好意情境记忆:A:Whats wrong,Madam?You look worried!B: Im grateful to you for your kindness if you could help me with the heavy box.A:Thats all right.It was the least I could do.这没什么,实在微不足道,不过尽

11、力而已.(当对方遇到很大麻烦或以前曾对你有帮助时.)Request an appointment 请求约会6Id like to功能:用于表达意愿或建议,或用于向朋友介绍另一新的朋友,听起来十分亲切。任何时候都显得语言得体。我们都知道“Id like to.“是“我想.“的意思,那么“Id like you to.“也就不难理解了,它意为“我想请你 .“,用于你向别人提出请求。搭配: 一般都是先接称谓、称呼、职位等,再接人名。扩展句式:Sb would like to do sth 或 sb would like sb to do sth May I introduce you to?常用范例

12、: 1. Id like to have a self-introduction.我想作个自我介绍。2.Id like you to meet my friend, Paul. 我想介绍你认识我的朋友,保罗。3. Id like to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶情境记忆: A:Is there anything I can do?Id like to help if I can. 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 4 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:B:I cant think of anything at the moment.

13、A:Well,maybe I could run errands or something. B:You could if I needed something. A:I feel so useless just hanging around with nothing to do. B:Dont worry.In a couple of days therell be too much to do.7. Id rather. 我宁愿 功能:1.这个句型表示“更愿意做 .“,would rather 意思是“ 宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为d rather,表示优先选择

14、的一种方式 2. 其否定形式是 would rather not do sth。would rather 没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用 would rather。3.如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿而不愿,与其宁可”的意思时,则可用 would ratherthan或 wouldrather than的句型 搭配: Id rather+ (not) do +sth或 Id rather+sb+done(do 的过去式) 扩展句式: 1. would ratherthan或 wouldrather than2.Would you rather(or)?常用范例: 1. Id rather

15、 not go out tonight, its too cold. 今晚我宁愿不出去,太冷了。2.Id rather you stayed a little longer.3. Id rather have the green than the red one. 我宁愿要红色的,而不要绿色的。 情境记忆 :A: Hey, look at my new shirt. What do you think about it? 嘿,看我的新裙子,怎么样? B: How beautiful ! Where did you get it? 很漂亮!从哪儿买的? A: I bought it on a s

16、treet market. A real bargain! 在街市上买的,真的很便宜。 B: Id much rather buy expensive but good quality clothing, because it is not only nice but lasts a long time. 我宁愿买贵而质量好的衣服,因为那既好又耐穿8. Id prefer我更愿意 用法透视:这个句型的意思是“认为.更可取,宁愿.“也可以加上“than.“,表示 “喜欢A 胜过 B”。 搭配: 1.Id prefer to (do) than (do) 2. I would much prefe

17、r to do sth小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 5 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:扩展句式: 1. I prefer to do sth2. I prefer A than B3.My preference / choice would always be常用范例:1.I prefer to watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。2. The children would walk there rather than take a bus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不愿乘公

18、共汽车。情境记忆:Would you like some tea or coffee? Id prefer a coffee=Id rather have coffee than tea 您想喝点茶吗? 我想喝点咖啡。/我想喝点咖啡,不想喝9. I wonder if 我想知道 ?功能:当你不知道某件事情又想知道的时候,便该用上 “wonder if.”这个句型了。它可用来有礼貌地提出一项要求。要注意的是,它的进行时形式也表示同样的意思,但一定要用过去进行时。 搭配“I wonder if.+从句.” 扩展句式: 1.I was wondering how 2. .I wonder wheth

19、er常用范例:1. I wonder if it would be convenient to visit you next Monday. 我想知道我下星期一去拜访你是否方便。 2. I wonder whether Mr. Wang could arrange a meeting with me. 我想知道王先生可否安排与我会面事宜? 3. I was wondering if the manager would agree with my design. 我想知道经理是否会赞同我的设计? 情境记忆: Salesman: Excuse me, Miss, I wonder if I cou

20、ld have a few minutes of your time? 推销员:请问小姐,能不能占用你几分钟时间? Woman: Why? 妇女:什么事? Salesman: Well, Id like to introduce you to the new super model computer推销员:我想向你介绍这款电脑的超级模型。 Woman: Im sorry but Im in a hurry now. 妇女:对不起,我很急.Salesman: Thats no problem 噢,没关系的、10Im afraid 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 6 页 共 13 页 http:

21、/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:功能:用这个句型,这个句型通常用来表达一些不好的情况和事实,或表示某种疑虑和歉意即使是在拒绝别人的时候,也会让对方感觉舒服一些。 搭配:接宾语从句,that 可以省略。扩展句式: 1.be afraid(+that)+句子 2. be afaid to do 害怕做某事3. be afraid of+sth/doing sth.害怕某物/某事的后果比如 I am afraid to go to school.我害怕上学。害怕的是去做这件事情。比如 He is afraid of tigers.他害怕老虎。 I am afraid of failing

22、 the test.是害怕不及格这个后果常用范例: 1.Im afraid I have to go now=I must be leaving now.我恐怕得走了。-see you /Good night!2.Im afraid we will have to change our appointment. 恐怕我们得改变我们的约会了.3. Im afraid I cant agree with you. 我恐怕不能同意你的意见4 Im afraid you dont see my point. 我想你没明白我的意思5 Im afraid Ive taken too much of you

23、r time. 对不起,占用了你很多时间。情境记忆A: Excuse me. Im afraid youre in my seat. Youve moved my books. 对不起,你坐的是我的座位,你把我的书拿开了。 B: Oh, dear. 哎呀。 A: You must have realized somebody was here. 你一定知道这里是有人的B: Oh, well, I looked around. There wasnt any other space. I waited a while and nobody came .Im sorry if Ive taken

24、your place. 我找了一下,一个空位都没有。我又等了一会,见没人来。如果我占的是你的座位,对不起了 Asking if sb approves 询问某人是否赞成11. How / What do you think of.? 你认为.怎么样?功能: 这个句型用来询问对方对某事的看法,也可以说“How do you like.“。当然对这样的问题不能简单地用“yes“或“no“来回答,而要具体说明理由。扩展句式: 1.Whats your opinion of ?2. Whats your view ?常用范例 :1. What do you think of your new job?

25、 你认为你的新工作怎么样? 2. What do you think of the Hot pot here? 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 7 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:你觉得这里的火锅怎样?情境记忆 :A: How long have you been in China? 你来中国多久了? B: A few months. 几个月。 A: How do you think of living here? 你觉得这儿的生活怎么样? B: Great! Im having a great time. 不错!我很开心 12. As far as

26、.is concerned.就 而言, 功能:这个句型用来引出个人的观点与看法,也可以说“so far as.is concerned“ 扩展句式: 1.In my opinion2. As I see3. From my point of view,4. As to me or As for me常用范例:1. As far as Im concerned, I dont mind that you make a mistake in the new job as a greenhand.就我个人而言,我不介意新手 在工作当中犯错误.2. The coat is fine as far as

27、 color is concerned, but it is not very good quality. 这件上衣就颜色来说还不错,但质量不太好。 3. So far as hes concerned, nothing is as important as his daughter. 对他来说,什么也比不上他女儿重要。 情境记忆 :A: Have you seen the movie, Scream? 你看过电影惊声尖叫了吗? B: Yes. It gave me the creeps. 看了。它让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。 A: Come on, it wasnt that bad. 算了,哪有那

28、么惨啊。 B: Yes, it was. As far as Im concerned, Im never going to see another movie like that again. 真的。对我而言,我再也不想看那种电影了13.As far as I. 就我所 功能:as far as 的意思是 “根据.而言”,这个句型中可以根据情况加入各种不同的动词。小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 8 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:扩展句式: 1.as far as I remember / recall / collect.:就我回忆.,2.as f

29、ar as I know / tell.:就我所知.,3.as far as I can see.:依我所见.,4.as far as I can feel.:就我的感觉 .。 常用范例 :1. As far as I recall, there used to be a clean river near my village at that time. 就我回忆,那时我们村边有一条清澈见底的小河。 2. As far as I can see, hes a big liar. 就我所知,他不过是个大话精。white lie 字面是白色的谎言,在西方白色都被人们认为是纯洁的象征,象婚礼服是白色

30、的,所以谎言都带上纯洁的修饰,意思就是无恶意的谎言,善意的谎言了 反之,black lie 则是用心险恶的谎言White Lie in Black 应该是介于善意和恶意之间的谎言的意思情境记忆 :A: Have you seen Mary? 你见过玛利了吗? B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to London. 没有啊,我记得他应该去伦敦出差了。 A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by now. 是的,可他该回来了。 B: Maybe y

31、oull call his home. 或许你该给他家打电话 14. I cant figure out. 我搞不懂 功能:“figure out“是理解的意思,这句话的含义相当于 “I dont understand“。 扩展句式:1. figure sb/sth out 这个词组表示“理解某人,某事物;弄明白”。比如说,A.Ive never been able to figure him out. 我一直无法理解他。B.I cant figure out why he quit his job. 我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作.2.figure sth out 这个词组还可以表示“演算出,

32、计算出”,比如说,Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? 你算出度个假要多少钱了吗?常用范例: 1. I cant figure out how to break the news to them. 我想不出怎么把这事跟他们说。 2. I cant figure out what color to paint the house. 我想不出用什么颜色刷这房子。 情境记忆: A: Hurry up. Were going to be late. 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 9 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-

33、600-7921 官网:快点!我们要迟到了。 B: I am hurrying. 我已经很快了。 A: What are you doing? 你在做什么啊? B: I cant figure out which dress to wear. 我不知道该穿哪件衣服 15. I cant follow you. 我没听懂。 功能: 如果对方说话语速太快或内容艰深,你不太能跟得上,就用这句话告诉他吧。 扩展句式: 1. I cant catch you.2.Im not quit catching you . 常用范例 :1. I cant follow you when you speak fa

34、st. 你说得太快了,我没听懂。 2. Hold it. I cant follow you. 等一等,我没听懂。 3. Do you follow what Im saying? 你听懂我在说什么了吗? 情境记忆 :A: Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? B: Yes, a little. 会一点。 A: Can you tell me how to get to the Jade Buddha Temple? 你能告诉我玉佛寺怎么走吗? B: Im sorry. I cant quite follow you. Would you please speak a b

35、i t more slowly? 对不起,我听不懂你的话。请你说得慢一点行吗? 16.The time has come for us to功能: 用过去时形式的从句表示该做的事还没有做。在朋友家呆久了该离开了,用这样的表达方式听起来会比较委婉。搭配及扩展句式: 1.Its time for sth 或 Its time to do sth 或 Its time for sb to do sth 2. It is high(about) time that we did sth-虚拟语气,表示建议,”到该干的时间了”常用范例: 1.Its time for school .该上学了. 2. I

36、ts time to go to school3.Its time for me to go to school.我该上学了. 小黑雅思用心,出国学习省心! 第 10 页 共 13 页 http:/关怀热线:400-600-7921 官网:4.Its high time that I went to school.1. Its about time that he learned to look after himself. 现在该是他学会照顾自己的时候了。 2. Now you are talking, and about time too. 你这话说对了,早就该这么说嘛。 情境记忆: A:

37、 I have a complaint to make. The bill you sent me was incorrect. Whats more, it isnt the first time 我要投诉。你们寄给我的帐单错了。况且,这也不是第一次了。 B: Well, I must apologize, madam. We have new computers here, you know. 啊,我向您道歉,夫人。我们这里刚用了新电脑。 A: Dont you think its about time you got them working properly? 难道你们不认为是时候让它

38、们正常工作了吗? B: I agree entirely. I assure you it wont happen again. 我完全同意。保证不会再发生这种事了 17. It takes some time to get to 功能:花费某人某些时间去做某事搭配: It takes sb. some time to do sth.常用范例: It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning. 每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。It will take three hours to finish the wo

39、rk.完成那项工作需要花费三个小时。情境记忆:Boy:How do you get to school?Girl: I take the train.Boy: How long does it take?Girl: Oh, around forty minutes. How about you?Boy: I take the subway.Girl: How long does that take?Boy: Oh, around thirty-five minutes.Asking for and offering help 请求提供帮助18Could/would you give me a hand/do me a favor?功能:“give a hand“的意思是“出手帮忙 “,这个句型可用来要求帮助。扩展句式: 1. Can you give me a hand? 你能帮助我吗?2. Can you lend me a hand?


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