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1、牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷- 1 -牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷班级_姓名 座号_得分_一、单项选择:请你选出最佳答案!(20 分)( )1. _. Which is the way to Hill Building?A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Thank you( )2. The van stopped _ the traffic lights.A. on B. at C. in D. along( )3. Go on _you reach the end of this road. A. when B. after C. bef

2、ore D. until( )4. Do you know _ the soldiers(战士)came to Yingxiu Town?The roads were badly broken(破坏). They had to walk there.A. why B. how C. when D. where( )5. Daniel and Kitty _start a campfire this evening.A. is going to B. going to C. will going to D. are going to ( )6. We are happy _you _ a far

3、ewell party for our friends from Beijing.A. invite, to B. to invite, join C. inviting, to D. to invite, to( )7. Shanghai is _ the east of China.A. at B. in C .to D. on( )8.Excuse me, _? Turn right, and then youll see it on the right.A. can you tell me the way to the park B. can I go to the park with

4、 you C. can I take a bus to the park D. is there a bus station near here( )9. Walk _ the bridge, youll find the station _ your left.A. cross; in B. across; on C. through; in D. through; on( )10. Im afraid he may _ ill at home. A. / B. is C. be D. being( )11. There _ a football match this evening.A.

5、is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. will be have( )12. We saw Hobo jumping into the room _ the window.A. across B. through C. cross D. by( )13. I _ go to bed _ my father comes back.A. wont; until B. didnt; until C. will; until D. will; before ( )14. I _ my pen, but I cant _ it.A. am l

6、ooking for; find B. am finding; look for C. am looking for; look for D. am finding; find( )15. Is there _ in todays paper? A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new( )16. It _ him an hour to play basket ball every day. A. spends B. took C. costs D. takes( )17. _knows anything

7、 about him, because he never tells us _ about him. A. Nobody, something B. Nobody, nothing C. Nobody, something D. Nobody, anything( )18. There were _ people in the street at midnight, so he drove fast. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷- 2 -( )19. June 1st is _ Day and Septemb

8、er 10th is _ Day. A. Children, Teacher B. Childrens, TeachersC. Childrens Teachers D. Childrens Teachers( )20. There is _ plant life without water.A. no B. not C. none D. nothing二、完形填空(10 分)Dear Bill , Thank you 1 all of your kindness. I really 2 at your house for a month.Would you like 3 me in Japa

9、n next August? My younger brother 4 his holidays in China next summer, and you can 5 his room! But 6 be too surprised when you see it. Hes crazy about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players 7 the wall. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.In his room 8

10、 a colour TV. Its not a big one. You can use my brothers CD player, too. I9 sure you will like Japan. Say 10 to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon.Your friend,Masao ( )21. A. very much B. with C. for D. in ( )22. A. like to stay B. like staying C. enjoyed to stay D. enjoyed staying ( )2

11、3. A. visit B. visited C. visiting D. to visit ( )24. A. has B. had C. have D. will have ( )25. A. use B. borrow C. stay D. live ( )26. A. dont B. wont C. mustnt D. neednt ( )27. A. in B. on C. to D. up ( )28. A. have B. has C. there is D. there are ( )29. A. think B. guess C. am D. will( )30. A. ye

12、s B. hello C. no D. hi 三、阅读理解(20 分)(A)Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their lives. Eskimos live near the North Pole. There are only two seasons there, winter and summer. There is no spring or autumn there. The winter nights are long. You cant see the sun for more than two months

13、, even at midday. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never goes down and theres no night. Eskimos have warm clothes. They make their clothes from the skins(皮) of animals. From skins they make coats, caps and shoes. Near the North Pole trees cant grow, for it is too cold ther

14、e. The Eskimos have to make their houses from skins, snow or stones. When they go out in storms(暴风雪) and cant get back home, they make houses of snow. They leave these snow houses when the storm is over. ( )31. Near the North Pole there are in a year. A. two seasons - winter and summer B. two season

15、s- spring and autumn. C. four seasons D. two seasons sometimes and four seasons sometimes( )32. How long does the longest day or night last(持续) near North Pole?A. 24 hours. B. Over a week. C. A month D. Over two months( )33. Eskimos use skins to make . 牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷- 3 -A. clothes B. houses C.

16、 trees D. both A and B( )34. There are no near the North Pole. A. days B. nights C. trees D. animals( )35. Eskimos make houses of snow to protect themselves from . A. animals B. storms C. snow D. rain(B)Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals have homes. People live in many different kinds

17、of houses. Animals have different kinds of homes, too. Some animals live in holes(洞)under the ground. The woodchuck(土拨鼠) lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels(松鼠

18、) build nests (窝) high in trees. Most of the birds live in nests in trees. But hawks(鹰)build their nests high in the mountains(山). ( )36. The story is about_. A. some trees B. some people C. some animals D. the homes of some animals( )37. _ live under the ground. A. All the animals B. All the woodch

19、ucks C. All the squirrels D. All the birds( )38. How many doors are there in the woodchucks house?A. One B. Two C. Three. D. None. ( )39. Animals homes are_. A. not the same B. the same C. in holes D. in trees( )40. People live in _. A. holes B. trees C. mountains D. different kinds of houses四、词形转换:

20、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空(10 分)41. Take the second _(turn) on the right.42. There is something under the ground in front of the _(three) tree on the left.43. Im frightened of _ (travel) by plane. 44. Thank you for _(write )to me. 45. Andy is crazy about _ (dance). 46. He always practises _(speak) English in or

21、 out of class. 47. Its cold outside, you should keep the door _. (close)48. Look! They are listening to the teacher _. (care). 49. The man came into the room _(quiet) and did some reading. 50. We are all looking forward to _ (visit) your home town.五、单词拼写:根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词(10 分)51. Look!A train is go

22、ing t_ a tunnel.52. Walk p_ the police station, turn left and walk on.53. When the t_ lights are red, the cars must stop.54. I really dont know what _ (发生) to her yesterday. 55. An _ (大象) can pick up things with its trunk. (象鼻). 56. Simon _ (讨厌 ) vegetables. He likes meat very much. 57. A giant pand

23、a only has one or two _ (幼崽) at a time . 58. Where is the _ (入口)to the park ?59. Dont be _ (害怕 ). Well stay with you all the time.60. Li Ping is a top student in our class and he is our _ (班长).牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷- 4 -六、句型转换:根据要求转换下列各句,每空一词。 (10 分)61. Take the second turning on the left.(改为否定句)_ _ th

24、e second turning on the left.62. Millie and Sandy are going to buy food.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ Millie and Sandy _ _ buy food? Yes, they _.63. Which is the way to Tiananmen Square?(写出同义句)How can I _ _ Tiananmen Square?64. My father will go to Shanghai tomorrow.(用 yesterday 改写句子)My father _ _ Shanghai yest

25、erday.65. They wanted to have a picnic. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ they want to have a picnic? No, they _.七、完成句子:根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词(10 分) 66. 那个声音听起来像火车。The noise _ _ a train. 67. 没有你的帮助,我无法到达那里。I cant _ there _ your help. 68我们明天去公园好吗?_ we _ to the park tomorrow?69那小女孩喜爱唱京剧。The little girl is _ _ Beijing Opera.

26、 70每天做作业要花费你多少时间?How long does it _ you _ do your homework every day?八、书面表达(10 分)你喜欢大象吗? 你知道大象的一些情况吗?请你根据下面一些英语提示语,写一篇英语短文,字数60-80。提示语:(1)the biggest living animals on land, (2)eat 100-1,000 pounds of grass in a day,(3)live 60-70 years, (4)no bones in the back of elephants feetonly fat, (5)walk on t

27、iptoe, (6)move quietly, (7)grow large teethtusks(象牙)_牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷- 5 -牛津英语 7B 第 3-4 单元检测卷参考答案一、单项选择:请你选出最佳答案!(20 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20C B D B D D B A B C C B A A C D D B C A二、完形填空(10 分)21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30C D D D A A B C C B三、阅读理解(20 分)31 32 33 34 35 36

28、 37 38 39 40A D D C B D B B A D四、词形转换:用括号内所给词的正确形式填空(10 分)41. turning 42. third 43. travelling 44. writing 45. dancing46. speaking 47. closed 48. carefully 49. quietly 50. visiting五、单词拼写:根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词(10 分)51. through 52. past 53. traffic 54. happened 55. elephant56. hates 57. babies 58. entranc

29、e 59. frightened 60. monitor六、句型转换:根据要求转换下列各句,每空一词。 (10 分)61. Turn, left62. Are, going, to, are63. get, to64. went, to65. Did, didnt七、完成句子:根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词(10 分) 66. sounds, likes67 arrive, without68 Shall, we69. fond, of70. take, to八、书面表达(10 分)Elephants are the biggest living animals on land. They eat 100-1,000 pounds of grass in a day. They can live 60-70 years. There are no bones in the back of elephants feetonly fat, and they walk on tiptoe, so they move quietly. They grow large teethtusks. They have long trunks and can do many things for people.


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