1、文学经典与后现代解读,北京外国语大学英语学院张剑2009年8月15日,1、文学经典的定义,伟大的文学作品,经过时间的考验,具有永恒价值。The Great Books: classic works from Homer to Goethe仔细分析其作者、内容、出版、入选标准等,J. K. Rowling,Shorten your first names, U.(Ursula) Le Guin, C.L. (Catherine Lucille) Moore, Use a mans name, George Eliot, Georges Sands, Currer, Ellis, and Acto
2、n Bell (Bronte Sisters),LeLoi Jones: White or Black?,Names which do not show the racial identity or genderImamu Amiri Baraka,What is an author like?,White MaleChristianUpper class,Multiculturalism: English Writers from the Third World,LeLois Johns,V. S. Naipaul,Gwendolyn Brooks,J. M. Coetzee,传统的文学经典
3、,M. H. Abrams, Norton Anthology of American LiteratureCompare the 4th edition with the 8th edition,文学选集: 扩大经典,Paul Lauter, Heath Anthology of American LiteratureMulticultural Orientation,多元文化主义的困境,Key authors most of them Dead, White, European and Male ought to be studied at school by virtue of the
4、quality and intelligence and depth of their writing. But I dont believe in the modern anything-goes approach to teaching novels to children in school where literary merit is thought of less importance than relevance or accessibility.,文学经典与文化,National cultures were predicated on the idea of a canon,
5、a set of texts that everyone knew. In the case of Britain they included the Bible, Shakespeare and the great novels. The existence of a canon is essential to a culture. It means that people share a set of references and resonances, a public vocabulary of narratives and discourse. This shared inherit
6、ance is now being destroyed by multiculturalism and technology, satellite television and the internet in particular. -Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks,维护传统经典,哈罗德布鲁姆: 西方正典江宁康译,译林出版社,2005,重读经典:个人与历史因素,“一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆莱特”。 -托尔斯泰每隔五十年,就有一位重要的批评家出现,来整理过去的文学,重新建立历史的秩序。 -托斯爱略特在这个过程当中,有些作家的声誉将会上升,有些作家的声誉将会下降,例如多恩、
7、布莱克、密尔顿、雪莱等,后现代思想的特征,解构主义:去中心,去权威,消解绝对和唯一,以开放、自由为指归、游戏式思维方式对约定俗成的概念提出质疑,或进行颠覆、否定:历史、父权制、帝国主义、资本主义,夏洛特 勃朗特简爱,英美十大经典爱情故事Jane Eyre, the governess, falls in love with Rochester, her employerThe marriage is interrupted by the fact that Rochester is married with a wife,阁楼上的疯女人,换位思考简爱:第三者?爱上罗切斯特的钱和他的庄园。罗切斯
8、特的钱和庄园从何而来?女人怎么疯的?,吉恩 瑞斯藻海无边:后殖民故事,At a Caribbean plantation , Rochester married Andoinette for her propertyThey returned to England,藻海无边: 小说与电影,萨义德: 东方主义,西方眼光、西方立场 西方将自己的负面价值投射到东方东方不是东方, 是西方的恐惧的投射,康拉德:黑暗的中心,非洲:刚果河掠夺财富、象牙、矿藏等代表文明、科学、进步征服野蛮、落后、无知,帝国作家,Rudyard Kipling, 吉姆爷 E. M. Forster, 印度之行 Joseph C
9、onrad, 黑暗的中心 William Somerset Maugham, 面纱,逆写帝国: 后殖民文学,Bill Ashcroft, The Empire Writes BackEdward Said, Culture and ImperialismContrapuntal Reading(对位阅读),殖民地作家,Doris Lessing,The Grass Is SingingV. S. Naipaul, The Guerrilla; Salman Rushdi, Satanic Verses; J. M. Coetzee, Disgrace;,莎士比亚:暴风雨,公爵被篡夺王位,来到一
10、个小岛,征服了岛上的野人,成为岛屿的主人。篡位的兄弟遇暴风雨,船舶沉没被海浪冲上岛屿,良心发现,改过自新,政治斗争:争夺王位,篡位者在暴风雨中掉进大海在大海的海水受到了净化思想发生了大逆转幻想重新发现人性的善,加勒比海版暴风雨,小岛的野人实际上就是殖民地的人民。殖民与被殖民的斗争,征服与被征服的斗争鲁滨逊漂流记,Aim Csaire - Une tempte颠覆西方中心主义,黑人与白人西方与东方文明与野蛮进步与落后基督教与异教,普契尼:蝴蝶夫人,D. Henry Hwang:M. Butterfly,从蝴蝶夫人到蝴蝶君颠覆西方中心主义:性别、种族,逆写性别:女性主义,Sandra Gilber
11、t & Susan Gubar, 阁楼上的疯女人 Toril Moi, 性政治/文本政治Judith Butler, Bodies That Matter,Elaine Showalter: 她们自己的文学,Collecting womens literature and establish a womens traditionthe works of famous women writers beside those of the minor or forgotten, building a continuity of influence and inspiration as well as
12、 a more complete picture of the social conditions in which womens books have been produced,Kate Millet: 性政治,Images of women in male writers works: “angel of the house” and “fame fatale”Sexual Politics laid the foundation for subsequent feminist scholarship by showing how cultural discourse reflects
13、a systematized subjugation and exploitation of women,圣经:创世纪Original Sin,夏娃:万恶之源,神话故事:Pandoras Box,Pandoras Box, in patriarchal mythology, was the container of all evils, unleashed on mankind by the greatest evil of all - the first woman.,Orpheus and Eurydice,Orpheus and Eurydice,Bring her back from
14、the underworldOn condition that he will not look backFinally she was forced to return玛格丽特 阿特伍德版奥弗尤斯,The Odessey: Sirens,The Sirens,Birds with female faces whose seductive songs lure unsuspecting sailors to the dangerous rocks玛格丽特 阿特伍德版塞壬之歌,无声者的声音:受压迫群体,Marxist Criticism and New Historicist Reading,关
15、注经典文学背后的下层人民Raymond Williamss Criticism of the Pastoral,华兹华斯:田园风光,The Leech Gatherer,The Leech Gatherer,The Cumbrian Shepherd,The Real Shepherd,Hard Work & Hard Life,David Simpson: Wordswoth and the Figurings of the Real,The Romantic appropriation of the placeExclusive possession based on personal e
16、xperience or private language,文学经典的后现代解读,充满了颠覆意识关注被压迫全体法对任何形式的压迫和剥削实现公平和正义语言角度来实现从文本研究走向文化研究,英美诗歌选读(高等学校英语专业系列教材),选材上反映近年来英语文学研究的趋势经典的扩大,收录不同背景作家的作品作品题材的多样化,反映具有时代意义的话题,作品的多样性,Poetry of Scotland, Wales and Northern IrelandMulticultural voices: African American, Chinese American, Spanish America, Nat
17、ive AmericanLyric, plus narrative, philosophical, satirical poetry,题材的思想性和时代性,Ben Jonson: Song: To Celia vs. The Noble NatureGeorge Gordon Byron: She Walks in Beauty vs. The Isles of GreeceThomas Hardy: The Convergence of the TwinLove, plus war, death, nature, environment, feminlinity, identity, hum
18、an nature, transcendence,形式和内容,诗歌体裁:Couplet, quatrain, sestet, actave, sonnet诗歌音韵:Rhyme, rhythm, assonance, alliteration修辞手段:Figures of speech: metaphor, simile, metonemy, personification, irony意象与象征:Images and symbols典故与引用:Allusions and references,英语诗歌与英语教育,英语所包含的语言特征、修辞手段、细腻的感情是英语语言丰富表现能力的集中体现。它常常用最少数量的文字表现最大数量的含义,它的内容比其他文体更集中、更凝练。诗歌的字里行间都充满了意义,弦外之音、话外之意,它使人们对英语的多种表达手法更加敏感,对英语的特殊表达方式更加熟悉。,谢 谢,2009年8月15日,