1、1基于核心素养的高中英语语法教学一、 课标内容概述普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 基于立德树人育人观的普通高中英语课程标准-总理念,课程性质,基本理念,学科核心素养,课程目标,课程结构基于实践英语学习活动观的高中英语教育教学-课程内容,学业质量,实施建议学科核心素养:学科核心素养是学科育人价值的集中体现,是学生通过学科学习而逐步形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力。英语学科核心素养主要包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力(涵盖了:知识+能力+态度) 。其中,语言能力指在社会情境中,以听、说、读、看、写等方式理解和表达意义的能力,以及在学习和使用语言的过程中形成的语言意识和语感。
2、英语语言能力构成英语核心素养的基础要素。文化意识指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同。文化意识体现英语核心素养的价值取向。思维品质指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平。思维品质体现英语核心素养的心智特征。学习能力指学生积极运用和主动调试英语学习策略、拓展英语学习渠道、努力提升英语学习效率的意识和能力。学习能力构成英语核心素养的发展条件。英语课程内容是发展学生英语学科核心素养的基础,包含六个要素:主题语境、语篇类型、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能、学习策略。普通高中英语课程由必修、选择性必修、选修三类课程构成。必修课程(6 学分)为全体学生必须修习的课程,作为学生达到英语学业质量
3、水平一的要求,满足高中毕业基本要求。选择性必修课程(8 学分)供有学习兴趣和升学考试需求的学生选修,得到 8 学分后,方可参加高考。选修课程为学生自主选择修习的课程,包括国家设置的提高类、基础类、实用类、拓展类、第二外国语类等课程和学校自主开发的校本课程。学生完成提高类课程的 6 个学分且学业水平合格,可以达到学业质量水平三。主题语境:涵盖人与自我、人与社会、人与自然,涉及人文社会科学和自然科学领域等内容,为学科育人提供话题和语境。主题是学习语言的最重要内容,英语学习活动就是对有关中外文化的主题意义探究。主题意义三个方面可以分为 18 个主题群,即:人与自我- 生活、学习、做人、做事(4个)
4、;人与社会-社会服务、人际沟通、文学、艺术、体育、历史、社会、文化、科学、技术(10 个) ;人与自然-自然生态、环境保护、灾害防范、宇宙探索(4 个) 。这 18 个主题群又可以分为若干个主题范围,人与自我中 9 个,人与社会中 16 个、人与自然中 7 个,共 32 个主题范围。实验版中划分了 24 个话题,又细分出 85 个子项目,修订版中对这些项目进行了整合,具体操作时可以对照这些细化了的主题范围,在具体语篇中对应主题范围,感悟主题语境,探究主题意义。即所谓,入情、入境、入意,以意义驱动进行教学,在关注情感的基础上学习和运用语言知识,表达思想,传递信息,开展交际,培养意识,形成策略。语
5、言知识包含:语音知识、词汇知识、语法知识、语篇知识、语用知识。其中,语用涵盖了功能,强调“场景” 、 “情境” ;语篇融合了话题,整体性更强。语言知识是构成语言技能的重要基础。语言知识包括结构性知识(“是什么”的知识,即,陈述性知识)和运用性知识(“如何做”的知识,即程序性知识) ,注重基于语境下的知识表意功能。结构性知识:-语音:语音的表意功能- 具体说话时的重音、语调、态度、意图、情感等。2-词汇:词块、词族、词汇语义网(以主题为中心) ,1500(义务段)+1500+200 (不确定)-语法:英语语法知识包括词法和句法知识:词法关注词的形态变化,句法关注句子结构。在语言使用中,语法知识是
6、“形式-意义-使用” 的统一体,与语音、词汇、语篇和语用知识紧密相连,直接影响语言理解和表达的准确性和得体性。运用性知识:-语篇:语篇的结构、文体的特点。微观知识- 词汇搭配、语法结构、句与句间的衔接、信息展开的方式等;宏观结构知识- 段与段之间的关系、语篇中的意义。-语用:指在特定语境中准确理解他人和得体表达自己的知识。语境中的语言功能。语流、用词、语气;身份、对象、态度;正确性(可理解,不可理解) 、得体性(可接受,不可接受) ;交际性(目的、场合、身份、对象)二、语法知识内容要求高中阶段英语语法知识的学习是义务教育阶段语法学习的延伸和继续,应在更加丰富的语境中通过各种英语学习活动进一步巩
7、固和恰当运用义务教育阶段所学的语法知识,学会在语境中理解和运用新的语法知识,进一步发展英语语法意识。学习语法的最终目的是在语境中有效地运用语法知识来理解和表达意义。普通高中英语课程语法知识内容要求:必修要求(水平一):运用所学的语法知识,理解口头和书面语篇的基本意义,描述真实和想象世界中的人和物、情景和事件,简单地表达观点、意图和情感态度,在生活中进行一般的人际交流;(3-9 条中具体列举了必修语法项目以及对这些项目的学习应达到的程度)选择性必修要求(水平二):通过在语境中学习和运用语法知识,认识英语语法在哪些主要方面不同于汉语语法;运用所学的语法知识,理解所学语篇的基本意义和深层意义,恰当地
8、描述真实和想象世界中的人和物、情景和事件,表达观点、意图和情感态度,进行人际交流;(3-10 条中具体列举了选择性必修语法项目及对这些项目的学习应达到的程度)选修要求(水平三):通过在语境中学习和运用语法知识,认识英语语法的基本体系及其特征;熟练地运用所学的语法知识,准确地理解语篇的基本意义和深层意义,有效地描述真实和想象世界中的人和物、情景和事件,表达观点、意图和情感态度,进行流畅的人际交流;(3、4 条中具体列举了选修语法项目及对这些项目的学习应达到的程度)三、语法教学相关概念(一)什么是语法?Scott Thronbury says (in the book, How to Teach
9、Grammar ), grammar is a description of the rules for forming sentences, including an account of the meanings that these forms convey and that grammar adds meanings that are not easily inferable from the immediate context.The kinds of meanings realised by grammar are principally: representational - t
10、hat is, grammar enables us to use language to describe the world in terms of how, when and where things happen, and interpersonal - that is, grammar facilitates the way we interact with other people when, for example, we need to get things done using language. With regard to the relationship between
11、 form and meaning, we have seen that: there is no one-to-one match between grammatical form and communicative function, and that contextual information plays a key role in our interpretation of what a speaker means. We have also seen that: while traditional grammar is based on the written form of th
12、e language, spoken language 3has its own distinctive grammar. From the teaching point of view, we have looked at: ways that grammar can be organised into a teaching syllabus according to such criteria as complexity, learnability, and teachability ways that grammar rules can be formulated, according
13、to whether they are prescriptive, descriptive or pedagogic, and whether they focus on form or on use. According to Diane Larsen-Freeman and Marianne Celce-Murcia, Grammar is a meaning-making resource. It is made up of lexicogrammatical form, meaning, and use constructions that are appropriate to the
14、 context and that operate at the word, phrase, sentence and textual levels.We have looked briefly at what grammar is, what it does, and how it can be organised and described. We now need to focus on how grammar is taught and learned. (二)什么是生活?词典中的解释:人或者生物为了生存和发展所进行的所有活动。如:行走、跑步、吃饭、睡觉、说话、读书、交谈、上课、看电视
15、、购物、唱歌、跳舞、画画、吵架、打架、就医、美容等等动作或事情,都是生活。(三)语法与生活的联系如何选择与语法教学相关的生活素材?这由语法的功能和意义来决定。教学是干什么的?学生在教师的帮助下通过自己的体验、实践、感悟而得到发展。From a learners perspective, the ability both to recognize and to produce well-formed sentences is an essential part of learning a second language. But how this ability is best develope
16、d and what “well-formed” really means, are the things we should think of first. 综上所述,生活资源是语法学习的”载体”,无论采用哪种语法教学法,都需要载体(教材)来实现。只要在教学中,依据需要,用生活素材辅助语法学习,都可以认为是”语法教学生活化” ,如果我们在用的过程中,能提高生活素材运用的得体性、适时性、趣味性和实效性,则能大大提高语法学习的效果。四、语法教学方法采用哪些语法教学方法?(现场与老师交流沟通,了解教师目前语法教学情况)总体来说,有两种方法,一是演绎法(deductive approach-rule
17、-driven path) ,二是归纳法(Inductive-rule-discovery path),(a deductive approach starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied; an inductive approach starts with some examples from which a rule is inferred) 还有两者结合,交互穿插进行,这个基本方法依然生效,只是在用这两种方法的时机、顺序、程度上要有些探究。
18、学生的生活实际、学生的最近学习区域、学生的接受程度和能力、老师的最佳讲授期和最佳讲授度是语法教学得体性的衡量标准,也是语法教学实效性的前提条件。将英语语法教学生活化主要是解决英语教学的“载体”问题和落实“英语学习活动观”的问题,用生活的素材以及真实交际需要激发学习需要。一般情况下,老师习惯用”演绎法” ,即:以实例讲解规则,引导学生操练,利用翻译、填空、转换、做题等方式来帮助学生理解学习语法,把语法教学上成了规则讲解课或者上成了语法习题课,忽略了语法教学的交际功能。往往学生听懂了,认为自己学会了,但落实在具体语境中时,可能束手无策,无处下手,一用就错,这主要是因为,学生在学习时,思维没有得到发
19、展,规则和语境脱4节,教学的主要功能之一就是要给规则和运用之间搭桥,这个桥就是在真实交际中的思维活动,思维能力形成了,语言规则和真实语境结合在一起了,语言交际的真实性就实现了,学生掌握的语言规则就落地生根了,语用能力就能培养起来。高中英语语法教学生活化,不能像低龄段学生那样用简单的动作或有趣但幼稚的故事进行,高中学生的年龄特点决定,他们更适合于“能激发思维 ”的生活要素,事实上他们已经经历了低龄阶段的一些学习过程,比如,学习祈使句可以用动作本身,stand up, walk, turn around 等等,高中学生需要适合他们年龄特点和认知水平的、有内涵并能激发内驱力的、以及能触其心弦的生活素
20、材,他们通过理解更深、更广、更复杂的语篇、表达更深层次思想,进一步促使思维能力的发展。五、语法教学设计案例学生通过学习、理解和运用英语语法知识,培养语言能力、学习能力和思维能力,增强文化意识,提高核心素养。基于课标要求,我们在语法教学中应该做以下的尝试。语法教学生活化,在活的、真实的、与学生密切相关的语境中学习语法,真实需求,真实困惑,真实思考,真实表达,真实交流。案例一: 过去将来时态学生在初中已经学习了六个时态,分别是 他们对于时态有一定的认识,高中学习时态应基于这六个时态,与过去将来时态联系最紧密的是一般将来时,教学时应当先激活学生这一图式。思考:日常交际中什么情况下用过去将来时态?一般
21、将来时态的主要功能为表达梦想、意愿或者愿望、计划与安排、期待、对事态的预测、想象等。那么,过去将来时态的功能就是:对以前的梦想、意愿或者愿望、计划与安排、期待、对事态的预测、想象等的回顾、阐述、评估、改变等情况下会用到过去将来时态。设计建议(1) (归纳法):Step1: Free talk: What dream job will you do? What dream do you have? What about when you were 10 years old?(激活图式,导入过去将来,初步构建“过去将来的时间概念” )Step2: 视听: 一段视频(选自 TED) (听口头语篇,获
22、取说者对于小时候一些关于长大后做什么的认识的相关信息,进一步建立过去将来的概念,同时记录若干个含有过去将来时的语句) ,就视频内容提问: 认同点,不同认识,why and how? 归纳出过去将来时态的形式,理解其意义。Step3: 独立自主学习:回顾思考以前的某一计划或想法,包括以下要素:想法产生的时间、原因(愿望) 、为此所做的计划和安排、对此的反馈等(尝试运用过去将来时态表达) 。Step4:小组或结对交流: 运用过去将来时态进行交流并记录彼此的内容,小组成员选择另一成员的内容,用第三人称进行汇报。 (每一学生汇报的过程中,其他同学听并记录说者所用的含有过去将来的语句。 )Step5:
23、总结归纳过去将来时态的形式和表达的意义。Step6: Homework:Do a survey among your family members about their dreams when they were young. Then write a report about your survey. 整个过程中,师生及时反馈。设计建议 2(归纳法): Step 1:Free talkEveryone has a dream when young. Everyone has experience of making their dream come true. Now Ill hand o
24、ut four texts to you all. Each group will have a different text. Please read and 5find out what dreams the people had when they were young and underline the sentences that talk about the dreams.Text 1:When I was 5 years old, I was often asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told them I would b
25、e a scientist. They often said it was great. That was all. Nobody every cared for it. They ignored me and talked about something else. But one day, my uncle, who was a teacher, asked me the same question. When I said I would become a scientist, he asked what scientist I would be and why. I never rea
26、lly thought about that. I just knew I would become a scientist when I grew up. When he asked me, I began to think about it. I asked myself why I would be a scientist and what scientist I would be. Then I lost in thought. My parents and teachers usually told me stories about great scientists. And I a
27、lso read many books about scientists. They made deep impressions on me. So I thought I would do things like them. I would study hard and go to college. I would learn a lot of things and make researches. After I graduated, I would work as a scientist. That was what I thought then. I had no idea what
28、I would study and how I would do to make my dream come true. Now I think I will be a businessman, because I like it. I will learn it from my father who is a great businessman and has great influence on me. With his help, I think I will be a great scientist too.Text 2: My dream was to be a teacher wh
29、en I was in Grade 2 in primary school. I had such a dream because of my Chinese teacher, Miss Wangs influence on me. She was a nice teacher. We all liked her. She loved us all and taught us very well. Every Monday morning, she told us what we would do in the week. She made sure each of us was clear
30、of what we would do. She would help those who had problems. Every afternoon, before school was over, she talked with us and collected our questions and problems. She would help us when necessary either at the moment or after school. Some of us had difficulties that needed patient explanation. She wo
31、uld call us and explain later until the problem was solved. If the problem could not be solved through phone call, she would have a face-to-face talk with the student the next morning and try to give help. Another reason we liked her was that she made her classes very interesting. She was kind and h
32、umorous. So I wanted to be a person like her. I thought I would teach as well as her. I would love my students and help them when needed. I would have many students. It would be great work. Now I still think I will be a teacher. Im still working hard to realize my dream.Text 3: I grew up in the coun
33、tryside which is far away from the city. The nearest town to our village is about 20 kilometers away. We hardly had chances to go there. There was no public transportation. Once I went to town with my mother. I saw a beautiful saleswoman. She greeted customers with a sweet smile. She made a deep imp
34、ression on me. So I decided to become a salesgirl like her when I grew up. I thought I would have such a job. I would greet the customers with smiles and sell the things they want. I would wear nice clothes and become a beautiful lady. I would stand there and meet different people. I would make mone
35、y by doing a nice job like that. That was my dream job at that time. Text 4:As a student of 7 years old, I had a dream and I hoped one day it would come true.I dreamed that I would have a harmonious family. I dreamed that my parents wouldnt scold me when I made mistakes. Instead they would patiently
36、 teach me how to correct the mistakes. I 6dreamed that there would be no quarrels or fighting in my family. When the family members had different ideas or feel angry, they would smile and understand and respect each other. I dreamed that every one in my family would be healthy and they would never s
37、uffer from illnesses. I dreamed that all the people in the family would have the job that they would love very much. They would work but never complain.That was my dream. I still have the same dream and I will do my best to realize it.Step 2: Read the sentences you underlined and think what form tho
38、se sentences have. What meanings do the sentences convey? Draw a conclusion of the form.Step 3: Think about your dreams when you were young and have a talk about them with your partners. Then report your partners dreams, using the Past Future Tense. While one is talking, the others please listen car
39、efully and remember their dreams. Then choose one of the reports and write a report.Step 4: HomeworkThink about the similarities and differences between the Future Tense and the Past Future Tense. And try presenting them in the form of a mind-map.设计建议 3(演绎法):运用对比法,一般将来与过去将来相对比,进行教学Step 1: We are goi
40、ng to have a trip to the mountains this weekend. Lets think what we will do there and make a plan. Now, please work in pairs and talk about the activities we can do, the things well take, and the matters that need our attention to keep our safety, using “We will ”Then collect the students informatio
41、n. Maybe, they are sentences like: We will start at 6 this Saturday morning. It will take us two hours to get there. We will gather together at the foot of the mountain. After a short rest, we will climb the mountains. When we get to the top of mountains, well have a party. During the party, well si
42、ng, dance, and tell stories, etc. We will also eat the things we take with usT: What tense have we used? Ss: (The Future Tense) T: What time does the sentences use? Give some examples.Ss:(Future time, e.g. at 6 this Saturday morning, when/afterT: So the form of the Future Tense is: will + do/be+futu
43、re timeSo if we talk about the activities that took place in the future of a past time, we use “would do”. For example, we may use “On Tuesday of last week, I thought I would have a day off on Friday of last week.” We call this the Past Future Tense.Step 2: Offer students some sentences for them to
44、understand the grammar.Step 3: Using the grammarJust now we talked about what we would do this weekend. We used “will do”, We call it the Future Tense. Today we are going to learn the Past Future Tense. What you think we can use here? (referring to the “will”)The form is: “would do” It meansActually
45、, Class 5 had a plan to go to the mountains on the third Saturday of this term. They made a plan in the first week. I saw their plan and found they planned the same as us. Now I need to write a report to our school master. Please help me write it. Thanks. You may begin like this: At the beginning of
46、 this term, / In the first week of this term, Class 5 7planned to go to the mountains on the third Sunday. They would take some food with them. It was said it would rain that day. So they would take umbrellas. They would take a bus to go thereStep 4: HomeworkThink about one of your past plans and wr
47、ite a report about it.案例二:现在进行和现在完成时态的被动语态这两项语法功能分析:学生在之前已经学习了被动语态的三个时态:他们对于被动语态的基本概念和意义有了初步认识,并能用这三个时态的被动语态进行交流,对学习这两个时态的被动语态有一定的帮助。教学设计建议:创设语境-(自主学习) (在学习这两项语法的前两周的一个环节- 时长 5-10 分钟,可以在课内,也可以在自习或其它学习活动时间)T: Attentions please. Suppose our School Open Day has been set. It will be on Wednesday, in two
48、 weeks. Your parents and many other people are invited. So we are supposed to get ready for it. Now, lets have a talk about what we need to do, including how our classroom will be decorated, what will be written or drawn on the blackboards, what food will be prepared, what will be shown to your pare
49、nts-your school works, your artificial works and so on, what questions will be asked, what activities will be done-singing English songs, telling English stories, dubbing films in English, debating in English, putting on English plays, etc. Please discuss in groups and put down the things you think are needed. Later, well collect your suggestions in the whole class. After that you will be divided in groups and take action to prepare the things.(结合班级或学校活动,让学生真实准备,并用英语表达)One day before that We