中职英语基础模块四unit6 dedicated people教参.doc

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1、Unit6 Dedicated People类别 要求掌握的项目Key Wordsdecide nurse decision try sleep report sufferingappoint hire female lamp patient military dedicatedrespect receive continue advice awardUseful Expressionsto be determined to do on behalf of care forin addition to be looked down uponListening Speaking Reading

2、WritingLanguage Skills听一段介绍人物的短文,完成填空练习能运用表示人物性格特征的词介绍某人careful politewarm-heartedquick-mindedhumorous smart intelligent cleverfriendly carelessimpolitecold.heartedslow.mindedfunnyquietshyunfriendly阅读是关于弗劳伦斯南丁格尔的生平简介及她对护理事业的贡献,在课文理解的基础上,掌握重要词汇和语句的用法根据所提供的信息写一篇工作或生活当中的便条Grammar FocusThe Use of“It” “I

3、t”的用法1.用作代词 2.用作形式主语 3.用作形式宾语 4.用于强调结枯教学要求与建议I.Warming Up1.教学内容分析与要求1)语言知识与语言技能(1)掌握下列词语: the story of,International Nurses Day, “The Lady with the Lamp”,England,7urkey,Russia,等等。(2)了解“ 提灯女士”南丁格尔的事迹。2)情感态度与价值观了解南丁格尔为护理专业作出的贡献,学习南丁格尔的无私奉献精神。3)重点和难点研讨提出的两个问题:How much do you know about nursing?Have you

4、 ever heard of the story of“The Lady with the Lamp”?4)达到的标准能用英语参与研讨并简单回答提出的两个问题。2.教学建议1)导入课前布置任务:上网查询南丁格尔的故事。提出问题:Do you know Intemational Nurses Day?2)组织学生分组讨论热身部分提出的问题How much do you know about nursing?Have you ever heard of the story of“The Lady with the Lamp”?小组中心发言人向全班汇报。教师将各小组汇报结果进行总结。3)根据对南丁格

5、尔的人物了解,回答下列问题,导入课文教学。Have you ever heard of the person named Florence Nightingale?Do you know the stoW of Florence Nightingale?What had she done for the nursing?3.教学参考材料弗劳伦斯南丁格尔弗劳伦斯。南丁格尔(18201910),生于意大利名城佛洛伦萨,后随父母迁至英国。曾就读于法国巴黎大学,懂英、法、意、德诸国语言。南丁格尔的家庭非常富有。她的父母希望她发展文学、音乐才能,跻身上层社会,早结良缘,继承家业。但她对此兴致淡薄。她怀有

6、一个崇高的理想,认为生活的真谛在于为人类作出一些有益的事情。作一个好护士,是她生平的唯一宿愿。1844 年,南丁格尔从英国出发,到法国、德国、比利时、意大利等欧洲国家旅行,同时对各国的医院进行考察。1850 年,曾到德国的一所女护士学校接受短期的医护训练。1853 年,受聘担任伦敦护理会的监督。1854 年,克里米亚战争爆发。为争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权,土耳其、英国、法国、撒丁先后向沙俄宣战。当时英国的战地医院管理不善,条件极差,又没有护士护理伤病员,伤兵死亡率高达 50以上。南丁格尔主动提出申请志愿前往战地担任看护工作。在英国政府的邀请下,她率领 38 名护士抵达前线,在四所战地医院服务。当时

7、前线药品匮乏,水源不足,卫生状况极差,医生还怀有敌意。但她毫不气馁,竭力排除种种困难,为伤病员解决必需药物和食品,组织士兵家属协同工作,从而使战地医院的状况在半年左右的时间里明显改观,伤病员的死亡率降到了 2.2。她的功绩得到了公认。南丁格尔慈祥可亲,以高度的责任感,夜以继曰地热心照料伤病员。每晚,当她手提油灯巡视伤病员时,士兵们都亲吻她的身影来表示对她的崇高敬意,称呼她为“提灯女士” 。1856 年,南丁格尔任陆军医院护理部总监。战后回国,被尊为民族英雄,但她谦恭礼让,严于律己,谢绝了一切招待盛会,决心为改善军队的卫生条件而继续努力。1857 年,她促成皇家陆军卫生委员会的建立,同年还开办了

8、陆军军医学校。1860 年,南丁格尔用英国政府奖励的 4,400 英镑在英国圣托马斯医院内创建了世界上第一所正规护士学校一一南丁格尔护士学校。她在医院管理、军队卫生保健、护士教育培训等方面都做出了卓越的贡献,被后世誉为现代护理教育的奠基人。1901 年,南丁格尔因操劳过度,双目失明。1907 年,英国国王授予南丁格尔一级功绩勋章,使她成为英国历史上第一个接受这一最高荣誉的妇女。她逝世后,世人为了表示对她的崇敬,把她的生曰 5 月 12 日定为国际护士节。Listening1.教学内容分析与要求本节听力材料是有关人物特点介绍的内容。陈述者以叙述形式介绍主人公的性格特征及其爱好等特点。材料以选择填

9、空题的形式呈现给学生。1)知识与技能要点与要求(1)掌握必知必会单词和短语的拼写。(2)能听懂英语句子。(3)能辨听內容主旨和相关的信息,选出正确答案。2)情感态度敢于挑战困难,挑战自我,树立自信心。3)重点与难点(1)听懂描述人物性格特点的句子,完成练习。(2)听清短文,了解文章大意。4)达到标准听清句子,听懂短文内容。2.教学建议1)导入Mike is a young man.And what kind of young man is he?阅读给出的选择填空题,预测听力材料内容。导入听力教学。2)研讨、探究与实践第一环节:尝试听第一遍录音,提问学生听到了什么信息。能获得下列零散信息就应给

10、以肯定和鼓励。He works in an.shop.He thinks he can learn lot fromOne of the sayings he likes best is“”第一遍听音,先对陈述有一个整体理解,不要急于完成某个填空。第二环节:清除障碍听录音时应注意下列两点:一是拼写发音长的单词或短语,如:hardworking,library,problems.二是要注意辨听有些词语的读音弱化或连读,如:in an auto repair shop,never worries about anything,he can learn a lot from solving prob

11、lems.in the evening,he is in the等等。第三环节:体验第二遍听音,可以边听边选择填空。由于需要阅读的文字较多,也可酌情再放一遍录音。完成练习,让学生自己核对答案。第四环节:研讨小组内轮流复述材料内容,互相补充,小组代表面对全班复述。教师点评。3.参考注释1)He works in an auto repair shop.他在汽车修理部工作。 auto=automobile“汽车,小汽车” 。2)While others watch TV in the evening,he is in the library reading and taking notes.当别人

12、晚上看电视时,他都在图书馆里看书并作笔记。While“当的时候” ; take notes“记笔记” 。3)One of the sayings he likes best is“Reading makes a full man.”他最喜欢的名言是“读书使人充实” 。saying“名言,格言 ”。例如:“More haste,less speed”,as the saying goes.常言道, “欲速则不达” 。4.听力材料原文与参考答案Now you will hear a passage about Mike.Listen carefully and answer the followi

13、ng questions.Mike is a hardworking young man of 25.He works in an auto repair shop.Everybody says Mike never worries about anything.He thinks he can leam a lot from solving problems.Mike likes to read.He reads books of many kinds.While others watch TV in the evening,he is in the library.reading and

14、taking notes.One of the sayings he likes best is“Reading makes a full man.”Mike doesnt live with his parents,but he often calls them.At Christmas every year,he flies back home tO spend the holiday with his family.听力答案: 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A.Speaking1.教学内容分析与要求本单元口语任务是练习描述人物特征,使用常用描述性的词语使人物形象更具体、丰满,并能表

15、述人物性格特征。1)语言知识与语言技能要点及要求(1)熟练掌握并运用 “自我介绍”与“介绍他人”描述用语。(2)能在一定的情景中进行交流。2)情感态度学习日常实用口语,促进交流,增进了解。3)重点与难点(1)掌握并运用常用的人物介绍交际用语。(2)运用语句进行情景对话、交流。4)达到目标掌握“自我介绍法”与“介绍人物”语句,进行交流。2.教学建议1)导入学习表述人物特点的常用词语。carefulpolitewarm-heartedquick-mindedhumoroussmartintelligentcleverfriendlycarelessimpolitecold-heartedslow-

16、mindedfunnyquiet/shyhave a poor memoryunfriendly体会表示“描述人物性格”的会话场景。2)学生操练指导学生熟悉所出现的常用表达方式(Useful expressions),每组两人进行简单对话。如:(1)what kind of person is Larry?Larry is very polite. She is a polite person and(2)would you please tell me something about Mike?Mike is very warm. hearted. He is a warm-hearted

17、person.Thank you.(3)How about Ken,please?Ken is very humorous.Thank you.等简单的情景。根据提供的语句进行口语结对练习。3)探究创设情景学生分组任意选择所给出的 4 个情景,或者自己创设一个其他情景进行 “介绍他人”与“介绍自己”的对话。要求运用所提供的日常交际用语进行交流,教师可给以适当的指导,最后各个小组上台汇报表演。学生分组,介绍有关人物,并能准确地用英语表述。如:(1)Do you know a player named Yao Ming? He is good at basketball,and(2)Have yo

18、u heard of the story about Sang Lan? She was once a gymnast,but.(3)Do you know the person named Yang Liwei? Can you tell US something about him?(4)Do you like music? How about Zhou JielunS songs? He is a famous singer.3.练习参考答案1.Follow the model and complete the following sentences orally by using th

19、e words and expressions in the box.1)Larry is very polite.He is a polite person.He greets everybody he meets in the street.2)Mike is very warm-hearted.He is a warm.hearted person.He likes to help others.3)Ken is very humorous.He is a humorous person.He likes to tell iokes.4)Mr.Li is very friendlv.He

20、 always smiles when he talks with other people.5)Mr.Liu is very quick-minded.He does everything nicely and quickly.6)Mary is very intelligent.She can speak French,English and Spanish.7)Larry is a quiet person.He never talks in public.2.Now,can you say something about yourself or your classmate?My na

21、me is David.I was brought up to always try my best,SO I put my heart into everything I do.I am something of a perfectionist.Whatever I do,1 want to do it just nght.I have many interests,but English is what I like most.Although my English isnt perfect,I want to keep on learning from my mistakes.Besid

22、es,I like to make friends.If you want to have a humorous and intelligent friend,just me!.Reading1.教学内容分析与要求本单元阅读部分承载着整个单元中最重要的语言和文化信息,也是教师在整个教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。在中外历史上,能以坚定的信念排除一切困难并建立特殊功业的人物,尤其女性人物向来不多。现代护理专业的创始人南丁格尔是具代表性的一位伟大女性。通过对课文的阅读使学生了解关于弗劳伦斯南丁格尔的事迹,同时也能提高学生阅读归纳信息的能力;掌握课文中出现的词汇、句式;归纳掌握“it”的用法。Read

23、ing ComprehenSion 中的问题设计,就是要求学生通过对 10 个问题的回答,来进一步掌握课文内容。10 个问题都是特殊问句,这就加大了问题的难度,必须掌握文章内容才能回答这些问题。1)语言知识与语言技能的要点及要求(1)掌握本单元教学目标中提出的短语和词汇的用法。(2)归纳掌握 “it”的用法。(3)阅读课文,正确理解文章内容,回答课后的 10 个问题。(4)复述课文基本内容。2)情感态度与价值观目标(1)培养学生自主学习意识、小组合作学习、探究学习的良好习惯。(2)了解弗劳伦斯。南丁格尔对人类护理学的贡献以及其无私奉献精神。3)重点与难点重点:(1)熟练掌握下列词汇和短语:gr

24、ow up,be looked down upon,care for,at the front,ran over,make a difference,walk around,on behalf of,work around the clock,tend the sick,be best known as(2)归纳掌握 “it”的用法;难点:复述课文。4)应达到的标准(1)能正确使用课文中重点词汇和短语,并能顺利完成相关基础练习。(2)归纳掌握 “it”的用法。(3)复述课文基本内容。2.教学建议1)导入搜集播放关于南丁格尔的电影片段,向学生简要介绍南丁格尔的主要事迹。提出并解答问题,导入课文阅

25、读教学。例如:what had she done?What have you learnt from her?2)研讨、探究与实践(1)布置任务,阅读下列问题:1.Where did her family live when Florence was bom?2.What kind of education did Nightingale and her sister receive?3.What kind of a student was Florence?4.How did Florence upset her family?5.Why didnt Florences family wan

26、t her to be a nurse?6.Why did Nightingale go to Turkey?7.What did Florence do besides her nursing work at the front?8.Why was she called“The Lady with the Lamp”?9.What did Nightingale do after she returned to England?10.What made Florence Nightingale SO famous?带着以上问题阅读课文,搜集信息。在快速阅读中,指导学生遇到生词不要停下来,尽量

27、根据上下文判断生词的含义。对疑难句可先标出来,待精读时解决处理。(2)小组研讨,探究疑难点:通过对以上问题的回答,学生已对课文有了基本的理解。各小组同学讨论,提出课文中疑难点并探究解决,如:She acted as a banker.sending the mens wages home to their families.句中的 sending 是什么结构?sending 作为非谓语动词在这里表示一种伴随情况,与主语 she 是主谓关系。又如,文中还有一处此类用法:Nightingale and the nurses worked around the clock. tending the

28、sick and the wounded.“tending”是同类用法。 Nightingale and the nurses worked around the clock,.around the clock 在句中怎么理解?around the clock“不分昼夜” 。又如:Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1 820 and was named Florence after her birthplace.这句话中 be named after是固定结构,was named 和 was born 是并列成分。was name

29、d after“用命名” 。此句表示的是“用出生地名,命名为” 。再如:Florence and her sister were educated by their father and private teachers.也是用了被动语态。在此段中还有一句使用了被动语态,可让学生找出,即:because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people.但要注意文中 she was determined 不是被动语态用法, be determined to do“下定决心” ,如:She is determined t

30、o Care for the sick in hospitals 她下决心照顾医院里的病人。其他可能提出的问题和探究內容见补充参考材料。(3)再读课文,研讨下列问题:理解了疑难句,之后进行精读课文,掌握文章中的细节和关键信息。待完成阅读后,分小组研讨 Reading Comprehension 中问题答案,互相补充、修正,力争答案正确完整。自愿面对全班口头回答 ReadingComprehension 的问题。再利用课件一个一个给出问题,根据课文内容判断正误,验证阅读效果。答案如下:参考答案:BCDDC(4)完成学生用书上的课后习题。(5)小组代表向全班复述课文,鼓励增添自己的看法。3)教师总

31、结评价。3.教学参考材料1)Florence Nightingale was bom in Italy on 1 2 May 1 820 and was named Florence after her birthplace.弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔于 1820 年 5 月 12 曰生于意大利,并以她的出生地弗洛伦萨作为她的名字。Florence Nightingale“弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔”(18201910)。to nameafter“以给命名” 。2)了 his decision greatly upset her family,because at that time nurses in En

32、gland were looked down upon by people.这一决定让她的家庭非常不安,因为那时在英国护士工作是被人歧视的。to look down upon“歧视;看不起 ”。Her parents tell her not to look down upon those who are poor.她的父母教育她不要歧视穷人。3)But she was determined,and began caring for the sick in hospitals.但是她的决心已定,并且开始到医院护理病人。care for“关照;照料” 。 The lonely old woman

33、 was cared for by the nurses in the Home for the Elderly.这位孤独的老太太在养老院受到护士的照料。4)In 1854,England was fighting a war with Russia in Turkey.1854 年,英国在土耳其与俄国作战。(1854 年到 1856 年,为争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权,英、法、土与俄国进行了有名的克里米亚战争“Crimea War”。)5)But in fact,the nurses did make a difference.事实上,护士们所起的作用的确大不一样。did make a diffe

34、rence“有很大差别,有很大不同 ”。did 在这里用来加强语气的作用。He did come yesterday.他昨天“的确”来了。6)The soldiers began to call Florence“The Lady with the Lamp”.士兵们开始称弗劳伦斯为“提灯女士” 。7)Florence also wrote home on behalf of the soldiers.弗劳伦斯替士兵们给家里写信。on behalfof“代表” 。8)She acted as a banker,sending the mens wages home to their famil

35、ies.and set up reading-rooms in the hospital.她一边当出纳员,把军人的工资寄给他们的家人,又在医院设立了读书室。9)In return,she gained the respect of the British soldiers.作为回报,她受到英国士兵的尊敬。in return“作为回报;作为报答” 。He was always ready to help others;in return,he was liked by others.他总是乐于助人,作为回报,大家都喜欢他。10)Nightingale and the nurses worked

36、around the clock,tending the sick and the wounded.南丁格尔和护士们日夜工作,照料病号和伤员。around the clock“日夜;24 小时” 。7he A 丁 M(automatic teller machine)can be used around the clock,SO it is also called 24 hour banking.自动柜员机可以日夜使用,所以也被称为 24x 时银行。11)丁 hanks to their hard work,many wounded soldiers survived.由于他们的辛勤工作,许多

37、伤员活了下来。thanks to“由于;多亏” 。Thanks to his help.we were able to finish the work earlier than expected.由于他的帮助,我们才比预期提前完成了工作。12)Nightingale is best known as the founder of the modem profession of nursing and as a hospiml reformer.南丁格尔作为现代护理专业的开创者和医疗改革者而留名于世。to be known as“以著称;被认为是 ”。Yuan Longping is known

38、 as Chinas“father of hybrid rice”.袁隆平被称为是中国的“杂交水稻之父” 。13)Every Year the International Red Cross awards the Florence Nightingale Medal to dedicated nurSes of the world.每年国际红十字会都要向世界各地作出杰出奉献的护士颁发南丁格尔奖章。14)And the day of her birth,May 1 2,has been made International Nurses Day.因此,她的生日 5 月 12 曰被定为“国际护士节

39、” 。4.练习参考答案: BCDDC.Language StudyL useful Words and PhrasesStudy the words and expressions in the box,and complete each sentence with one of them in the correct form.1.On be half of 2.in return 3.cared for 4.because of5.was best known as 6.set up 7.named after 8.around the clockTranslate the followi

40、ng sentences into Chinese and then tell the function of“it”used in the sentences.1.我们到达车站时大约十点半。2.对于所做的事情后悔也没有用。3.一想到这个事情就让我很不舒服。4.坐火车去那里要花费两个小时。5.没有人知道她去了哪里。6.我们认为大学生至少掌握一门外语是很必要的事情。7.家长们永远不会忘记是这个年轻人挽救了他们孩子的生命。8.西方人把给亲朋邮寄圣诞卡片当作一种惯例。9.他是因为生病才请假的吗?10.直到昨天晚上他才最终下定决心。5.课文参考译文弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔的故事弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔于 1820 年 5 月 12 日出生在意大利,并以她的出生地为名.其父亲和私人教师教弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔和她的妹妹学习。她学业优秀。长大后,她决定做一名护士,这个决定令她的家人很不安。因为在当时的英国,护士这个职业被别人看不起。但是,她已下定决心,并开始在医院护理病患。1854 年,英国与俄国在土耳其交战,很多英国士兵在前线受伤或患病,伤兵们躺在肮脏的军队医院里坚硬的地板上。到了晚上,他们尽力入睡,但是老鼠在他们身上跑来跑去,他们的环境真是太糟了。有关前线伤员们的痛苦遭遇的报道在英国激起了愤慨。为此,政府指派弗劳伦斯。南丁


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