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1、1,专业英语(3),2,1专业英语概述 1.1什么是专业英语,是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。,隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法;特别注重客观事实和真理,表达准确、精练和正式。,专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系。专业英语的学习需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点、语法特点、修辞特点和翻译特点等等。,3,学习专业英语的重要性 (地球村),(1) 信息获取,(2) 成果展示,(3) 国际交流合作,当前大部分资料都可以通过互联网传播,而这些资料中90以

2、上都是英语。,世界上科技情报资料的交流主要靠使用英语,对子电气工程、电子工程和信息类等专业来说,绝大部分专业资料和信息都是以英语形式出现。,专业英语阅读能力,申报国家奖项申请专利发表学术论文:,85以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的,专业英语写作能力,专业英语表达、听说、应变能力,4,专业词汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,Wafer; Die;Chip,晶片(晶圆);裸片;芯片,5,The majority of bipolar transistors used in ICs are of the npn type because the higher mobility of minori

3、ty carriers (electrons) in the base region results in higher speed performance than can be obtained with pnp types.翻译1:IC中所用双极晶体管大多数是NPN型的,因为它在基区中少数载体(电子)的更高移动性产生比PNP型所能得到的更高速度的性能。翻译2:IC中所用双极晶体管大多数是NPN型的,因为基区中少数载流子(电子)具有较高的迁移率,使NPN晶体管的速度性能高于PNP晶体管。,6,7,The conventional MOS isolation process has some

4、 disadvantages that make it unsuitable for deep-submicrometer (0.25m) fabrication.翻译1: 传统MOS隔离过程具有一些劣势,这使之不适合于深度次微米(0.25m)制造翻译2: 传统MOS隔离工艺具有一些缺点,使其不适合于深亚微米(0.25m)制造To control the formation of such defects, special inline monitoring techniques are required.翻译1:为了控制这种缺陷的形成,就要求有特殊的内嵌(inline)监控技术。翻译2:为了

5、控制这些缺陷的形成,要求采用特殊的在线(inline)监控技术。,8,翻译1:图3-20 互连接层的基本测试结构 (a)迂回结构 (b)交叉结构翻译2:图3-20 互连层基本测试结构 (a)蛇状结构(b)双梳状结构,9,1.2 Vocabulary Features,(1) 词汇分类,专业或技术词汇,次技术词汇,diode , capacitor ,substation , autotransformer ,superconductivity 。,很多专业和学科所共有的词汇,不同专业和学科往往具有不同词义,某个专业所特有的词汇,其专业性强,词义狭窄和单一。,power :,幂,乘方,动力,功率

6、,效率,电源,电力,功率,电能,bus:,公共汽车,母线,总线,Condenser:,电容器,补偿机,冷凝器,power plant:,发电厂,动力装置,:专业或技术词汇,次技术词汇,非技术词汇,(二极管),(电容器),(变电站,变电所),(自耦变压器),(超导特性),10,Vocabulary Features,非技术词汇,在普通英语或非专业英语中使用较少,但实际却属于非专业英语的词汇,take in - absorb,Look into - examine,find out - discover,turn round - rotate,make good use of - utilize,

7、change - convert,11,名词前缀,12,词根,13,Vocabulary Features,缩略词:由词组中某些词的词头字母(有时多于一个)所组成,作为一个词按照正常的规则发音,ROM,RAM,Radar,GIS,read only memory 只读存储器,random access memory 随机(存取)储存器,radio detecting and ranging ;雷达,gas insulated station 气体绝缘变电站,geography information system 地理信息系统,14,Vocabulary Features,ACDCCDLEDU

8、PSHVHVDCIEEE,alternating current交流电,direct current 直流电,compact disc光盘,压缩磁盘,light emitting diode 发光二极管,uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源,high voltage 高压, high voltage direct current 高压直流, institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国电气电子工程师协会,首字词:与缩略词类似,区别在于每个实词只取第一个字母,且必须逐字母念出,15,Vocabulary

9、Features,混合法:由两个词汇的第一个词汇的前面几个字母和第二个词汇的后面几个字母结合在一起构成。,positronnegatron,字母外形法 :对一些形状与字母外形相似的物体,可以利用连字符把字母和名词连接在一起组成新词汇。,X-ray U-shaped magnet 马蹄形磁铁Y-direction Y轴方向H-frame structure H型框架结构T-filter T型滤波器Y-connection Y(星)形连接,positive electron正电子, negative electron负电子,16,国际单位制中的前缀,17,科学原理生产过程拓展训练实际问题系统分析选

10、择问题安全要求考虑到常识,scientific principles manufacturing processes extensive training practical problems systems analysis select the problem safety requirements take into account common sense,Expressions: from English to Chinese,18,系统化的知识简化了的问题科学概念以合适的形式复杂性各异初步决定给定的成本简化为创造性的综合,vary in complexitya given cost

11、systematized knowledgea preliminary decisionis reduced tocreative synthesisthe simplified problemin an appropriate formscientific concepts,Expressions: Matching Game,19,1.3 Grammar Features,客观性(objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练性(conciseness)。,(1) 广泛使用被动语态,(2) 广泛使用非谓语形式,(3) 省略句使用频繁,(4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁,(5) 复杂长

12、句使用频繁,(6) 后置形容词短语作定语多,语法特点,20,(1) 广泛使用被动语态,Grammar Features,主体多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者个人的主观臆断;,中心是客观现象及事物本身,而非动作的发出者,把论证说明的对象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出中心,又能吸引读者的注意。,(客观性),1) Electricity can be measured in amount and quality.,电可以用数量和质量来度量。,2) Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by a

13、n insulation medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in Farads.,电能可以储存在被一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中,这样的装置被称为电容器,它储存电能的能力就被称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。,21,Grammar Features,(2)广泛使用非谓语形式,非谓语动词在句子中可以起到名词,形容词或副词作用,动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。, 动名词,用

14、动名词短语做主语,(精炼),1) Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the current.,改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法,2) Conducting electricity means the flow of electrons through an object.,传导电流意味着电子在物体内的流动,22,Grammar Features, 分词,过去分词短语替代从句中的被动语态 现在分词短语替代从句中的主动语态,The power supply, which is shown in block-diagr

15、am in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.,The power supply shown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.,图1中用框图表示的电源是一个单相开关逆变器。,3) The transistor, which is working with correctly polarities, can work as an amplifier.,The transistor working with correctly polariti

16、es can work as an amplifier.,工作于正确电源极性下的晶体管,作用就像放大器。,23,Grammar Features, 不定式,用不定式短语来替代表示目的和功能的从句或语句,(1) The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger so that the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied.,The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the

17、increasing demand of electric power.,单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求。,(2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit.,The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.,保险的作用就是保护电路。,24,(3) 省略句使用频繁,1) The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay system which has two circuits in it.,The devi

18、ce includes an instrument transformation and a relay system with two circuits in it.,这个装置包括一个互感器和一个有两个电路的继电器系统。,As already discussed 前已讨论As explained before 前已解释As described above 如上所示If possible (necessary)如果可能(必要),其他常用的省略形式:,If so 倘若如此As previously mentioned 前已提到When needed (necessary, feasible)必要

19、时Where feasible 在实际可行的场合Where possible 在可能的情况下,25,Grammar Features,(4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁,It句型:it 充当形式主语,避免句子“头重脚轻”,It is very important (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to,It takes very much time learning,It is clear (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) that,It happened that ,It must be a

20、dmitted that,祈使句: 无主语,精炼。,Let A be equal to B.设A等于B。,Consider a high-pressure chamber. 假如有一个高气压气候室。,(准确、精炼),26,Grammar Features,(5) 后置形容词短语作定语多,代替定语从句作后置定语,使句子简洁、紧凑,不至于累赘。,1) All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, which are analogous to those of waves moving through water.,All radiant e

21、nergies have wavelike characteristics analogous to those of waves moving through water.,2) The instruments present include some digital ones which are relative to DSPs,The instruments present include some digital ones relative to DSPs,所有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中移动的波的特征相似。,到场的仪器中还有一些与DSP有关的数字仪器,(精炼),27,Grammar

22、 Features,(6) 复杂长句使用频繁,1) It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt has been continuously dep

23、osited, that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved.,只有水中或水边生活的动物,才能把遗骸保留下来,因为这样做的条件之一,就是迅速地埋葬。而只有在泥浆和淤泥能够接连不断地沉淀的地方如海洋、河川,有时在湖泊里,动植物的遗骸和类似的东西,才能被很快地覆盖而保存下来。,(准确、精炼),为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从句,28,In this section we discuss the physical effects that are exploited in those semicond

24、uctor memories that can retain stored data after power supplies are disconnected, and where the stored data can be modified. 提示:该句有5个谓语,分析从句关系有助于理解内容。全局可翻译为:本节讨论具有下述特点的半导体存储器中采用的物理效应:这种存储器在切断电源后仍然能保留业已存储的数据,而且其中存储的数据可以被修改。,分析语法关系是为了帮助正确理解内容,不能为了追求语法细节而分析语法。,29,结合专业内容,Hence carriers move away from th

25、e junctions after injection by diffusion and the action of any fields built in by variable doping. 提示:如果根据其位置关系分析,可能认为“by diffusion and the action of any fields”是修饰直接位于其前面的“injection”。但是基于物理含义分析,应该修饰“move”。这是专业英语中经常出现的问题,即如果对物理含义不是很清楚,在翻译时出现的错误不是语法问题,而是违背了物理含义;“by variable doping”修饰其前面的“built in”。全句

26、可翻译为:因此,载流子在注入以后将通过扩散的方式离开结,如果(基区)杂质分布不均匀还会受到自建电场的作用。,30,The associated delay times are found by dividing the charge that must be moved by the current that moves it. 提示:根据物理含义分析,“by the current”应该是修饰动名词dividing(表示数学运算中的“除”),表示用来除“the charge”。如果从语法角度分析,可以认为“by the current”修饰直接位于其前面的moved,但是如果这样翻译成汉语,

27、尽管不应该说语法错误,但是物理含义不对;句子两个that均是引导定语从句,分别修饰各自前面的名词charge和current。全句可翻译为:用必须被移开的电荷除以用于移动电荷的电流,就得到相应的延迟时间。,31,When passing current all devices have been found to have low-frequency noise power in excess of the value predicted by 4kTRdf. 提示:“by 4kTRdf”修饰“predicted”表示预计值为4kTRdf,而不是修饰“in excess of”表示超过的大小为

28、4kTRdf。如果仅仅从英语语法考虑,上述两种修饰关系均有可能。但是结合物理含义分析,只能理解为修饰“predicted”,否则翻译出的语句出现物理含义错误。全句可翻译为:业已发现,在有电流通过时,所有器件都具有比预计值4kTRdf大的低频噪声功率。,32,The intrinsic Fermi level must shift away from the band with the larger density of states in order to maintain equal numbers of electrons and holes. 提示:要正确翻译本句必须明确with 是修饰

29、动词shift还是修饰名词band。从语法分析,两种理解均可,但是译文的含义有所差别。一种翻译是:本征费米能级的位置也必定将随着状态密度的增大而发生移动,以保持电子和空穴的数量相等。 一种翻译是:本征费米能级的位置也必定将向远离具有更大态密度的能带的方向移动,以保持电子和空穴的数量相等。,33,复杂从句1)几个从句修饰同一概念,The moon is a world that is completely and utterly dead, a sterile mountainous waste on which during the heat of the day the sun blazed

30、 down with relentless fury, but where during the long night the cold is so intense that it far surpasses anything ever experienced on the earth.,月球完全是一个毫无生气的世界,是一片多山的不毛之地。在酷热的白昼,太阳向它倾泻着无情的烈焰,而漫长的严寒却远远不是我们在地球上所能体验到的。,34,2) 从句本身又套从句,The difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who atte

31、mpted to explore the moon assuming that it was possible to get there would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Everest.,任何试图探索月球奥秘的人假定他们可能到达那里的话可能遇到的困难远非攀登珠穆朗玛主峰时遇到的困难所能比拟。,35,3) 带有从句的并列复合句,There is always a certain amount of random n

32、oise in the receive which is recorded on the chart, but the emissions can be recognized as an increase in intensity when the telescope is pointing directly at a “radio star”.,在接收器里,总会有一定数量的不规则杂音被记录在图纸上,但是当望远镜直接指向“射电星”时,我们就能发现无线电辐射波的密度就会增加。,36,利用主语或表语从句进行强调,The transistor is what started the evolutio

33、n of the modern computer industry in motion.此句可译为:晶体管(的发明)启动了现代计算机工业的蓬勃发展进程。本句采用what 引导的从句做表语,是一种对主语“the transistor”进行强调的表达方式。其意思相当于:The transistor started the evolution of the modern computer industry in motion.,37,利用主语或表语从句进行强调,What allowed the creation of modern processors was the invention of th

34、e integrated circuit, which is a group of transistors manufactured from a single piece of material and connected together internally, without extra wiring .此句可译为:集成电路的发明为现代处理器的诞生创造了条件;集成电路是单片材料制造的一组内部互联的(无额外连线)晶体管。本句采用what 引导的从句做主语,是对表语“the invention of the integrated circuit”的强调。,38,TerminologyTran

35、sistor vs. vacuum tubeConductivity & semiconductor Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSITimeline of Electronic Technology EvolutionCompany Information Bell Laboratories Texas Instruments Intel Corporation,2 Microelectronic Technology,39,定义:真空管是一种内部气体全部或部分抽空的电子管,从而使电子在不受或少受气体分子的干扰下运动。,2.1 Terminology术语1 Tr

36、ansistor vs. vacuum tube,Definition: The vacuum tube is an electron tube from which all or most of the gas has been removed, permitting electrons to move with no or low interaction with any remaining gas molecules.,40,A transistor is a device that conducts a variable amount of electricity through it

37、, depending on how much electricity is input to it. In other words, it is a digital switch. However, unlike the vacuum tube , it is solid state .晶体管是一种依据输入电量大小而传导可变电量的器件。换言之,晶体管是一种数字开关。然而,和真空管不同,晶体管是“固态”的。,Transistor vs. vacuum tube,41,The first transistor from Bell Labs,Photo courtesy of Lucent Tec

38、hnologies Bell Labs Innovations (照片由提供),42,Solid state means that it doesnt change its physical form as it switches. There are no moving parts in a transistor.“固态”的意思是当晶体管切换状态时,它的物理形式不发生变化。晶体管中不存在可以移动的部分 。,Transistor vs. vacuum tube,43,Compared to the vacuum tube , transistors were much smaller, fas

39、ter, and cheaper to manufacture. They were also far more reliable and used much less power.,Transistor vs. vacuum tube,和真空管相比,晶体管尺寸小得多,速度快得多,生产成本低得多,性能更加可靠,功耗也少得多。,44,While most materials either insulate from electrical flow (air, glass, wood) or conduct electricity readily (metals, water), there ar

40、e some that only conduct electricity a small amount, or only under certain conditions. These are called semiconductors.大多数材料要么对电流绝缘(如空气、玻璃、木头),要么很容易传导电流(如金属、水溶液),但也有一些材料只传导少量电流,或者只在特定条件下传导电流。这些材料被称作半导体。,2 Conductivity vs. semiconductor,45,Convection, radiation, conductionThe most commonly used semic

41、onductor is of course silicon.,Conductivity & semiconductor,Confusable with “Silica”Silica:硅石,二氧化硅(SiO2),46,Miniaturization means the reduction in size of components and circuits for increasing package density and reducing power dissipation and signal propagation delays.微型化是指减少元件和电路的几何尺寸, 从而增加封装密度、降

42、低功耗、减少信号传输延迟。,3 Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSI,47,The integrated circuit is a group of transistors manufactured from a single piece of material and connected together internally, without extra wiring . Integrated circuits are also called ICs or chips. 集成电路就是用单片材料制造的,内部互连的(无外部连线)一组晶体管。集成电路也叫IC或者芯片。,

43、Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSI,48,词汇特点:缩略词、首字词、混合法、字母外形法 语法特点:客观性(objective),准确性(accuracy), 精练性(conciseness)修辞特点:(1)几个从句修饰同一概念 (2) 从句本身又套从句 (3)带有从句的并列复合句 (4)利用主语或表语从句进行强调翻译特点:逻辑条理性,避免歧义,物理意义等,overview,49,LSI:Large-scale Integration大规模集成(电路)Large-scale integration (LSI) came to refer to the creation

44、 of integrated circuits that had previously been made from multiple discrete components. “大规模集成”(LSI)是指将先前多个分立器件构成的电路集成化。VLSI:Very Large-scale Integration 超大规模集成(电路)VLSI circuits can contain millions of transistors. VLSI集成电路可包含几百万只晶体管。,Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSI,50,device in text,The transistor

45、 was originally a single, discrete device, which you could place individually into a circuit much like any other. 最早的晶体管是分立器件。和其他分立器件一样,你可以单独地把它放置在某个电路中。 These devices typically contained hundreds of transistors.这些器件通常包含几百个晶体管。,51,To direct the course of; manage or control.指挥指引的路线;管理或控制To lead or gu

46、ide.领导或引导Conduct an orchestra 指挥交响乐队To serve as a medium for conveying; transmit:传导,作为传送的载体;传输:Some metals conduct heat. 某些金属导热To comport (oneself) in a specified way:行为,举止She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief.她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静,conduct in dictionary,52,Copper conducts electricity better th

47、an other materials.铜导电比其它材料好。The semiconductor is a material whose resistivity is between that of conductors and insulators, and whose resistivity can sometimes be changed by light, an electric field or a magnetic field.半导体是一种电阻率介于导体与绝缘体之间的材料, 其电阻率有时会受光、电场或磁场的影响而变化。,conduct in use,53,Large-scale int

48、egration (LSI) came to refer to the creation of integrated circuits that had previously been made from multiple discrete components. 大规模集成是指将先前多个分立部件构成的电路集成化。,discrete in text,54,Discrete, Integrateddiscrete circuit 分立电路integrated circuit 集成电路Discrete, continuous Discrete-time signals, continuous-time signalsDiscrete-time system, continuous-time systemDTFT: Discrete Time Fourier Transform, 离散时间傅里叶变换DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform, 离散傅里叶变换DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform, 离散余弦变换DWT: Discrete Wavelet Transform, 离散小波变换,


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