1、托业考试托业考试心得(930分;人大教材;6级500分水平,20天复习) 首先说下,写这个东西只有一个目的,就是回馈下社会,因为当初考的时候看了很多文章,不管怎样都获得了一些有用的信息和启发。分数也不牛逼,准备时间也不短,但希望可以对于像我一样底子薄弱的人可以有些帮助。 还有一点要说明,这篇文章里说的大部分内容都是针对应试的,这样去学习,主要目的就是为了考试,并不能从根本上帮助你增长英语水品。所以有时间的同学还是建议你们每天花点时间,日积月累的,真真提高英语水品。 好了,言归正传。我用的教材是人大的阅读,听力,6套模拟题。 首先说下听力吧,我第一次做托业听力的时候大概错了30个,有点郁闷,但并
2、没在意,因为已经半年完全没看英语了,所以这个结果也算情理之中,因为本身底子就不好。 我当时是这样听的,早上按考试时间听一篇,然后对答案,下午的时候精听,把每个单词,每个句子都听懂,然后过2到3天,找一个晚上的时间脱离题目,再把听力原文听一次。每套题都是这样循环。 下面说下听力过程中要重点注意的问题: 1( 不管你开始的时候一篇文章做完之后错多少个,你一定要有信心,因为经过将近一个月的时间,你的听力水平肯定是可以提高的,所以一定要有信心。并且经过我参加考试后的经验发现,真题的听力并不难,也可以说很简单。 2( 关于精听过程中的问题,有些地方听不懂,我不会反复听很多次,基本上我最多听5次,如果还是
4、钟的听力内容缺被忽略了,严重影响答题。所以平时在练习的时候,一定要注意积累这样的盲点,前面说到的晚上复习听力的阶段,也是为了重温盲点,扫除盲点。 3( Part 1和Part 3比较简单(个人认为,练习到后来的感觉),所以讲下针对part 2 和part 4的经验。 其中,p2的经验主要是从人大教材上学来的,感觉还可以,虽然有些东西肯定用不到,但说了总比没说强,所以可以去看下人大教材里的讲解。说下考试经验,我在考试中,第一道题没听懂,轻敌了,所以严重影响了后面几部分的考试,所以大家可以从中吸取经验教训:从第一道题开始就鼓足精神,认真去听;如果有听不懂的,千万要放弃,不能为了一棵树放弃一片森林,
5、千万要放弃,在练习的时候可以练习放弃- -。 P4的话书上说什么不用选原文出现的答案,要选同意变换的,其实我觉得不然,其实到后来,有些p4的文章,我也是听不懂,但基本都能选对,我总结了下,为什么会有这个效果,第一个原因就是在听原文的时候,一定要注意从整体把握,大概明白文章在说什么,还一定要注意说话人的语气,有的时候一些题目完全可以从说话人的语气中选出正确答案;第二就是可以采用“2点确定一条直线的”的方法。具体是这样的,在做文章之前,争取先看一下题目,找到题干跟选项的关键词,在听原文的过程中,注意听提干的关键词,在这个词的前后,如果出现了选项里的关键词,那正确答案基本就是这个选项了,个人觉得这个
6、办法很好用,特别是在不能完全听懂文章的时候,大家可以尝试着去感受一下。(以上这些方法同样适用于p3,至于p1的方法,人大教材里已经说的很具体了,大家自己体会吧) 4. 还有一点也说下吧,就是一定要提前看听力原文,我是按照人大教材介绍的顺序去看,感觉还可以。有些地方可以利用的,比如发下卷子之后,虽然卷子是封的,但你可以从底下掀起来看到最下面的题,也会帮你省时间,老师是不会管的,只要你别直接撕开。还有就是,做每套题的时候,要严格按照考试的时间来做,每次都认真对待,集中注意力快速扫题干跟选项,平时注意练习,这个能力也是可以提高的,比如只看题干的第一个疑问词,大写的词,跟时间等,选项中前半部分重复的地
7、方,就掠过,不要读,记住不要读,因为之前是在用眼睛扫,而不是读,读的话浪费时间,用眼睛跟脑子扫,完全可以达到预期效果。(这些练习题的听力题干跟选项普遍偏长,所以大家在练习的时候如果读不完也不要紧,只要你用心去练了,可以集中的读,考试的时候一定可以读完) 5. 听力差的人考前前20天建议每天都听2套题左右,这样可以让耳朵熟悉,很管用。 下面说下阅读部分: 每天上午对完听力答案之后,按考试时间做一套阅读,上午有时间的话可以对对答案,如果没时间就等下午精听听力后,认真分析错题。 1( 我看过几篇人大语法跟词汇的书,但到真正考试的时候发现part5 6 很简单,不像练习里的那么难,所以大家可以考虑不用
8、看那个书,因为太难了,没用,反倒浪费时间。不过你可以看下那本书之前的讲解,跟最后的一部分,叫什么“20天突破什么的”难度还可以,如果你底子不错,完全可以不看那本书,只需要把模拟题的p5 6弄明白就行。这两部分要拿满分很难,但想丢太多分也同样很难。 2( 关于p7,真正的考试也很简单,但模拟题里的文章有点难了,而且有些分析的跟放屁一样,完全没作用,有的分析让你莫不着头脑,所以在做阅读那本书的时候,大家不用太较真,可以把那本书当做一个练习时间的书,有些问题错了,看了讲解之后还不懂的话,就可以不用管他了。但做模拟题的那6套的时候,希望你可以弄懂每一道错题,要知道为什么错了,怎么错的,正确答案跟错误答
9、案之间有什么区别,正确答案是怎么被隐藏的等等。久而久之,就能有很大的提升。 3( 在练习阅读的过程中,有时间的话可以把一些生词记下来,每天复习一下前面几天的单词,循环下去。个人觉得这个考试不用单独去花时间背单词,只需要把做过的题中的生词有选择的记下来就可以了。 4( 我在练习的时候,几乎每次都有一些题明明会,但就是选错了,分析后发现,基本这样的题多是出现在我没把整篇文章看完就选择的情况下,所以针对这个问题,我以后不管文章长短,简单或是难,我都把文章看完,这样做可以让你至少少错2到3个题目。特别是最后的double reading 一定要看完文章,做题速度还可以的话,一定要看完每篇文章。 5(
10、从练习开始,每次都要严格控制时间,留出5-10分钟涂卡,特别是在冬天,没暖气的考场里涂卡是挺浪费时间的,不过大家也别太担心,真正考试比模拟题简单,考试的时候我提前20多分钟就答完了。所以大家一定要有信心。 Ok,说了那么多,可能有点乱,因为是第一次写这样的东西,加上本来自身的文学修养就不够,所以还请大家见谅。 再强调几点,模拟题比真题难,可以说难的多,所以你们一定要有信息;每次练习都要做到3点:控制时间;全神贯注;认真总结。 20 TOEIC Tips 1. Set a goal So, youve decided to take the TOEIC test. Congratulations
11、! The first thing you should do is set a goal. If you are taking the test in order to apply for a job, find out what proficiency level is required. Most entry level positions require a minimum score of 600. Management positions may require a higher score, such as 800. Choose a goal that is achievabl
12、e. If you aim too high, you will be disappointed. Remember, you can take the test as often as you want if you dont mind paying the fee. 2. Understand the test Before you start studying for the test, make sure you understand the format of each section. You will be tested on your listening and reading
13、 comprehension skills. By doing model or practice tests, you will become very familiar with the TOEIC. The test should become “second nature“ to you before you attempt the real thing. 3. Make a study plan Procrastination is one of the key reasons students fail the TOEIC test. You may book your TOEIC
14、 test months in advance. However, the day you decide to take the TOEIC test should be the day you start to study. You will have to decide whether or not you are going to teach yourself the TOEIC with reliable resources or whether you are going to take a TOEIC preparation class. In order to get the b
15、est results, you should do both. If you cannot afford to take a TOEIC class, make sure to choose a TOEIC textbook that has explanatory answers. You will also want to have a teacher or tutor that you can go to from time to time with questions. If you choose a TOEIC class, make sure that you trust you
16、r teacher and feel comfortable in his or her class. Take a class with a friend and make a commitment to study together in and outside of class. Studying at the same time every day is a great way to improve your score. Write down your study plan and sign it! Divide study time appropriately 4.The TOEI
17、C is divided into seven sections. Each section is worth a certain amount of points. Dont spend too much time studying one section. Many students make the mistake of studying the section that they enjoy the most. This is the section you should spend the least amount of time on. You might want to divi
18、de your study week by focusing on a certain section each day. Remember, if Sunday is your day to practice Part VII (40 questions on the test), you might have to study twice as long as you would on Monday when you focus on Part I (20 questions on the test). 5. Build a strong vocabulary Another reason
19、 students fail the TOEIC test is that they have a very limited vocabulary. The day you decide to take the TOEIC test you should make yourself a blank dictionary. Use a notebook (an address book works great because it is divided into letters) and keep track of all of the new words you learn along the
20、 way. It is not useful to study vocabulary lists. You will only remember words that you have seen in context. For each entry, write the word and use it in a sentence. At the end of each week you should write a short letter or composition using as many of the words as you can. This might also be the
21、time to stop using your translation dictionary. Electric dictionaries make things too simple! You will not remember the word if it doesnt take any effort to understand it. Keep in mind that the TOEIC test has a business theme. You should study vocabulary from topics such as travel, banking, health,
22、restaurants, offices, etc. You will also want to learn everyday idiomatic expressions. 6. Isolate your weak points After you have been studying the TOEIC for a while, you will find out which parts give you the most trouble. You might want to change how you divide your time. There are certain grammar
23、 points that many students have trouble with. If you are taking a TOEIC class, ask your teacher to bring in extra homework help on problems like these. If you are studying by yourself, find a good reference book in the library and look up your question. There may also be help on the Internet. For ex
24、ample, type “gerunds“ into a search engine and you will probably find a useful exercise. 7. Eliminate distractors In every TOEIC question, there are at least two distractors (wrong answers that the test writer uses to trick you). It is much easier to choose the correct answer when you have only two
25、to choose from. (The third choice is often impossible and easy to spot.) There are many types of distractors such as, similar sounds, homonyms, repeated words, etc. As you study, make yourself a list of distractors. When you come across them you will be able to eliminate them more easily. 8. Trust y
26、our instincts Sometimes an answer will jump out at you as either correct or incorrect. If you have been studying hard, chances are that your brain is telling you which choice to pick. Dont change your answers after following your instinct. If you do decide to change an answer, make sure that you era
27、se very carefully. A machine will be marking your test. Be sure to use a pencil and fill in your circle choice completely. Bring extra pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener! 9. Dont try to translate Translating vocabulary and sentences wastes a lot of time. It is very rare that students have extr
28、a time during the TOEIC test. If you dont know a word, look at the context of the sentence and the words around it. You will not be allowed to use a dictionary when you take the test. 10. Guess as a last resort On test day, if you dont know the answer, and you have eliminated all of the distractors
29、you can, dont leave the space blank. There is a good chance you will not have time to go back to this question. You still have a 25% chance of getting the answer right if you guess. If you are sure that one or two of the answers are incorrect, your guess is even more likely to be correct! 11. Be awa
30、re of time management When you are doing practice tests, you should always be aware of the time. Never allow yourself an open ended study session. You will have to learn to work efficiently. On test day, you should be especially careful in the Reading section. You will have 75 minutes to complete Pa
31、rts V, VI and VII. Many students spend too long on section V or VI because they find these the most difficult. Dont spend more than 30 minutes on the first two parts. Part VII will take you at least 40 minutes, and it is worth a lot of points, especially if you find it an easier section. 12. Listen
32、quickly When you are studying for the TOEIC test, do not get in the habit of rewinding the tape. On test day you wont have any control over the speed of the listening section. You will not even have time to think for very long between questions. Make sure that you do not get behind during the real t
33、est. If you do not know the answer, take your best guess. Then continue to follow along. Dont look back at questions when you are waiting for another question to start. 13. Practise reading aloud Reading out loud will help your listening and reading comprehension skills. In order to comprehend Engli
34、sh more quickly, it is important that you understand the rhythm of the language. Read from textbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, and even childrens novels. You might want to tape yourself and listen to how you sound. 14. Use mass media One of the best ways to prepare for the TOEIC test is to study real
35、English. Watch television, listen to radio reports, and read newspapers and magazines. Pay special attention to ads, letters, weather and traffic reports, coupons, and special announcements. Do this with a friend, and write out questions for each other to answer. This is a great way to practice your wh-questions. It is also a great way to learn common idiomatic expressions.