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1、锦湖小学五年级英语第一单元检测题 2018,01班级_姓名_ 书写等级 _质量等级_一、选出每组单词中与其他两项不相同的单词。( ) 1. A milk B juice C cake ( ) 2. A pears B apples C eggs( ) 3. A walk B want C kilo ( ) 4. A rice B met C ran( ) 5. A did B reads C goes 二、英汉互译1.need_ 2.(宾格)我们_3 those ice creams _ 4 使用_5 half a kilo_ 6 发送一封电子邮件_7 许多的 _ 8come back _9

2、上周日_ 10 hurry up_11 列一张购物清单_ 12wait for _13 在那边_ 14 how much_三、写出下列动词的过去式1 go_ 2 meet _ 3 run _4 walk _ 5 have _6 buy _7 drop_ 8 watch_ 9come _10do _11.eat_ 12.drink_四、选词填空by up are at is for with in back come1 Hello, Daming. How _you ? I am fine, thank you .2 Do you live _London ? Yes ,I do.3 When

3、did you _back ? We came back last Sunday .4 Yesterday I went to the park _Sam and Amy.5 We went home _bus yesterday.6 This _your ice cream , Amy.7 Im _ from China .8 Sam , look _ those ice cream .9 Hurry _, John . Run !10.We need some food _our picnic . 五、单项选择( ) 1 _did you go to the zoo yesterday ?

4、 A When B How C When ( ) 2 _ you _ to the park yesterday ? Yes , I did .A Do , go B Did , go C Did , went( ) 3 They are waiting _me . A / B to C for ( ) 4 _ did you come back ? Last week . A What B When C How ( ) 5 Mike _ his cap yesterday. A dropped B drops C droped( ) 6 This is our _ friend, Lingl

5、ing. A China B Chinese C the USA( ) 7 Do you live in this city ? _. A Yes, I did. B Yes, I do. C No, I didnt. ( ) 8 _ did you come back from London ? A When B Where C What( ) 9 Did they meet John ? _ .A Yes, they did . B No, he didnt. C No, they did .( ) 10 Then we went home _ bus . A on B in C by (

6、 ) 11 How many _ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple ( ) 12 How _milk do you want ? A many B much C few( ) 13 We need food _ our picnic . A to B of C for ( ) 14Lets buy one kilo _ noodles . A to B on C of ( ) 15Lets _ a list . A make B makes C making 六、连线。( ) 1 Did they go home by bike ? A.I w

7、ent to the park .( ) 2 Where did you go yesterday ? B. I came back last Friday ( ) 3 What did you see ? C. No , they didnt ( )4When did your father come back?D. I saw lots of places . .( ) 5 When did you come back ? E. He came back last Sunday.( ) 6 How much cheese do you want ? F. They will come to

8、morrow.( ) 7 How many things are there ? G. Im shopping .( ) 8 When will these things come ? H. Half a kilo.( ) 9 What are you doing ? I.Thirty-seven.( ) 10Do you live in London, too ? J.Yes, I do .七、连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号。1 yesterday did you come back (?)_2 by home bus I went yesterday ( . )_3 oranges yo

9、u how many did buy (?)_4 bought we creams ice ( . )_5 you buy how did rice much (?)_八、选词填空 1 How _( much / many ) bananas do you want ?2 Herere _( you / your ) pears.3We can_( buy/ bought) four apples.4 Amy and Linda _( like / likes ) milk. 5.We didnt (buy/ bought)any bananas.九、句型转换1 Did you go to w

10、ork yesterday ?(做出肯定回答)_2 How many apples did you buy ?(用 two kilos 做回答)_3 Do Lingling phone you ?(做出否定回答)_4.Mike comes from Shanghai.(用 last week 改为过去时)Mike _ _ Shanghai last week.5.We buy a lot of chocolate.(改为过去时)We _a lot of chocolate yesterday.10、根据汉语提示补全句子1、_(让我们) buy some cheese.2、Lingling _

11、_(跑向) the bus yesterday.3、I _(丢失)the list last week .4、_ _(多少牛奶) did you buy?5、_ _(多少)apples did he buy?11、用所给单词或短语造句1、met _ 2、those_ 3、ice cream_ 4、us_ 5、wait_ 6、email_ 7、ran_ 8、love_ 9、can_ 10、any_ 11、use_ 12、half_ 十二、写一写。昨天,你去超市买了六个香蕉、半千克的奶酪和许多大米。根据你的购物情况进行问答。A:_ did _ _at the Supermarket _?B:I bought_ , _ and _.A:_ _ bananas did you buy?B:I bought _ _.A:_ _cheese did you buy?B: I bought _ _ _.A:_ _ _ did you buy?B: I bought _ _ _ _.


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