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1、Starter1-4 模块测试卷班别_ 姓名_一、 单项选择题:(40%) ( )1Sit down, please. -_. AGood BFine COK D Thanks ( )2. I_ an English boy. A. is B. am C. are ( )3. Those are_. A. teacher B. I teachers C. my teachers ( )4. -_? -A bag. A. Whats this in English B. How are you C. How do you do ( )5. -_maps are there ? -There ar

2、e eight. A. What B. How C. How many ( ) 6.You_ a teacher,I_ a student, my sister_ a student, too. A. am, is, are B. is, are, am C. are, am, is ( )7.This _Miss Li._ my teacher. A.Is , Hes B. are , Shes C. is ,Im D.is, Shes( )8_ Im Tom Hanks. A. How are you? B. Whats your name? C. Good morning. D. How

3、 do you do? ( )9“Hello, Kate .Nice to meet you.” “_” A. How are you ? B. Whats your name? C. Nice to meet you , too. D. fine , thanks.( ). 10. Please _down and _your book. A.sit, open B. stand, open C. put, draw D.sit , put ( ). 11.Whats this _English? .Its a pen . A. In ,are B. in ,is C. on, is D.

4、of, is ( )12.Please write it _the blackboard. A. In B. on C. of D. for ( )13.How _you spell “pen”? .P-E-N, pen. A. are B. is C. can D. do ( )14Can you help me, please? .Yes,_ A. I cant B.of course C. he can D.Im ( )15What colour is the bird? _ black and white. A. Its B.It are C. Theyer D. Its ( )16W

5、hats your favourite _? Basketball. A. Colour B.day C.flower D. sport ( )17.My favourit sport is _. A. swimming B.swim C.play football D.play table tennis ( )18. _is it tomorrow? Today is _. Tomorrow is Wednesday A. Whats, Monday B. What day , Tuesday C. How many , Monday D. How old, Saturday ( ) 19.

6、 _are you? Im five. A. How B. How many C. How old D. What ( ) 20_girls are there? .There are twelve. B. How B. How many C. How old D. What ( ) 21 . _ five and six? ._eleven. A. What , It B. Whats, Its C. How many , Its D. How old, Im ( )22. Eleven and four_ fifteen. A. am B .is C. are D. its ( )23.L

7、ets _after school. A. play football B. to play football C. playing football D. going swimming ( )24._the weather like _spring? _ warm. A. What, in , Its B Whats, in , Its. B. How s ,in , Its D. How, on ,Im( )25.Its cold in_ in China. A. summer B. autumn C. winter D. spring ( )26.Its time to go now.

8、_. A. Thank you. B. Youer welcome C. Goodbye D.OK( )27.What colour is the banana? Its_.A. black B. red C. orange D. yellow ( )28.How many _are there? ._twenty.A. desks, Are there B .desks, Theyer B. desks, Therere D. desk, Thereer ( )29.当你在路上认错了人,你可以说_。 A. How are you? B. Sorry C. Thanks D. Whats yo

9、ur name? ( )30.当别人夸你的衣服漂亮时,你可以说_。A. Where, where B. Thank you C. Thank D. Sorry ( )31.下列哪一个单词中的字母 i 与其它三个的发音不一样? A. fine B. nice C. like D. big ( )32.下列哪一个单词的字母组合与其它三个发音不同?A. chair B. share C. year D. where ( )33.在 cat, bag, black, that 这四个词中,元音字母 a 发下列哪个元音? A. B.C D.( )34.please spell “map” ._. A.

10、MAP B.M-a-p C.M-A-P D. m-a-p( )35. Kate, whats this in English? A. This is a pen B. Its pen C. Its a pen D. Its a pen ( )36. “Betty, this is my friend, Tony”. “_, Tony.”A. How are you B.I am Betty C. Nice to meet you D. Goodbye ( )37.下午在校门口遇到同学,应该怎么打招呼?A. How are you? B. Good morning B. Good afterno

11、on D. Good evening ( )38 “_class are you in?” “Im in_.” A. What , class four B. Whats, Class Four B. What, Class Four D. Whats, class four ( )39. _your telephone number? _ six two three, one eight four. A. How many, Its B. Whats , It C. Whats , Its D. What, It ( )40. _do you spell “bird”? .B-I-_-D.A

12、. How ,r B. how, R C. How, R D. What, R 二, 连词成句并翻译成汉语,句末标点已给出。20% 41.what ,is ,day,it,tommow?_42.the,weather ,whats,spring,like,in(?)_ 43.play,lets,football,school,after(.)_44.hot,its,HongKong,summer,in,in(.)_45.flower,colour,is,what,the.(?)_ 46.“dog”,spell,do,how,you(?)_47.English,this,whats,in(?)_

13、48.you,say,can,that,please,again(?)_49.it,write,on,blackboard,the,please(?)_ 50.books,there,many,how,are,bag ,your,in(?)_三、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词并使句子意思完整。10% 51.The w_ is very cold in Harbin in winter. 52.I like football and s_.53.Basketball is his f_ sport. 54.Lets p_ basketball after school. 55.Today is f

14、_and tomorrow is Saturday. 56.My favourite c_ is red. 57.Its very h_ in summer. 58. This is my t_, Miss Li. 59.please s_ up. 60.P_ up your hand. 四选择括号中适当的单词填空。10% 61.Whats _(you, your) favourite sport? 62.Lets_(to play, play) basketball after school. 63.I like_(swim, swimming),too.64.This _(is, are)

15、 a cat. 65.This is _(I, my) friend,_(he, his)names Tom. 66.This is_ Miss Zhou._ (she, her) is my teacher.67.Open _(you, your) book, please. 68.Im in Mr _(Chen, Chens)class. 69.My new number_(are ,is) seven two six, eight one five four. 70.Can you help _(me, I). 五,根据划线部分提问,每空一词。5%. 71.There are eight

16、een girls in my class. _ _girls are there in your class? 72.My names Lingling. _ your name? 73.Im twelve. _ _ are you? 74.My number is eight nine ten,seven six five one. _ your number? 75.Im in Class One. _ _ are you in ? 六,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。5% A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My names Dale A:(1)_ B: Fin

17、e, thank you, (2) _ A: Nice to meet you, too. (3)_ B: Im twelve. A: (4)_ B: His name is Frank A(5)_ B: His phone number? Sorry, I dont know A. Whats his phone number? B. How old are you? C. How are you? D. Whats his name? E. Nice to meet you. 七书面表述。根据以下中文提示,写一篇自我介绍的短文。10% 我是大明,12 岁。我是一个学生,我在三班,我喜欢红色,我喜欢运动,我最喜欢的运动是足球。 _


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