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1、河津二中 2018-2019 学年高三 9 月份月考英语试题考试时间:120 分钟 满分 150 分第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ADisasters almost always arrive unexpectedly. But there are apps to help people prepare for disasters. Some apps alarm users when a disaster has taken place. Oth

2、er disaster apps can be used when people need rescue or other help.SirenGPS MobileThe free SirenGPS Mobile app connects users to emergency services. The app will let emergency workers know where the person in need is. The app works over cell networks. But it also works on Wi-Fi if cell networks are

3、down after an emergency. Users can create a personal health report on the app to share with emergency services. This will provide information important to treatment decisions.GuardlyGuardly is an app that can help keep people safer in places such as businesses and universities. This app permits work

4、ers and students to report about unsafe conditions. Reports can be made to an organizations own security division as well as to government emergency services. The reporters location can be sent with the report so security or emergency services help can arrive more quickly. The app is free, but Guard

5、ly charges for its services.Life360The Life360 app provides a service to keep loved ones connected. Users can set up a network of people to share their location, chat, and get a warning when they are near someone in their network. The app helps users communicate when they are in a disaster. The loca

6、tion share action can be forbidden when desired. The Life360 app is free, with some services available for a fee.Red Panic ButtonWhen a person is in a dangerous situation, the Red Panic Button app might help. This app can send a text message or email to chosen contacts providing the users location.

7、You can also add a voice or video message or photo to your text and email. Red Panic Button is free, but extra functions are available for a fee.1. What does the SirenGPS Mobile app work on when cell networks are not available?A. Emergency services. B. Wi-Fi.C. A personal health report. D. Text mess

8、ages and emails.2. When using Guardly, people can get timely security services becauseA. the app is a perfect toolB. the app causes little troubleC. the report can show where the reporter isD. the report can tell how to save the reporter3. Which app can send video messages?A. Life 360. B. Guardly.C.

9、 Red Panic Button. D. SirenGPS Mobile.4. Which of the following is TRUE about the four apps mentioned in the passage?A. All of them are available for a fee.B. All of their services are chained.C. All of their extra functions are used for free.D. All of them can tell the users location.BI believe in

10、the power of the unknown. I believe that a sense of the unknown pushes us forward in all of our creative activities, from science to art.When I was a child, after bedtime I would often go to the window and stare at the stars. I had so many questions. How far away were those tiny points of light? Did

11、 space go on forever and ever, or was there some edge? And if so, what lay beyond the edge?Another of my childhood questions: Did time go on forever? I looked at pictures of my parents and tried to imagine their parents, and so on, back through the generations. Does time go on forever? Or is there s

12、ome beginning of time?When I grew up, I became a professional astrophysicist. Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, and to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was crazy a

13、bout a science problem. These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.Einstein once wrote that “the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the beginning of true art and true science.”

14、 What did Einstein mean by “the mysterious?” I dont think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces. I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that there are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment, and that we can stand

15、 right at the boundary between known and unknown.Scientists are happy, of course, when they find answers to questions. But scientists are also happy when they become stuck, when they discover interesting questions that they cannot answer. That is when their imaginations and creativity are set on fir

16、e. That is when the greatest progress occurs.5. As a child, the author wasA. cautious B. generousC. curious D. doubtful6. What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. Make someone to feel annoyed. B. Make someone to feel excited.C. Cause great trouble to someone. D. Keep coming t

17、o someones mind.7. What is the source of pleasure according to the passage?A. Exact prediction. B. Creativity in experiments.C. Rich imagination. D. Exploration of the unknown.8. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. The Power of Mysteries. B. The Characters of Mysteries.C. The

18、Significance of Science. D. The Beauty of Art.CAccording to scientists, a study of more than 50 plants and animals suggests their ability to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperature will be vastly outpaced by future climate change.Amphibians, reptiles and plants are harmed more easily in particu

19、lar, according to US researchers. And tropical (热带的 ) species are at higher risk than those in temperate zones. Some animals might be able to move geographically to deal with rising temperatures, but others live in remote areas where they cannot move, such as in nature reserves or on mountains or is

20、lands.Ecologists analyzed how quickly species had changed their climatic niches (the conditions where they can survive) over time, and how these rates compared with that of global warming. They analyzed populations of plants and animals, including insects, amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Ra

21、tes of change in climatic niches were much slower than rates of projected climate change, by more than 200,000 fold for temperature on average, they said.“Overall, our results show that rates of climatic niche change among populations of plants and animals are remarkably slower than projected rates

22、of future climate change,” said Tereza Jezkova and John Wiens, of the University of Arizona.Mammals might be better placed to survive than amphibians and reptiles, because they had the ability to regulate their own body temperatures, said Dr. Wiens. Besides, while some species might be able to move

23、to higher latitudes (纬度) to survive, “for a lot of organisms, that is not an option.” “Its a double danger of climate change and habitat destruction,” he added.9. What species are likely to suffer most?A. Mammals in temperate regions.B. Reptiles in temperate regions.C. Mammals in tropics.D. Amphibia

24、ns in tropics.10. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Amphibians. B. Mammals.C. Reptiles. D. Plants.11. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Human beings should find some ways to fight against climate change.B. Many species will be unable to adapt fast enough to survive

25、climate change.C. Climate change will cause great damage.D. Climate change is increasingly terrible.DFrom the first days of nursery school to the first days of college, parents and children are faced with feelings brought about by separation. Children of all ages may experience some anxiety about ma

26、naging on their own. Young children are still struggling to control their impulses (冲动) and may need a parents presence to feel secure. Older children leaving home may experience their own anxiety about managing on their own due to homesickness.Childrens protests (抗议) about parents leaving them in a

27、 new situation often take the form of crying, which causes parents considerable concern. Generally, childrens protesting behavior around separation gets the most attention. At times, a different point of view may arise between parents and teachers about the best way to handle the situation. Teachers

28、 may think a child will be fine if the parent just leaves, while a parent may see the child as needing her presence. These roles are sometimes interchanged.Although it is the apparent upsets that get the most attention, when observing pre-school groups one can see the various ways children deal with

29、 the feelings aroused by separation. Some children deal with the situation by removing themselves from the group. In a recent observation, a little girl removed herself from the activity but continued to watch carefully everything that was going on.In another group, a more obvious separation scene t

30、ook place. The mother seemed clearly prepared to stay while the boy joined the group on his own. He seemed most competent until his mother suddenly decided to leave. At that point the child broke down completely, crying pitifully - different from the formerly competent boy.In situations like this on

31、e, mothers always wonder why their own child is not able to master separating from them as other children do. But the real point here is that separation is a developmental step which children deal with in different ways. When children dont openly cry and protest, it doesnt mean they are not struggli

32、ng to master the same feelings, each in his or her own way. It just means they express their feelings in a different way.12. How will children feel when they are separated from their parents?A. They will feel upset about relying on themselves.B. They will feel excited about managing their own busine

33、ss.C. They will feel angry for being left alone.D. They will feel scared of being abandoned.13. As to the best way to deal with separation, .A. parents and teachers always disagree with each otherB. some parents argue that there is no solution to the problemC. parents sometimes think that they can b

34、e absentD. some teachers misunderstand parents behaviors14. The author uses the observation of pre-school groups to .A. compare different ways children deal with the feelingsB. present how children handle the feelings differentlyC. criticize the cruelty of separationD. show the harmful effect of sep

35、aration15. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. How children express their feelings varies from person to person.B. How to deal with separation remains to be discussed.C. Separation will cause children to suffer a lot.D. Separation will give rise to a similar reaction.第二节(共

36、5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。On Friday, the Ministry of Education, along with eight other central departments, published a document on preventing campus violence. The document stresses that if the perpetrators (作恶者) break the law they should be handed over to the pol

37、ice._16_ As early as May, it launched a campaign to deal with the issue._17_ Several cases have even aroused nationwide concern.The root problem lies in some schools insisting on punishing the perpetrators with campus rules instead of calling the police, even though some incidents have already broke

38、n the law and the perpetrators should face legal punishments._18_.The schools do not want the perpetrators to go to court because it may harm their reputations so they prefer to forget the bad things”._19_. The problem is, the more they try to hide it, the bigger their scandal (丑闻) is._20_ When the

39、students who treat their schoolmates violently get extremely light punishments because of their young age, they might commit serious crimes in the future. Such cases should arouse our concern. It is time we solved the problem of campus violence with rules of law.A. Yet campus violence is still quite

40、 wild.B. The punishments of the schools are, of course, much lighter than legal punishments.C. Schools must be aware of the consequences of bullying and violent incidents in schoolsD. This is not the first time that the ministry has introduced measures aimed at stopping campus violence.E. They think

41、 that by turning a blind eye to any wrongdoing that happens on campus, they can cheat everybody.F. Worse, by trying to hide the scandal instead of solving it, the schools have actually encouraged campus violence.G. Students with severe behavioral problems should be transferred to special schools sui

42、table to their needs or receive criminal punishments.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、c、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Did you ever have one of those dreams that seemed to go on forever? I had one like that last night. I was _21_ down an old, side r

43、oad that I used to walk along as a teenager. I wasnt quite _22_ where 1 was headed, but I felt very determined to get there. Like in many _23_, time seemed fluid and people seemed ageless. As I walked along I kept meeting people from both my _24_ and my present. I saw both my Mom and my Grandma who

44、have passed away and I was able to _25_ them both one more hug. I _26_ many childhood friends and we talked, joked, and laughed just like we were _27_ again.Still, I kept walking, hoping to reach _28_ I was headed. Around every turning, though, there was _29_ new. I saw strangers _30_ and stopped to

45、 help them. I met a smiling, old man who _31_ shared his lifes wisdom with me and then I _32_ passed it on to young children further down the road. With every few steps it seemed there was a _33_ adventure in learning and love. I never got to where I was going and _34_ feeling like I had lived a lif

46、etime in a single _35_. It _36_ me a bit that I never _37_ where I was headed,_38_ then I realized that this dream was a lot like our life. It is the walk that _39_. You will meet a lot of wonderful people and _40_ a lot of interesting experiences.21. A. walking B. running C. driving D. looking22. A

47、. puzzled about B. interested in C. happy D. sure23. A. roads B. dreams C. journeys D. nights24. A. future B. past C. family D. experience25. A. show B. owe C. give D. ask26. A. chatted with B. searched for C. consulted with D. ran into27. A. neighbors B. adults C. kids D. friends28. A. wherever B.

48、whenever C. however D. whatever29. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing30. A. in need B. in delight C. with respect D. for certain31. A. seriously B. hesitantly C. happily D. casually32. A. lovingly B. unwillingly C. surprisingly D. jokingly33. A. dangerous B. familiar C. fresh D. similar34. A. jumped up B. woke up C. lay down D. bowed down35. A. life B. bed C. house D. night36. A. comforted B. impressed C. reminded D. bothered37. A. remembered B. planned C. reached D. lost38. A. but B. because C. so D. for39. A. arrives B. happens C.


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