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1、(外籍博士后)遵纪守法与职业道德情况评议表The Assessment of the Compliance with Law, regulations and Professional Ethics of the Applicant for Employment ( For Foreign Postdoctoral Fellow)单位 School/Department: 姓名Name性别Gender出生年月Date of Birth国籍Nationality宗教信仰Religious Affiliation申报岗位Intended Position内 容 Contents是 Yes否 No是

2、否对华友好?Are you friendly to China?是否有非法传教行为? Do you have any missionary activities that were legally prohibited?是否有犯罪记录?Do you have a criminal record?在原雇主单位是否有违纪或处分?Do you have a record of being disciplined or dismissed by a former employer?自评项目(请在相应栏目打)Items for Self-evaluation(Please put a check in

3、the appropriate column)若有教师相关职业经历,是否发生过违反教师职业道德或损害学生合法权益的行为? Have you committed immoral acts or violated students legal rights if you had teaching experience as a faculty, advisor, instructor, or tutor.自我评价Self-assessment(包含遵纪守法、个人诚信、职业道德等) Topics include: compliance with law and regulations, mainte

4、nance of individual integrity, compliance with professional ethics, etc.)声明Declaration申报人承诺上述情况属实。The applicant affirms the truth of the above statements. 签名: 年 月 日Signature Year Month Day推荐人意见Viewpoints of the referee 签名: 年 月 日Signature Year Month Day单位意见Conclusion of the School/Department 经个人自评、相关

5、教授推荐、单位评议,该申报人的遵纪守法与职业道德:The conclusion pertinent to the applicants compliance with law, regulations and professional ethics is made on the basis of self-evaluation, related facultys recommendations, and the official appraisal by the school/department: 符合高校聘用人员的要求,未发现存在问题。This applicant meets the em

6、ployment requirements of the university with no problems identified. 不符合高校聘用人员的要求,发现存在问题。This applicant do not meet the employment requirements of the university with problems identified.院长(系主任)签字:Signature of the Dean of School/Department:党委书记签字:Signature of the Secretary of School/Department CPC Committee:单位公章:Official Seal of the School/Department:年 月 日Year Month Day备注Other Remarks


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