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1、1必修 1 词语检测说明:1. 全卷共 100 道试题,每题 1 分;2. 答题时间:90 分钟。一、根据所给汉语意思为英文单词选择一个准确的释义。 (20 小题)1.accent A.描述 B. 口音 C. 原因 D. 结果2.active A.活跃的 B. 积极地 C. 行为 D. 积极3.apartment A.公寓住宅 B. 使分离 C. 单元 D.家4.attack A.吸引 B.进攻 C.打击 D.批判5.beneath A.在上面 B.在旁边 C.在.前面 D.在下面6.bury A.繁忙 B.爆发 C.掩埋 D.弯身7.canal A.运河 B.能 C.洞穴 D.海峡8.con

2、cern A.关注 B.集中 C.音乐会 D.焦虑9.conquer A.征服者 B.征服 C.占领者 D.战斗10.cruety A.残忍的 B.残忍地 C.残酷的 D.残忍 11.curtain A.幕布 B.自然 C.确信 D.床罩12.destroy A.损失 B.损害 C.消灭 D.伤害13.determined A.坚决的 B.确定 C.决心 D.决定14.disaster A.天降 B.天象 C.灾祸 D.天神15.dusty A.黄昏 B.积满灰尘的 C.灰尘 D.傍晚 16.earthquake A.地动 B.地球 C.震动 D.地震17.educated A.训练 B.教育

3、 C.有教养的 D.受教育18.elevator A.电梯 B.电流 C.升降者 D.电力19.escape A.相等 B.逃走 C.平等 D.脱离20.express A.快车 B.词语 C.表现 D.表情 二、根据所给英语单词为其前的汉语释义选择一个单词。1.流量 A.flow B.fluent C.fluently D.fond 2.预报 A.castfore B.forecast C.frequent D.frighten3.大方的 A.graduate B.gradual C.giant D.generous4.表示谢意的 A.grateful B.gradually C.guida

4、nce D.gas5.没有希望的 A.hope B.hopefull C.hopeless D.hopelessness 6.保险 A.identity B.ignore C.injure D.insurance 7.定期刊物 A.journal B.journey C.judge D.just 8.后者的 A. latter B.later C.lately D. late 9.联合会 A.lawyer B.league C.legal D.leg10.卑鄙的 A.foolish B.mean C. friendly D.warm-hearted 211.子夜 A.midnight B.mi

5、dwestern C.miner D.mine12.本地人 A.nation B.native C.villager D. peasant 13.大纲 A.opinion B.official C.overcoat D.outline14.步调 A.pack B.parcel C.pace D.partner 15.会长 A.president B.principle C.power D.pillow 16.可靠的 A.reliable B.relative C.recover D.recognize 17.共同政体 A.reporter B.republic C.request D.resc

6、ue 18.时间表 A.schedule B.selffish C.selfless D.shelter 19.真挚地 A.sincerely B.selflessly C.secondly D.smelly20.顽固的 A.stubborn B.straight C.shortcoming D.subway 21.恐怖 A.temple B.terror C.thunder D.title 22.运送 A.transport B.trap C.track D.tip23.暴力 A.violence B.vocabulary C.view D.valley24.心烦意乱的 A.unfair B

7、.willing C.upset D.useless25.态度 A.altitude B.attitude C.actually D.active 26.街区 A.block B.brick C.blanket D.burst 27.电流 A.event B.expression C.electricity D.express28.令人恐怖的 A.frightening B.frightened C.frighten D.fright 29.忠实的 A.devote B.devotion C.devoted D.devotes30.温和宽容的 A.warm B.warm-hearted C.e

8、asy-going D. extreme 三、给下列短语选择一个正确的英语短语。1.调查 A. look onas B. look about C. look into D. look out for 2.搜身 A, search sb B. search for ab C. look for sb D.look after sb3.作为对的报答 A. in return B. in return for C. in reply for D. in prase for 4.至多 A, not more than B. not more than C. no more than D. no mo

9、rethan 5.在.方面不同 A. be different from B. differ from C. the difference between A and B D.differ in 6.严厉抨击 A. take apart B. tell apart C. stand apart D. live apart 7.依照某人的看法 A. ask the opinion of B. give ones opinion on C. in ones opinion D.have a good opinion of sb8.负责 A. be in the charge of B. charg

10、e oneself with a task C.charge sb to do sth D. be in charge of 9.竞选 A. run for B. run across C. run at D. run out 10.履行诺言 A. make a promise B. keep a promise C. break a promise D. carry out a promise 11.单独地 A. for oneself B. of oneself C. by oneself D. enjoy oneself 12.建立关系 A. make a connection B. i

11、n connection with C. connectwithD. be connected with 13.每次 A. at one time B. at a time C. at times D. at that time 14.弥补损失 A. make up the loss B. make up a team B. make up a story D. make up a group315.灭绝 A. die away B. die down C. die of D. die out 16.因为 A. result from B. result in C. in the result

12、 D. as a result 17.注意 A. pay attention to B. draw ones attention to C. fix ones attention on D.devote ones attention to 18.对说老实话 A. be honest with B. be honest in C. to be honest D. be honest at 19.作为开始 A. begin with B. begin as C. begin to do D. to begin with 20.戏弄 A.in joke B. for a joke C. make j

13、okes about sth D. play jokes on 四、给下列短语选择一个正确的汉语释义。1.at dusk A.在夜晚 B.在黄昏时刻 C.在黎明 D.在中午2.dig out A.挖掘 B.挖进去 C.掘进 D.消灭3.get tired of A.对厌烦 B.感到疲劳 C.疲倦 D.变得疲倦4.go through A.经受 B.过去 C.走过 D.透过5.get along with A.同一起 B.与相处 C.与一道 D.与进展 6.make use of A.采用 B.利用 C.充分利用 D.构成7.make up ones mind A.下决心 B.占用某人的时间 C

14、.虚构某人的想法 D.编造某人的想法8.in trouble A.在麻烦事中 B.危险 C 麻烦 .D.在危险中9.on purpose A.有目的 B.为了某个目的 C.故意 D.有意10.out of work A.失业 B.离开工作岗位 C.脱离工作 D.在上班 11.play a part in A.扮演一个角色 B.发挥某个作用 C.参加 D.扮演12.right away A.离开 B.在右边 C.立刻 D.正好13.set down A.登记 B.设立 C.树立 D.建立14.be sentenced to A.造句 B.被判处.(徒刑)C.宣判 D.判决15.suffer fr

15、om A.测验 B.经历 C.遭受 D.苦难 16.turn to A.求助于 B.变为 C.出现 D.拒绝17.at present A.礼物 B.在场的 C.目前 D.出席18.be concerned about A.挂念 B.涉及 C.有关系 D.关系到19.at an end A.终结 B.在最后 C.末端 D.最后20.blow up A.吹 B.刮 C.使充气 D.刮风 五、从 ABCD 中选择一个正确的答案。1. The best way to deal with an impolite person is to _him. A. ignore B. neglect C. om

16、it D. overlook 2. Because he didnt finished the work on time and was fired by the company, he was very _about it. A. upset B. worried C. anxious D. nervous 3. Please _ on this piece of paper all the things you want me to buy. A. make B. take C. list D. think 4. -Are all the telphone numbers _in the

17、directory? -Yes, all_Janes. A. listed; included B. listing; includes C. listed; including D. being listed; includes 5. The police _the building hoping to catch the thief. 4A. looked for B. searched for C. found out D. went through 6.A terrible noise _the house and then we felt it shaking. A. went th

18、rough B. went into C. looked into D. held into 7. She_the VCD player on the table and went out. A. set out B. set up C. set down D. set on 8.Students should form the habit of _everything important in class. Which of the following cant be put in the blank? A. putting down B. taking down C. setting do

19、wn D. tearing down 9. I have _everything that happened, as I remember it. A. set down B. set up C. set out D. set off 10. I was _the point of hanging up the receiver when he answered it. A. in B. about C. at D. on 11.There seems to be no point _about it any further. A. to talk B. at talking C. in ta

20、lking D. being talked 12.The clock hands pointed _twelve. A. to B. at C. out D. off 13. The two girls are good friends. They always walk _in the face . Which is wrong?A. hand in hand B. arm in arm C. shoulder to shoulder D. side to side 14. Everybody can see that she did it _, not by chance. A. to p

21、urpose B. on purpose C. in purpose D. by purpose 15. -_did he tell me his telephone number? -I have no idea. A. For which purpose B. For what purpose C. For the purpose of D. What purpose 16. Readers can _quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A. get over B. get in C. get along D.

22、 get through 17. Were going to play basketball. Would you like to _?A. join B. join in C. attend D. take part in 18. -Why didnt you _my wedding yesterday? -I was going to, but I had an unexpected guest at the very moment.A. join B. join in C. take part in D. attend 19. Trye was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _storming into the bosss office.A. prevent B. prohibit C.turn D. avoid 20. We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got _60.A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as 试题设计说明:1.根据高中教材词汇量较大,学生识记词汇方法欠缺的特点,专门命制该试卷(题),旨在引导学生通过过程记忆的方法来识记单词。2.答案参见由陕西师范大学出版社出版的新课程高中英语词汇导学练 。


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