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1、飞秒时间分辨光谱技术及超快光子学新材料研究,龚旗煌,北京大学 物理系人工微结构和介观物理国家重点实验室 Email: ,2004年2005年度 饶毓泰物理奖 报告(2005年7月1日),报告内容:一、引言二、飞秒超快光谱及应用三、光子学器件飞秒激光微制备四、结束语,飞秒(10-15 S)-万亿分之一秒 (最短脉冲),超快 ( 4.0fs) - 最快测量手段超强 (100TW) 自然界存在聚焦强度1020W/cm2 3.5 1016W/cm2光 压 1012bar 1bar 加速度 1021g g磁 场109Gauss 0.5Gauss,提供了极端实验条件 “飞秒科学” 新领域,一、引言,瞬态过

2、程研究飞秒时间分辨光谱术 飞秒化学飞秒生物学飞秒材料学阿秒科学飞秒光梳与光频标,强场光物理强场电离、解离和库仑爆炸高次谐波激光等离子体、核聚变、裂变模拟宇宙学激光三维加工与制备 .,Femtoscience,超快,超强,更短、更强飞秒激光的获得,PW功率、as单脉冲,1878年,摄影师Muybridge首次拍摄到飞驰奔马的运动(24部照相机,相隔1英尺,1/1000秒快门)。,二、飞秒超快光谱及应用 时间分辨测量发展史 二百年前$25000赌博 某一时刻,马的四蹄是否同时离地?,“过渡态”马腾空时刻,超快时间分辨测量Ultrafast time resolved measurement,Tim

3、e,as,ps,zs,fs,10-18 s,10-15 s,10-12 s,10-21 s,1) 飞秒光克尔光谱( Femtosecond OKE measurement),OKE signal intensity,Is =,OKE - 三阶非线性光学过程,飞秒光克尔实验系统,为光电功能材料超快光过程研究提供必要手段。,l : 760 - 850nmt : 100fsP: 1.5W, 76MHz,I1:I2 = 10:1,飞秒脉冲 时间分辨测量,三阶光学非线性材料 -飞秒时间分辨测量,光子学应用,瞬时 响应、大的三阶非线性光学响应,Low costeasy of fabricationfast

4、 NLO responselarge off-resonant c(3),光-光控制,p 电子共轭有机及聚合物材料, fs measur.,Typical OKE signal for the reference sample CS2,To avoid the difficulty in giving an absolute values of light intensity and the interaction length, reference measurement was employed:CS2 as the reference sample , (3)=110-13 esu,Ev

5、aluation of c(3) and g for the sample,C60,C-第三种基本形式 新型p共轭三维分子结构,奇特非线性光学响应,问题:不同实验条件给出的非线性光学响应 c(3) (g)差别几个量级10-29-10-35esu,例:富勒烯及其衍生物三阶非线性光学响应,Reported values about NLO of C60 and its derivatives,The OKE signals of o-xylene and C60 solution in o-xylene with a Molar concentration of 8.410-3 M. Triang

6、le for o-xylene and the circle for C60 solution.,C60 g 9.010-35 esu, C70 g 5.0 10-34 esu,The OKE signals of toluence and C70 solution in toluence with a Molar concentration of 1.010-3 M. Triangle for toluence and the circle for C70 solution.,high speed rotation of p electrons,C60-(NH2CN)-,C60(NH2CN)

7、5,Synthesis of different C60 derivatives,Symmetrical and sharp OKE response indicates the NLO response contributed from -electrons,Linear dependence of c(3) on the molecular concentration,Absorption spectra no-resonant NLO response,结论:1)富勒烯p共轭电子贡献非线性响应十分小 2)通过制备电荷转移复合体可以提高非线性光学 响应达上千倍,碳纳米管三阶光学非线性性质3

8、rd NLO response of single-wall carbon nano-tube,1、Theoretical prediction ( Xie&Jiang,理论预言),Armchair:,Zigzag:,In unit1032esu,Determination of length distribution of tubes,碳管溶液样品由化学学院的顾镇南,施祖进老师提供,OKE Signal of C-nanotube at different concentration,结论: 单层碳纳米管具有超快和巨大三阶非线性光学响应: (f =1.3nm, L=160nm) 值达到 2.

9、110-28esu, 平均每一个碳原子的贡献: nano-tube 7.710-33esu, C60 1.510-36esu 接近应用要求,2)、飞秒光声测厚新方法,将飞秒光脉冲应用于时间分辨光声光谱研究,提出了无接触、无反射层要求的精确测厚新方法,取得发明专利:短脉冲激光超声精确测厚方法及装置(ZL02100479.X),希望替代芯片生产线上所采用飞秒脉冲背反射测量技术,实验结果分析及拟合,样品厚度改变时的对比实验结果,3)、飞秒白光泵浦探测实验系统,技术指标:波长范围:400-900nm 分辨率:200fsQELS Technical Digest(USA,2001)212JOPA 4(2

10、002)152 JOPA 5(2003)123,GaAs 薄膜的瞬态光谱,4)飞秒荧光上转换实验系统,国内唯一的一套研究与荧光发射相关联的各种快速动力学过程系统 噪声:1-2光子/秒时间分辨:100fs适用于快速荧光动力学研究,溶剂化动力学过程模型示意图。图中S0、S1分别代表溶质分子在溶剂坐标方向的基态和激发态势能面。图中包含大箭头的圆圈代表溶质分子,大箭头代表溶质分子的偶极矩,小箭头代表溶剂分子的偶极矩。三种情况分别表示溶质分子处于基态、没有发生溶剂化弛豫时的激发态、溶剂化弛豫以后的激发态时的系统分子排列。,超快溶剂化动力学的研究,t1 t2 t3l1 l2 l3时间常数在飞秒量级,飞秒时

11、间分辨探测,典型的C152甲醇溶液的时间分辨荧光衰减曲线。图中,自底向上,分别为480nm、500nm、510nm、530nm、550nm和570nm的荧光衰减曲线,归一化后的C152甲醇溶液的时间分辨三维荧光衰减图,一种噻菁染料:3,3-二(3-磺丙基)噻菁三乙胺盐的分子的结构。其两个苯噻唑基可绕甲川链中CC键作相对扭转运动而形成顺反异构体。,噻菁染料分子被环糊精分子1:1包合后的形态。染料分子的扭转异构化过程将被阻碍。,激发态动力学过程研究,激发态无势垒异构动力学过程研究,(a) 1,1-Diethyl-4,4-cyanine. (b) 3,3-Di(3-sulfopropyl)-thia

12、cyanine,triethylaminium salt. ( c ) The excited potential surface of a barrierless isomerization reaction.,BFO理论模型,辐射跃迁坐标无关,无辐射跃迁-坐标依赖(Sink点最大),纵向驰豫,以染料分子3,3磺酸基丙基噻腈三乙胺酸(33TC)和吸附TiO2 的33TC为研究对象,从实验上验证了激发态无势垒光异构过程(BFO理论),485nm处含有TiO2()和不含TiO2()的33TC的水溶液的荧光衰减曲线,535nm处含有TiO2()和不含TiO2()的33TC的水溶液的荧光衰减曲线,快

13、过程的明显变化表明包合的环糊精分子不仅仅只阻碍了染料分子在溶液中的顺反异构化扭转过程,还提供了大量的自由振子,其振动模式和染料分子的转动模式有明显的耦合,直接印证了相关理论。,5)时间分辨弱光参量放大,白光放大,荧光放大,DCM 310-4mol/l, excitation 400nm系统放大率: 107,将适用于超快生命过程研究,三、光子学材料飞秒激光微制备,飞秒(10-15s) 激光 为材料制备和研究提供了新技术和新手段突出优点:极短作用时间 超高光强 易于空间移动破坏区域小 高度非线性 三微微加工,立体微细制备:三维波导高密度存储,新物理内容:多光子作用、非微扰物理,Near Infra

14、red fs Pulses,transparent materials,Multiphoton In,Interaction area,ablation, microexplosion, densification, compaction, Polymerization ,refractive index change,waveguides, couplers, gratings, photonic crystals, holes, channels, voids, Date storage ,波导,飞秒激光束,显微目镜,折射率 变化,XYZ 台,Fused silica : absorpti

15、on bandgap is 9eV,IR fs laser beam: 800nm (1.55eV) multiphoton process,Void array inside fused silica,Size of void :280nm (AFM measur.)300nJ, 120fs 800nm laser pulses NA=0.65,High intensity microexplosion (void),1)、飞秒光存储新方法,Size of void in different depth,20mm/layer 2mm thickness disc 100 layers of

16、bit plane can be written storage density of 1.2Tbit/cm3,Readout contrast for different recording layer,Contrast = Imax / I0,18 layers,100m,微爆炸-计算全息及再现,原图像,再现光路,再现图像,计算全息图局部,Opt. Exp. (2005),2 Femtosecond laser multi-photonFabrication in transparent dielectric media,Low intensity refractive index cha

17、nge,Filamentation in fused silica,Writing condition Energy dependence (fused silica),J. Opt. A, Vol. 6 (8), 787 (2004),“triangle region” pulse duration: 130 fs to 230 fs pulse energy: 0.35 mJ to 1.5 mJfor the fabrication of refractive index modulation,Writing Conditions - energy & pulse duration,The

18、 dependence of refractive index modulation threshold () and damage threshold () on pulse duration,microscope objective (4, NA=0.10),Writing Conditions - Scanning repetition,1,2,3,4,5,6,Dependence of the refractive index-modulation on scan repetitions,Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5646, 480 (2005),Diffra

19、ctive efficiency,As high as 92.9% efficiency was obtained. Other reports about 70%。,Stability of refractive index modulation,Under room temperature 、 and denote 1,2,4,8 and 12 time 。,Fabrication of Beam Shapers in Bulk Fused Silica,grid grating line scanning of the femtosecond laser, ( 2 mJ, 10 mm/s

20、, period of 5.2mm, 4-repetition,diffraction patterns performed by a He-Ne laser,normally incident,incident at the Bragg angles,square grating2 mJ, speed of 10mm/s, period of 5.2mm and 4-repetition,diffraction patterns ( performed by a He-Ne laser ),normally incident,incident at the Bragg angles,Ring

21、 grating,longitudinal view,far-field diffraction pattern (performed by a He-Ne laser ) inset is the central area of the diffraction pattern,Appl. Opt. (2004) , CPL (2004),transverse view,Fabrication of Fresnel zone plate,Images of the Peking Univ. logo and picture produced by a Fresnel lens inside f

22、used silica.,Microscope image of a Fresnel plate induced in fused silica.,Waveguide,近场强度分布高斯拟合结果。显示波导是渐变型的,具有平方折射率分布。,Femtochemistry - Nobel Prize 1999,The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail ( CIT), for showing that it is possible

23、 with rapid laser technique to see how atoms in a molecule move during a chemical reaction.,“Zewail教授的飞秒激光技术可以和伽利略使用的望远镜相比,Zewail教授将其望远镜对准了科学的最前沿,致力于用飞秒激光对准在分子世界中运动的一切。我们现在可以研究分子中原子的实际运动:目击分子的诞生和分解。” 本特诺顿教授(诺贝尔奖化学委员会主席),四、结语,New Nobel Prize possibilityFemtobiology Femtomedicine FemtofabricationFemtosecond Intense Field PhysicsFemto.,Attophysics ,?!,感谢:国家基金委、国家教育部国家973基础研究项目、863项目北京大学211工程、一流大学计划(985工程),北京大学飞秒科学研究室,THE END Thank You!,


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