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1、现代英语语法课程代码 008311.课程性质与目标性质:现代英语语法是自学考试英语专业的课程。目的:使学生认识从词到句乃至语篇的构造,提高英语使用规范性,准确传递信息和表达思想。重难点:重点是动词的运用,第五到第八章。难点是名词的数、主谓一致问题等。 (P5)2. 2015 年考试样题(课本 P25)一、选择题 (20%,未变)二、多项选择填空题(20%,未变)三、根据要求填空(20%,改变)四、改写句子(30%,未变)五、简答(形式未变)六、名词解释并举例(新增)教材的重点与难点归纳Chapter 1. An overview一.术语: Grammar can be a full descr

2、iption of the form and meaning of the sentences of the language or it covers certain parts of a description, focusing on syntax and morphology. Descriptive grammar(描述性语法)examines the rules or patterns that underlie our use of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Prescriptive grammar(规定性语法)tries t

3、o enforce rules about what they believe to be the correct uses of language. Syntax(句法) is concerned with the way words combine to form sentences. Morphology(形态)is related to the form of words. Morpheme(词素) is the smallest meaningful element in grammar. Free morpheme(自由词素):a morpheme that can occur a

4、lone.eg:boy, girl, man. Bound morpheme(粘着词素 ): a morpheme that can only occur in conjunction with at least one other morpheme.eg: im-, in-, -ed. open class words(开放词类): also called lexical words, focus on the form of words. Their membership is fairly open-ended, so we can coin new words to add to th

5、em. Eg: N, V, Adj, Adv. closed class(封闭词类 ): also called grammatical words, focusing on functions of words.Their membership is fixed and no words can be created. Eg: Det, pron, prep,conj, aux.二、语法单位的层级结构英语句子的结构层次是:分句(clauses)、词组(phrases)、单词(words)、词素(morpheme)In writing systems, the hierarchical str

6、ucture is:Higher A text consists of one or more sentencesA sentence consists of one or more clausesA clause consists of one or more phrasesA phrase consists of one or more wordsA word consists of one or more morphemesLower A morpheme三.句子分类(按构成)Simple(简单句 ):A sentence consists of only one clause.Comp

7、ound(复合句又并列句):In a sentence containing more than one clause, if the clauses are related to one another by coordination, it is a compound sentence.Complex(复杂句又叫主从句):In a sentence containing more than one clause, if the clauses are related to one another by subordination, it is a complex sentence.四、句子

8、类型(按功能)Statements(陈述句) , commands(命令句)questions(疑问句) ,exclamations(感叹句)Chapter 2. Word-formation 构词法七种构词法:1.Composition 组合法2.derivation 派生法3.conversion 转化法4.blending 拼缀法5.back-formation 逆生法;逆序造词6.shortening 缩略法7.acronym krnm 首字母缩写法一、术语 Word-formation is the creation of a new word. 构词就是新词的创造。 Derivat

9、ion=affixation:it is a combination of a root and one or more affixes.在一个词基(通常是个单词)前面或者后面添加词缀。 如:nation-national Compound: it is a combination of two or more free morphemes. 复合词是两个或者多个自由词素组合而成。如:playboy = play+boy Conversion, is the derivational process whereby an item is converted to a new word clas

10、s without the addition of an affix.(不加词缀,但是词类发生转变) 如answer:v answer : n Blending is a process to create a new word from parts of two other words.拼缀词是由两个词的不同部分组成的。 如: smoke(烟) + fog(雾) = smog(烟雾) Back-formation refers to the process of creating a new word by removing actual or supposed affixes.将原来单词的

11、真实或者潜在的词缀去掉,从而得到的新词。 如:work-er work Shortening is a process whereby part of a word is clipped(剪切,截除) so that the original word, usually polysyllabic(多音节的), is reduced to a smaller word without a change in its function.将原来的多音节单词的某一部分截除掉,使它成为一个较短的单词,并不改变词的功能。 如:ad = advertisement ,phone = telephone An

12、 acronym is a word coined(=created 创造) by putting together the initial letters of a group of words.把一组单词的首字母放在一起而创造新词。如:VIP = very important person本章多注意辨别 7 种构词法并且能够举例说明。Chapter 3. Nouns, pronouns and number 名词,代词和数1、术语 A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, event or idea. A noun phrase

13、 has a key element called the head word(中心词) and this may be preceded by a subsidiary element called a modifier(修饰语).名词短语有个重要成分叫做中心词,前面可能有个辅助成分叫做修饰语。eg: a nice girl A pronoun is a pro-form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase.The replaced noun is called the antecedent of the pronoun.代词是用来代替名词或

14、者名词短语的一种替代形式。被代替的名词叫做代词的先行词。eg:she, he . Number is a feature of nouns, pronouns, determiners and verbs in English.数是英语中的名词、代词、限定词和动词的一种特征。 A proper noun is a name used for a particular person,place or thing, and spelt with a capital initial letter.专有名词 是表示特定的人、地点和事物,拼写时第一个字母大写。 A common noun is a na

15、me common to a class or people, things or abstract ideas.普通名词表示一般类别、人群、事物或者抽象概念。 A countable noun is a noun that has a plural and which can collocate with numbers and with determiners. 可数名词有复数,可与数字和表示数量的修饰语搭配。 A non-countable noun is a noun which has only one form and can be used without a determine

16、r.不可数名词只有一个词形,不用与修饰语搭配使用。2、名词分类名词-|专有名词|普通名词-|可数名词-|具体名词(concrete nouns)(common n.)| |抽象名词(abstract nouns|物质名词-|具体名词(concrete nouns)|抽象名词(abstract nouns)3、代词分类区分人称代词的主格和宾格,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,及反身代词。人称代词主格(作主语):I, you, she, he, it, we, they人称代词宾格(作宾语):me, you, her, him, it, us, them形容词性物主代词:my, your, hi

17、s,her, its, our, their名词性物主代词: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours,theirs.反身代词: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, themselves.4、名词的单复数A: 规则的可数名词的复数变化规则: 1.一般情况加 s : book- books mouth-mouths house-houses girl-girls 2.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x 结尾的加 es : class- classes box-boxes match-matches

18、 3.辅音字母 + y 结尾的变 y 为 i 加 es: city-cities country-countries party-parties factory-factories4.以 f, fe 结尾的 变 f 或 fe 为 v +es :B.不规则变化1.manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet, 2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese . 3.以 man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servantmen servants. woman doctorwomen doctors.

19、! 本章注意名词的单复数变化情况,并且根据名词单复数选择合适的谓语动词单复数。完成课后习题 II 和 V.Chapter 4. Determiners and genitives 限定词和属格1、术语Determiners refer to words which are used in the premodification of a noun phrase and which typically precede any adjectives that premodify the head word.限定词指的是用在名词短语前置修饰语中的词,一般在修饰中心词的形容词之前。Group geni

20、tive refers to the genitive formed by adding s to the last element of a postmodified or coordinated noun phrase.The double genitive also called “post genitive” because it is a combination of the genitive and the of-phrase.双重属格又叫后置所有格,它是所有格和 of 短语的组合。2、限定词:1.常见限定词(P91 第二段 ):articles 冠词, possessive pr

21、onouns 物主代词, demonstrative pronouns 指示代词, numerals 数词。2.限定词功能:identifier 识别功能 quantifiers 数量功能限定词可以表示 definite reference 特指 ; indefinite reference 泛指3.当多个限定词同时出现共同修饰中心词时排列顺序,如课本(P93 表格) :前位限定词: all, both, twice, many中位限定词: 冠词,指示词,物主代词,所有格后位限定词: 基数词,序数词,many, much, little.3一些限定词的用法1.All and bothBoth

22、(两者之间)都; all (三者或者三者以上 )都2. all, every and eachAll:侧重整体。Every:侧重整体中的所有个体。Each:侧重整体中的每一个个体。eg: _ the girls like shopping._ girl likes shopping._ girl has her own way of shopping.3.both, each and eitherBoth 两者都 ;Each 每一个 ;Either (or) 两者之一Eg: Both sides = each/either side 4. any, either, no (none) and

23、neitherAny 和 no (none)三者或三者以上, either 和 neither 两者之间。四、属格有以下几种表示方式:1.在词尾 s. Eg: Lucys book2.of 短语的形式。Eg: the cover of the book 书的封面3.双重属格的形式。Eg: a photo of Lucys 露西照片中的一张区分: a photo of my brothers 我兄弟的一张照片(属于他,不一定是他 )a photo of my brother 一张我兄弟照片(上面就是我兄弟)4.Group genitive 集体属格若并列的两部分共同拥有某物,则在后一个词后加s.

24、Eg: Lucy and Lilys room 共有的房间若并列的两部分各自拥有某物,则每个词后加s.eg: Lucys and Lilys room 各自的房间5.Local genitive 地点属格Eg: the bakers 面包店 , at Harrys 在哈利家Chapter 5. Tense and aspect 时态和体一、时态和体英语动词系统包括:两种时态 tense(现在和过去),两种体 aspect(进行体和完成体),三种语气 mood(陈述,虚拟和祈使 ),两种语态 (主动和被动)。Two aspect forms:两种体:the progressive aspect

25、进行体the perfective aspect 完成体体和时态自由搭配,形成以下各式: 一般现在时:v 原形或者三单形式 一般过去时:v 过去式 一般将来时:will/be going to +v 原形 现在进行体:be+ v-ing 过去进行体: was/were +v-ing 现在完成体: has/have + v.pp(动词过去分词) 过去完成体: had + v.pp 现在完成进行体: has/have been doing 过去完成进行体: had been doing具体的各种时态用法,可参照已经发给大家的 时态表格。二、术语:Tense:It refers to the tem

26、poral locations of the evet - either the present or the past.时态表明时间发生的时间点,现在或是过去。Aspect:It refers to the state of an action - whether it is completed or not completed.体表明一个动作的状态,完成的还是未完成的。Chapter 6 Voice and mood 语态和语气1、术语Voice: A property of verbs or a set of verb inflections indicating the relatio

27、n between the subject and the action expressed by the verb.(态)是表示主语和动词之间的主动或被动关系的动词形式。英语动词有两种态:主动态和被动态。Mood: A set of verb forms or inflections used to indicate the speakers attitude toward the factuality or likelihood of the action or condition expressed. 语气用来强调说话人对表达的行为或条件的真实性或可能性所持有态度的一系列动词形态或变化形

28、式。英语语气有三种:陈述语气(indicative) ,祈使语气(imperative) ,虚拟语气(subjunctive) 。二、被动语态的构成:be + v.pp (口诀:被动语态 be 字变,过去分词跟后面。)1.一般现在时:am/is/are + v.pp(过去分词)2.一般过去时:was/were + v.pp3.一般将来时:will be(原形) + v.pp4.现在进行时:am/is/are +being +v.pp5.过去进行时:was/were + being + v.pp6.现在完成时:has/have been + v.pp7.过去完成时:had been + v.pp

29、8.情态动词被动语态:should/could/would be + v.pp3、被动语态用法一般在动作的执行者(施事)未知或没必要提及时,使用被动语态,突出动作的承受者(受事) 。若要提及施事,则使用 by 短语。注意:1.系动词如 taste,sound, smell, look, see 等词不可用于被动语态,直接接形容词作表语。Eg: These flowers smell great.这些花闻起来棒极了!2.在 need,want,require, bear 等词的后面,动名词用主动形式表示被动意义,其含义相当于动词不定式的被动形式。The house needs repairing

30、. = The house needs to be repaired.这房子需要修理。 3.主动语态变为被动语态时,可按三个步骤:a.把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。 b.把谓语变成被动结构(bedone) ,并根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定 be 的形式。 c.把主动语态中的主语放在介词 by 之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。在无须说明动作的执行者或只强调动作的承受者时,by 短语可以省略。4、虚拟语气表主观愿望、假设、建议,通常是表示未实现的行为或者与事实相反的行为。1.实现手段:modal auxiliaries 情态助动词past tense

31、forms 过去时形式past perfect forms 过去完成时形式2.两大类型:be-subjunctive and were-subjunctivebe 型虚拟语气 和 were 型虚拟语气3.虚拟语气的形式A.动词原形,用于一切人称和数.B.动词的过去式,用于一切人称和数,be 用 were.C.过去完成时,即 had+done(过去分词)。D.当表示“意愿,意志”时,它引导的 that 从句可以使用 should+动词原形构成虚拟语气。此时 should 可以省略,这类词有: advise, suggest, require, command.以及它们对应的 adj 或者 n.e

32、g: He suggested that we (should) stay at home.E. 情态动词+ have done.与事实相反F.“It is (high/about)time.”后跟虚拟语气,从句常用过去式,也用“should动词原形”,意为“是.的时候了” 。G.If 引导的条件句:1).与现在事实相反If +主语 +v 过去式, 主语+ should/ would/ could + veg: If I were you, I would go with him.2).与过去事实相反If+主语 +had+done, 主语+should/would/could have don

33、eeg: If I had left earlier, I couldnt have met him.3).与将来事实相反If+主语 +v 过去式或 were to, 主语+ should/ would/ could + v; eg: If it rained tomorrow, we would stay at home.注意:if 引导的虚拟语气,若动词是 had, were, should,省略 if 时,将 had, were, should 提到主语之前.。Chapter 7. Modal auxiliaries 情态助动词1、表达意义:obligation, possibility

34、, predictability, necessity.(义务,可能性,预测性,必要性)二、主要分为两类:1.推测性情态动词。 (可能性的程度)2.非推测性情态动词。 (义务,许可,能力)3、常见的情态动词及其用法can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must.可能性:might may could can should ought to would will must(更多用法和比较,参照 Chapter7 课件 PPT。1.could 与 canCan 和 could 都可以表示推测,许可,能力等, can 表示现在,而 c

35、ould 表示过去。could 在表示过去的能力时,只表示有潜力,但不一定能成功;而表示事情一定能成功,使用 be able to, manage to do, succeed in doing.2.May/ mightmay 和 might 的区别跟 can 和 could 类似。might 可能性程度弱于 may,语气更加委婉3.can 和 maya.may 指代在现实生活中存在的可能性(主观上);can 指理论上的可能性(客观上)。b.表示许可,cant = mustnt“禁止” ;may not 则是比较委婉的否定。c.一般在表示推测的疑问句中,使用 can.4.Will and wouldwill 可以表示将来,与动词原形构成一般将来时。would 是 will 的过去式,可


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