1、眼睑病Disease of the eyelidEyelid Anatomyskinsubcutaneous layermuscular layerfibrous layerpalpebral conjunctiva组织学 Histology 皮肤层 :最薄 皮下组织层 :疏松结缔组织 + 少量脂肪 肌层 : 眼轮匝肌 面神经,眼睑闭合 提上睑肌 动眼神经,提上睑Mller肌 交感神经,睑裂开大 纤维层 :致密结缔组织(睑板,眶隔)睑板腺开口于睑缘 睑结膜 :睑板后面 Disease of the eyelidn睑腺病 disease of palpebral glandsn睑缘炎 bleph
2、aritisn其它眼睑炎症 palpebral dermatitisn眼睑及睫毛的位置异常positional abnormality of the eyelids and the eyelash睑腺病Disease of palpebral glands麦 粒 肿Hordeolum麦粒肿 Hordeolumn眼睑腺体急性化脓性炎症Hordeolun is a acute purulent inflammation of palpebral glands.n临床上分为外麦粒肿和内麦粒肿Divided into internal and external 麦粒肿 Hordeolumn外麦粒肿 :睫毛毛囊或其附属腺体炎症n内麦粒肿 :睑板腺的急性炎症麦粒肿 Hordeolum