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1、中英双语儿童英语演讲范本第一集 各位先生,各位女士:很高兴来到这里。我想要介绍我自己。我的名字是 *。每个人都叫我 * 。你们可以叫我 * 。我来自* 。我在 *出生。我成长在 *长大。现在,我是个学生。我渴望学习。我每天都很努力念书。我喜欢当学生。我喜欢去上学。我认为那非常有趣。我也在学英文。我喜欢说英文。那是我最喜欢的课。我是个亲切的人。我总是试着要有礼貌。我喜欢和大家好好相处。我想做你们的朋友。我希望能认识你们。你们说好不好?我们来当朋友吧。让我们聚在一起。请你们介绍一下自己。 Ladies and gentlemen: Im happy to be here. Id like to i

2、ntroduce myself. My name is *. Everyone calls me *. You can call me *. Im from *. I was born in *. I grew up in *. Right now, Im a student. Im eager to learn. I study very hard every day. I like being a student. I like going to school. I think its interesting and fun. Im also learning English. I enj

3、oy speaking English. Its my favorite class. Im a friendly person. I always try to be polite. I like to get along with everyone. I want to be your friend. I hope we can meet. What do you say? Lets be friends. Lets get together. Please introduce yourself. 我有很多嗜好。我喜欢做的事很多。让我来告诉你们一些。我喜欢电动玩具。电脑游戏也很棒。我可以玩

4、这些东西一整天。我喜欢收集卡片。我用它们来玩游戏。我会和朋友交换卡片。我还喜欢运动。我喜欢待在户外。我喜欢新鲜的空气和阳光。骑脚踏车很有趣。溜直排轮很棒。游泳是我最喜欢的运动。另外 ,我喜欢画图。我喜欢看漫画书。但请不要告诉我爸妈。而且 ,我喜欢音乐。我喜欢唱歌。我正学习演奏乐器。当然,我也喜欢学英文。我喜欢和外国人说话。我爱看迪士尼卡通。我喜欢做的事还有很多。我还可以说更多。我会把它留到改天再说。 I have many hobbies. I like to do many things. Let me share a few. I like video games. Computer ga

5、mes are cool, too. I could play them all day. I like collecting cards. I play games with them. I trade them with my friends. Also, I like sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and sunshine. Bike riding is fun. Rollerblading is neat. Swimming is my favorite. In addition, I like to draw pict

6、ures. I like to read comics. But please dont tell my parents. Furthermore, I like music. I like to sing songs. Im learning to play an instrument. Of course, I enjoy learning English. I like speaking with foreigners. I love watching Disney cartoons. There is more I like to do. There is more I can say

7、. Ill save it for another day. 我有一个很棒的家庭。我很幸运是它的一份子。让我告诉你们关于这个家的事。我姓 * 。我的家族史非常悠久而且光荣。我们家现在有五个人。我的父母非常爱我。他们为我做了很多事。当我需要协助的时候,他们总是在那里。我爸是个坚强的人。他诚实而勤勉。对我来说,他就象是超级英雄。我妈妈是个聪明的女人。她几乎会做任何事。我就是再怎么称赞她也不为过。我有两个兄弟姐妹。他们是我的哥哥和妹妹。我们有时会吵架,但是大部分的时候都处得很好。我的家人喜欢聚在一起。我们喜欢出去吃饭和看电影。我们还喜欢健行和野餐。我们的家庭并不是完美无缺的。我们的关系起起伏伏。但我

8、们一定会原谅对方并和好。我们的座右铭是 “永远团结在一起 ”。我会永远珍惜我的家庭。我希望你的家庭也一样可爱。 I have a wonderful family. Im lucky to be a part of it. Let me tell you about them. My family name is *. My family history is long and proud. There are five people in my family now. My parents love me very much. They do a lot for me. When I nee

9、d help, they are always there My dad is a strong guy. Hes honest and hardworking. Hes like a superhero to me. My mom is a smart woman. She can do almost anything. I just cant praise her enough. I have two siblings. They are my older brother and younger sister. Sometimes we argue, but we mainly get a

10、long. My family likes being together. We like eating out and going to the movies. We also enjoy hiking and having picnics. My family isnt perfect. We have our ups and downs. But we always forgive and make up. Our motto is “United together forever.“ Ill always cherish my family. I hope your family is

11、 lovely, too. 我有一个最要好的朋友。我们是在学校认识的。我们是同一年级的。他是个勤勉的、用功的学生。他非常勤勉。我从他身上学到很多。他帮我学数学。我帮助他学英文。我们是很棒的学习团队。他诚实又可靠。我完全信任他。我们总是把秘密告诉对方。他忠诚而勇敢。曾经有个恶霸欺负我。他马上就来救我。他体贴而且有礼貌。他会做小礼物送我。他总是记得我是生日。跟他在一起很有趣。他会讲好笑的笑话。他的故事使我哈哈大笑。他是个很棒的听众。他知道我什么时候抑郁。当我举丧时他会使我振作。他是独一无二的。 .我们会永远做朋友。我希望你也向我一样有一个这样的朋友。 I have a best friend. W

12、e met at school. Were in the same grade. Hes a diligent student. Hes very hardworking. I learn a lot from him. He helps me with math. I help him with English. Were a good study team. Hes honest and reliable. I trust him completely. We share secrets all the time. Hes loyal and brave. Once a bully tea

13、sed me. He came to my rescue right away. Hes considerate and polite. He makes me little gifts. He always remembers my birthday. He is fun to be with. He tells funny jokes. His stories make me laugh. Hes a good listener. He knows when Im blue. He picks me up when Im down. Hes one of a kind. Well stay

14、 friends forever. I hope you have a friend like mine. 我的日子是平凡的,我确信( bet)我过的日子就跟你们一样,让我告诉你们我每天都会做的事,我的闹钟 6点半响,我从容(慢慢)地起床。我醒来以后会伸个懒腰,我会脱掉睡衣,我会很快地洗把脸,我会刷牙和梳头。我穿上制服,我把上学要用的东西装进书包,然后,我就穿上运动鞋就出门了。我从来不会不吃早餐,我会在家里吃或在上学的途中吃,但是我总是吃得很着急。放学后,我就去补习班( cram school),我在那里再用功念一次书,我会把当天的家庭作业做完。最后,我就回到家,放松休息一下,和我家人一起吃晚饭,我会看一下电视,我大约在 9: 30睡觉,我会很快睡着。在周末,每件事就会不一样了,我会睡得很晚并且玩得很痛快,你也过着和我一样的日子吗?


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