1、Rickettsia徐桂香 王莹 赵云鹏 张爱娟 张璐娴 朱玉Howard Ricketts立克次体属 (Rickettsia)柯克斯体属立克次体目 东方体属埃立克体属巴通体属斑疹伤寒群生物群斑疹伤寒群生物群斑点热群生物群斑点热群生物群ReckettsialesCommon charactersObligated intracellular parasites;Related to arthropod vector.;Zoonosis.Morphology polymorphismSmall G- bacilli;Giemsa stain: violet or blue;Cultural pr
2、opertiesBinary fissionHave both DNA and RNACulture :susceptible animal (guinea pig), yolksac of chick embryo, cell culture.Resistanceweak, sensitive to antibioticSurvive in low temperature and dry conditionSulfanilamide can stimulate reckettsias proliferationAntigenic sturcturevGroup specific antige
3、n Endotoxin: similarly to endotoxin of bacteriavSpecy specific antigenmembrane protein:Weil-Felix reaction(外斐反应) : Detect anti-rickettsial antibodies in a patients serum by agglutination of the proteus organisms. ( rickettsia posses Ag that cross-react with Ab of the O antigen of certain proteus)Pat
4、hogenic mechanismPathogenic materialPathogenicmechanismLocal( small bloodvessels in lymphoid tissue )vascular endothelial cells Fever, headache, rash(First bacteremia)(Second bacteremia)vesselsEndotoxin 、 Phospholipase ABite or feces of arthropod vectorPathogenic sitesPathogenicity pPathogenic mater
5、ialsEndotoxin: similarly to endotoxin of bacteria Phospholipase A: lysis the cell membrane and lysosome membrane of the host cell, causing hemolysispPathogenic mechanism: invade the epithelial cells of small blood vessulePathogenic mechanismPathogenic materialPathogenicmechanismLocal( small bloodvessels in lymphoid tissue )vascular endothelial cells Fever, headache, rash(First bacteremia)(Second bacteremia)vesselsEndotoxin 、 Phospholipase ABite or feces of arthropod vectorPathogenic sites