1、HRD Safety & Health 请保护好您的脊椎 学习掌握正确的行动姿势Back Safety脊椎安全 Your back is at work 24 hours a day.您的脊椎一天工作 24小时。 It takes part in almost every move you make.您的每一动作都需要依赖脊椎的帮助完成。 Because of its workload, your back is prone to injury.超负荷的工作量会导致脊椎非常容易受损。Back Injuries脊椎受伤 Are extremely painful.疼痛难忍。 Are diffic
2、ult to heal.难以治愈。 Are frequently recurring.反复发作。 Affect everything you do.影响行动。Learn the Right Moves学习正确的行动姿势The best way to prevent back injuries is to learn the right moves:保护您的脊椎不受伤的最好方法是学习掌握正确的行动姿势。 Practice good posturemaintain your backs natural curves.掌握正确的姿势 以维持您的脊椎的天然曲线。 Practice good body
3、mechanics and work techniquesgood habits reduce the strain placed on the back.掌握正确的行动技巧和工作技能,良好的行为习惯可以有效减少脊椎处于紧张拉伸的状态。 Maintain physical fitness.保持身体健康。Posture行动姿势Practice good posture:掌握正确的行动姿势: Stand or sit up straight. 站要站直,坐要坐直。 Keep knees slightly bent while standing.当长时间站立时,请保持膝盖稍稍弯曲。 Keep you
4、r ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles in a straight line while standing. 当您直立时,请尽量保持您的耳朵、肩、臀部和脚踝处于一条直线。 Tuck in buttocks.请收腹提臀。 O PGood Body Mechanics & Work Techniques正确的行动技巧和工作技能Lifting举起重物Remember your BACK when lifting:当您举起重物时,请记住: BBack StraightB 上身笔直 AAvoid TwistingA 避免扭动 CClose to the bodyC 靠近身
5、体 KKeep the lift smooth (dont jerk)K 保持重物平稳移动(不要使猛劲)Always lift with your legs!重物始终在您的两腿间!Good Body Mechanics & Work Techniques正确的行动技巧和工作技能Standing/walking站立 /行走 Keep your weight equal on both feet or with one foot up resting on a low stool.站立时,两条腿均等地负担身体的重量,或者将一只脚放在一个低矮的小凳上。 Change positions often.
6、经常变换姿势。 Keep head high, chin tucked in, toes straight ahead.抬头 , 下巴微含 , 脚尖笔直朝前。 Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes (less than 4 cm high) with good support.穿着舒适,鞋跟不宜超过 4CM。 Take short rest breaks.短暂休息。Good Body Mechanics & Work Techniques正确的行动技巧和工作技能Driving驾驶 Adjust car seat so your knees are just be
7、low hip level.调整汽车座位,使您的膝部刚好在臀部水平线以下。 Sit up straight.上身坐直。 Keep both hands on the steering wheel.两手同时操作汽车的方向盘。 Use a lumbar support (or rolled-up towel) to support your lower back.靠垫 (或卷起的毛巾代替 ) 能很好的保护您的后背。Good Body Mechanics & Work Techniques正确的行动技巧和工作技能Sitting坐姿 Sit up straight and firmly against
8、 the back of the chair. 坐直,并且整个脊椎充分依靠在椅子上。 Keep both feet flat on the floor.双脚充分踏地。 Keep knees at or slightly lower than the level of your hips.保持膝部略低于臀部的水平线。 Protect your lower back with a lumbar support (or rolled-up towel).靠垫 (或卷起的毛巾代替 ) 能很好的保护您的后背。Good Body Mechanics & Work Techniques正确的行动技巧和工作技能Sleeping睡姿 Sleep on a firm mattress. 睡在结实平整的床垫上。 Sleep on your side with a pillow between your bent knees or on your back with a pillow under knees.侧睡时,在您弯曲的两膝间,或腰部,放置一个枕头。 Never sleep on your stomach, which can twist your neck and strain your back.不要趴着睡,这样会使您的颈部扭伤,背部处于紧张拉伸状态。