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2、用有限元分析软件ABAQUS分析所得的荷载一位移曲线、骨架曲线与低周反复荷载试验所得的曲线基本相符合,但极限荷载、极限位移相差较大。关键词:复合剪力墙,低周反复荷载,ABAQUS,非线性,抗震性能太原理:I:k学硕+研究生学位论文EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AND NUMERICALSIMULATl0N ON ANTISEISMIC BEHAVIOR OFSMALL SHEARSRN l之ATIO COMPOSITE SHEAR丘气LL SYSTEM WITHOUT DEMOULDING BOARDABSTRACTIn recent years,the earthquake occu

3、rs frequently on a global scale,whichbrings the seismic performance a great challengeAs the most commonly lateralresistant core component of the multistorey and highrise building structure,shear wall,the seismic performance of which has direct impact on the structuralintegritySo the problem that dev

4、eloping good seismic performance shear wallsis always a hot issue to be solved for increasing the seismic performance in civilengineeringThe object of this paper is to devel。p a kind of shear wall structure,the composite shear wall structure:with thermal insulation formwork,which isbased on the anti

5、seismic structme contr01This kind of structure adopts thethermalpreservation blocks of glazed hollow bead to be permanent formworksto achieve the heat preservation and loadbearing integrationAs a matter ofstructural system,it may transfer the original shear wall failure mode to theductility destruct

6、ion for improving structural an。tiseismic capacityThis systemIII一一 太原理:j:火学硕十研究生学位论文-二二overcome some defects of traditional shear walls,for example slow construction,big stiffness,big weight,poor insulation,poor deformation and SO onIt also canimprove the safety,durability and comfort of the residen

7、ce,even can bringobviously economic efficiencyThe composite shear wall structure wassystematically studied in this dissertation by the combination method of thesubassemblage loading test and ABAQUS finite element analysisThe main work in thesis can be summarized as follows:1This paper taked the saml

8、l shearspan ratio composite shear wall asresearch subject and discusses it from some aspects including the bearingcapacity,the ductility,the stiffness and its decaying process,the hystereticcharacteristics,the energy dissipation and the failure feature,which werecompared with traditional shear walls

9、 by the combination method of thesubassemblage loading test2Applying the finite software ABAQUS build finite element model of thecomposite shear wall structure with thermal insulation formwork and USual shearwall and make nonlinear finite element analysisFinite elements results agreewell with experi

10、mental results,it is provided the basis for expand analysisThe research result demonstrated that the ultimate load capacity of thecomposite shear wall system with thermal insulation formwork decreased about247and the initial stiffness was about 71of the common shear wall,but theattenuation coefficie

11、nt 13uy increased by 5 81when yielding to the ultimatebearing failure,and the later stiffness was stableIn the energy dissipationIV太原理卜人学硕十研究生!、学位论文capacity,the composite shear wall hysteresis loops was relatively fullIt showedits better energy dissipation capacity which was 164 times than the tradi

12、tionalshear wallCompared with the traditional shear wall,the seismic performance ofthe composite shear wall was significantly improved,and the ductilitycoefficient increased by 436in the failure modecomposite share wallbelongs to bending ductile fracture,and after reaching to the ultimate bearingcap

13、acity,it will not break immediately but break lingeringly;while the commonshare wall belongs to sharing brittle fracture。Analysis of finite element analysis softwrare ABAQUS obtained:thenumerical loaddisplacement curv。and the skeleton curve agree well with theexperimental cur,but the errors ol,the u

14、ltimate load and the limit displacementwas biggerKEY WORDS:composite shearall,horizontal low cyclic load,ABAQUS,non-linearity,seismic performanceV太原理L人学硕+研究生学位论文目录第一章绪论111本课题的研究背景112抗震剪力墙研究现状113钢筋混凝土结构非线性有限元分析现状5131钢筋混凝土结构有限元分析的特点5132研究现状5133非线性分析的意义614玻化微珠免拆墙模复合剪力墙体系概述及研究意义7141玻化微珠免拆墙模复合剪力墙体系简介7142

15、本课题的研究意义715本文的研究方法及主要内容9第二章小剪跨比剪力墙抗震性能试验试件设计及试验方法1121试验目的1122试件的设计与制作一11221试件的设计11222电阻应变片的布置与粘贴15223材料力学性能17224复合剪力墙试件的制作1723试验加载方案及加载制度18231加载装置18232加载方式21233加载制度22234测试内容、方法及测点布置2224本章小结25第三章试验结果及分析2731屈服荷载及极限位移的确定一27Vl J太原理工人学硕十研究生学位论文311屈服荷载的确定27312极限位移的确定2732试验结果及分析28321承载力实测值及分析28322延性性能分析293

16、23各阶段刚度实测值及衰减分析30324滞回曲线及特征分析31325骨架曲线33326耗能能力分析3533钢筋应变分析35331钢筋实测屈服应变35332钢筋应变对比分析3634破坏形态及分析41341各试件破坏过程41342破坏形态分析4635本章小结47第四章玻化微珠兔拆墙模复合剪力墙ABAQUS非线性分析4941 ABAQUS有限元软件概述49411 ABAQUS的简介49412分析步骤简介5042 ABAQuS中钢筋混凝土有限元分析的基本理论52421钢筋混凝土有限元模型的选择52422材料的本构关系5343 ABAQUS有限元模型的建立55431建立有限元模型55432加载和求解56


18、秒,四川1省汶川县发生里氏80级地震,造成69227人遇难,374177人受伤,失踪18404人,直接经济损失8452亿元人民币,致使灾区23143万问房屋损坏,其中多达6525万间房屋发生倒塌,是中华人民共和国自建国以来发生的影响范围最大、破:不性最为强烈的一次地震,严重受灾地区达10万多平方公里,受灾人数多达5000多万,在世界地震史上也是罕见的。2010年1月13日5时53分加勒比岛国海地发生里氏70级地震造成2225万人丧生,196万人受伤。2010年4月14 Ft晨青海省玉树县发竺两次地震,最高震级71级,造成2220人死亡,70多人失踪,大量房屋及设施损坏,各行业受损严重。2011



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