1、JAUNDICETeacher : Zhao Peng Date:1/20/2019DefinitionYELLOWDefinitionJaundice is the yellow discoloration of the sclera , skin and mucus membrane resulting from an increase bilirubin concentration in the body fluid (more than 17.1 mol/L) Clinical jaundice: 34.2 mol/L Jaundice occult: 17.1-34.2 mol/L1
2、 Liver diseases 2 Congenital hypebilirubinemia 3 Hemolytic anemia 4 Recurrent jaundiceJaundice productionAnnotationHb: hemoglobinUCB: unconjugated bilirubinCB: conjugated bilirubinUGT: UDP-glucuronyl transferaseUGTBilinogen enterohepatic circulationOver production Decreased hepatic conjugation Decreased hepatic uptake Disturbance of excretionWays to increase bilirubinTypesHepatocellular jaundiceHemolytic jaundiceCongenital hypebilirubinemiaCholestatic jaundiceHemolyticUGTCBHepatocellularObstructiveCB