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1、新版广州六年级英语上 Module 2 练习题 (M2) (有听力音频)(注意:听力音频在第二题图片右边,某度显示的排版有问题,下载后就正常,请注意)一、听句子三次,选出句子中含有的信息,并把字母编号写在括号内。( ) 1. A. New York B. London C. America( ) 2. A. live B. lives C. living( ) 3. A. supermarket B. school C. streets( ) 4. A. modern B. made C. moving( ) 5. A. miss B. missing C. misses( ) 6. A. t

2、hem B. there C. they( ) 7. A. interesting B. interested C. interest( ) 8. A. countryside B. country C. city( ) 9. A. some B. something C. sometimes( ) 10. A. classroom B. cinema C. crowded二、听句子三次,根据听到的顺序,应英文大写字母给下图片编号。三、听问题三次,选择合适的回答。( ) 1. A. Yes, I can B. No, Im not C. No, I dont like it.( ) 2. A.

3、 Im from Shenzhen B. Shes from Shenzhen C. I enjoy living in the country( ) 3. A. Its a clean and quiet street B. Its a big and modern city C. Its a small and quiet city.( ) 4. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there isnt C. Its a big supermarket( ) 5. A. No, there arent B. Yes, there is C. Yes, it is.四、听句子

4、三次,写出句子中所缺的单词。1. Is there a big _ in the _?2. The streets in this city are _ and _.3. This street is _ and _.4. The apples are _ _ they are bad.5. I am _ to stay in a _ room.五、听短文三次,判断下列是否与短文相符合,符合写 T,否则写 F。( ) 1. Guangzhou is a big city. Jiamin lives in Guangzhou.( ) 2. It has so many trees on the

5、street.( ) 3. The traffic is always heavy and slow in Guangzhou.( ) 4. Jiamin can sleep very well at night.( ) 5. Jiamin likes living in the city.( ) 6. Jiamin wants to have a healthy life.六、选择最佳答案填空。( ) 1. Look, this is a new friend _ America. A. from B. to C. on( ) 2. There _ much more to do in th

6、e city than in the countryside.A. are B. is C. am( ) 3. What _ Guangzhou _ now?A. are; like B. is; look like C. is; like( ) 4. The city is modern _ noisy now.A. and B. but C. to( ) 5. This book is _. I like it very much.A. interesting B. boring C. expensive( ) 6. There are so many cars _ the big cit

7、y.A. on B. under C. in( ) 7. They usually go to the cinema _ night.A. in B. at C. on( ) 8. I cant wait _ home now.A. going B. go C. to go( ) 9. They have only one _ in their countryside.A. supermarket B. supermarkets C. a supermarket( ) 10. Everything _ very expensive in New York.A. are B. is C. am(

8、 ) 11. I _ born in a big city.A. is B. was C. were( ) 12. There are some photos on the walls of _ bedroom.A. we B. us C. our七、看图,选择与图片意思相符合的句子,把字母编号写在括号内。A. We often see this sign in the street. It means, “Dont park your car here.”B. There are many tall buildings in the city.C. We often see this sig

9、n in the museum. It means, “Dont take photos here.”D. My ruler is too short. Can you give me that long one?E. We often see this sign in the park. It means, “Dont ride your bike here.”F. We often see this sign in the zoo. It means, “Dont feed the animals.”G. Your bag is too old. Ask your parents to b

10、uy a new one for you.H. We often see this sign on the buses or the underground. It means, “Dont eat or drink here.”I. We often see this sign in the library. It means, “Be quiet.”八、选择方框里的句子将对话补充完整。A. And there are many famous palaces in Beijing.B. The four seasons look like spring.C. I like the long

11、noodles there.D. I like Hainan best.E. I want to have my summer holiday there.The children are in the classroom. They are talking about their favourite cities.Janet: I think Shenzhen is a crowded and noisy city. There are so many cars on the streets all day. But there are many beautiful places in Sh

12、enzhen. 1 Jiamin: My favourite city is Beijing because the people there are very friendly. 2 Janet: Whats your favourite city, David?David: I like Lanzhou best because the noodles there are very delicious. 3 . One piece can make one bowl.Tim: 4 . It has the most beautiful sea and so many fruits. I w

13、ant to have my winter holiday there.Andy: I like Kunming best. 5 So people call it “Spring City”.九、读短文,选择正确的答案。Mr. Smith is from France. He is in Guangzhou now. He lives in a small house near a big farm. In the morning, he can see many ladies milking the cows. There are many fields on the farm. Some

14、 people work in the field in the morning. And other people work in the garden. Mr. Smith sometimes helps the farmers with gardening in the afternoon. In the evening, Mr. Smith always has some fun with the farmers. He likes the life. He thinks it is a healthy life.( ) 1. Mr. Smith is from _.A. Japan

15、B. China C. France( ) 2. There is a _ near Mr. Smiths house.A. big farm B. big house C. small farm( ) 3. _ milk(s) the cows in the morning.A. Mr. Smith B. The men C. The ladies( ) 4. The people usually work _ in the morning. A. in the field B. in the garden C. in the field and garden( ) 5. Mr. Smith

16、 always helps the people in the _.A. garden B. field C. river( ) 6. Mr. Smith usually has fun in the _.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening.十、选择方框中的适当单词把短文补充完整,并把字母编号写在横线上。city comes school are shopping name friend Americaexpensive fromHello, my 1 is Amy. I am 2 New York. New York is a modern 3 . It i

17、s crowded and noisy. I study in a 4 . It is not big but it is new. There 5 more than thirty teachers and five hundred students in our school. Jiamin is my good 6 in my class. He 7 from China. His parents are in 8 now. We often go 9 in a super market near our school at the weekend. But everything here is too 10 for us.


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