1、新生儿寒冷损伤综合征 Neonatal cold injury syndrome,Department of pediatrics,陈平洋,第七章第十三节,中南大学儿科学教研室,目的要求,To be familiar with etiology、 mechanism and prevention To master the clinical manifestation and treatment,summary(概述),Neonatal cold injury is a disorder, which is due to coldness(寒冷) , premature birth(早产) ,
2、 infection(感染) and asphyxia(窒息).The clinical manifestations are hypothermia(低温) associated with lethargy(嗜睡), edema(水肿) and sclerema(硬化) of the skin, and some degree of systemic organ injury.,Etiology and Mechanism,1. Intrinsic factors(内因) 1) 温度调节中枢(thermotaxic center ) 发育不成熟 2) 散热过多( excessive heat
3、 loss ) 3) 产热不足,以棕色脂肪( brown fat )的化 学产热方式为主,缺乏寒颤等物理产热方式 4) 饱和脂肪酸( saturated fatty acid )含量多, 熔点高。,2. Extrinsic factors(外因) 1) 寒冷(coldness) 2) 摄入不足(intake deficiency) 3) 早产(premature birth) 4) 疾病(diseases) 感染 ( infection) 窒息( asphyxia ),Clinical Manifestation,1、General manifestation(一般情况) decreased
4、activity(少动), feeble cry(少 哭), poor feeding(少吃), low temperature(低体温) 2、Skin feature(皮肤表现) 1)cold, bright red, edema and sclerema (硬化),2)gradation(顺序) calf (小腿) thigh(大腿) Buttock (臀部) Face(面部) upper limb (上肢) Total body(全身) 3)Grades of severity (分度) According to an area of sclerema mild(轻度): 50%,3、多
5、器官功能损伤 circulatory collapse(循环衰竭) acute renal failure(急性肾功能衰竭) pulmonary hemorrhage(肺出血) respiratory failure (呼吸衰竭),Pulmonary hemorrhage(肺出血),Treatment, rewarming(复温) body temperature 30 将患儿置于中性温度(neutral temperature) 的温箱中,于 6 12hr恢复体温。 body temperature30 将患儿置于比肛温高12 的温箱中,待肛 温恢复至35 时,维持箱温的温度于中性 温度。,Open radiant warmer bed incubator,Treatment,热量和液体供给Calorie: 50kcalkg.d, 逐渐增加至 1002 00kcalkg.d Liquid: mlkcal对症治疗: 有微循环障碍者纠酸、扩容、血管活性药。 有肺出血者行机械通气 及时处理肾功能障碍及DIC预防感染,bye bye,