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1、出入境填表常用词汇姓:Family name,Surname名:First Name,Given name性别:sex,gender男:male ;女:female国籍:nationality,country of citizenship护照号:passport number航班号:Flight number原住地:country of origin前往国:destination country登机城市:city where you boarded签证签发地:city where visa was issued签发日期:date of issue出生日期:date of birth,birth

2、 date年:year;月:month;日:day偕行人数:accompanying number签名:signature官方填写:official use only职业:occupation护照:Passport;签证:Visa登机、启程:Embarkation登岸:Disembarkation商务签证:Business Visa观光签证:Tourist Visa乘机常用词汇航站、终点站:Terminal入境大厅:Arrival Lobby出境大厅:Departure Lobby登机门号码:Gate Number登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass机场税:Airpo

3、rt Tax登机手续办理处:Check in Counter海关申报处:Customs Service Area货币申报:Currency Declaration免税商品:Duty-Free Items大号:large;中号:medium;小号:small纪念品:Souvenir行李:Baggage,Luggage托运的行李:Checked baggage行李领取处:Baggage claim area随身行李:Carry-on baggage行李牌:Baggage Tag行李推车:Luggage Cart退税处:Tax-free refund盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom

4、 ,toiletW.C.water closet,rest room男厕:Mens,Gents ,Gentlemens女厕:Womens,Ladys使用中:Occupied空闲:Vacant男(女)空服员:Steward(Stewardess )机内免税贩卖:In-Flight Sales钱币兑换常用词汇外币兑换店:Currency Exchange Shop汇率:Exchange rate旅行支票:Travelers check手续费:Commission银行买入价:We buy(Bid )银行卖出价:We sell(Ask)外汇:foreign exchange酒店常用词汇入住登记手续:C

5、heck-in客房服务:Room Service退房(时间):Check Out(Time)前台:Front Desk,Reception酒店大堂:Lobby咖啡馆:Coffee shop服务员,侍者:waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员)电话叫醒服务:Wake Up Call,Morning Call餐厅在那儿?:Where is the dining room?日常用语你好,很高兴认识你:How do you do,Im glad to meet you.(Its nice meeting you.)请问你叫什么名字:May I have your name, please?我可以试穿

6、一下吗:May I try it on?多少钱:How much?干杯:Cheers! Bottoms up!我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗:Im lost Could you do me a favor to find my hotel?你能帮我拍照吗:Could you take a picture for me?非常感谢:Thank you very much.不客气:Youre welcome我就是忍不住:I just couldnt help it.让我们保持联系:Lets keep in touch.我怎样能跟你联络上:How can I get in touch with yo

7、u?我将会尽我最大努力:Ill do my best.请稍等一下:Wait a moment please.你先请:After you我们该走了:Wed better be off.我真要累死了:Im really dead.真是那样吗:Is that so?我不确切知道:I dont know for sure.太好了,太棒了:Thats something.这主意真棒:Brilliant idea!此话当真:Do you really mean it?你帮了大忙:You are a great help.我身无分文:Im broke.我一直不太喜欢这东西:I never liked it

8、anyway.别跟我耍花招:Dont play games with me!看情况再说:That depends.请问如何前往 ?:Excuse me, How do I get to the . ?最全食物相关的英文翻译点餐篇:我是穆斯林,我不能吃猪肉。I am a Muslim, I cant eat pork.请给我菜单。May I have a menu,please?/Please show me the menu.是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese?可否让我看看酒单?May I see the wine list?是否可建议一些不错的酒?Co

9、uld you recommend some good wine?我可以点餐了吗?May I order,please?餐厅有今日特餐吗?Do you have todays special?结账:Bill, please.打包(带走):take away.水果类(fruits):火龙果 pitaya西红柿 tomato菠萝 pineapple西瓜 watermelon香蕉 banana柚子 shaddock (pomelo)橙子 orange苹果 apple柠檬 lemon樱桃 cherry桃子 peach梨 pear枣 Chinese date(去核枣 pitted date )椰子 co

10、conut草莓 strawberry树莓 raspberry蓝莓 blueberry黑莓 blackberry葡萄 grape甘蔗 sugar cane芒果 mango木瓜 pawpaw 或者 papaya杏子 apricot 油桃 nectarine柿子 persimmon石榴 pomegranate榴莲 jackfruit槟榔果 areca nut(西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry金橘 cumquat蟠桃 flat peach荔枝 litchi青梅 greengage山楂果 haw水蜜桃 honey peach

11、香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon李子 plum杨梅 waxberry red bayberry桂圆 longan沙果 crab apple杨桃 starfruit枇杷 loquat柑橘 tangerine莲雾 wax-apple番石榴 guava肉、蔬菜类:南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw甜玉米 Sweet corn牛肉 beef猪肉 pork羊肉 mutton羔羊肉 lamb鸡肉 chicken生菜 莴苣 lettuce白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage萝卜 radish胡萝卜 carrot韭菜 leek木耳 aga

12、rics豌豆 pea马铃薯(土豆) potato黄瓜 cucumber苦瓜 balsam pear秋葵 okra洋葱 onion芹菜 celery芹菜杆 celery sticks地瓜 sweet potato蘑菇 mushroom橄榄 olive菠菜 spinach冬瓜 (Chinese )wax gourd莲藕 lotus root紫菜 laver油菜 cole rape茄子 eggplant香菜 caraway枇杷 loquat青椒 green pepper四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean银耳 silvery fungi腱子肉 tendon肘子 pork joint茴香 fennel(茴香油 fennel oil 药用)鲤鱼 carp咸猪肉 bacon金针蘑 needle mushroom扁豆 lentil槟榔 areca牛蒡 great burdock水萝卜 summer radish竹笋 bamboo shoot


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