1、第四章细胞质膜本章内容细胞质膜的结构模型生物膜基本特征与功能膜骨架细胞质膜在维持胞内环境的相对稳定,细胞与环境之间的物质运输、能量转换及信息传递过程中有重要作用。细胞内膜系统和细胞质膜统称为 生物膜。第一节 细胞质膜的结构模型一、生物膜的结构模型:1 质膜结构研究历史的回顾:Overton(1890s): Lipid nature of PM; J.D.Robertson(1959):The TEM showing:the trilaminar appearance of PM;Unit membrane model; S.J.Singer and G.Nicolson(1972): flui
2、d-mosaic model; K.Simons et al(1997): lipid rafts model;Singer and Nicolsons Model of membrane structure: The fluid-mosaic model is the “central dogma” of membrane biology. The Fluid Mosaic Model, proposed in 1972 by Singer and Nicolson, had two key features, both implied in its name.流动镶嵌模型的要点(1)膜的流动性,膜蛋白和膜脂均可以侧向运动。 The core lipid bilayer exists in a fluid state, capable of dynamic movement.(2)膜蛋白分布的不对称性,以镶嵌、覆盖或贯穿的形式与脂双层分子结合。Membrane proteins form a mosaic of particles penetrating the lipid to varying degrees.目前对生物膜结构的认识 P85要点 1: 磷脂分子的排列形式要点 2:蛋白质与磷脂分子的关系要点 3:对生物膜的整体认识