2015秋鲁教版英语八上Unit 2《Why don’t you talk to your parents》(SectionA 1a-2d)word学案.doc

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1、Unit2 SectionA 1a-2d 精品学案 掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇 allow wrong guess although until deal 重点短语 too much, too many, look through, give back, so that, 能听懂谈论问题和给出建议的话题。【自主学习】英汉短语互译1. _与某人交谈2. _ _太多3. _有空闲时间4. allow sb. to do sth. _5. _与某人闲逛6. _课外辅导 班7. _ 与某人吵架/打架8. _直到半夜9. _有足够的睡眠10. write sb. a letter_11. _打电话给某

2、人12. _令某人惊讶13. _ 擅长写信来14. _快速查看;浏览15. be angry with sb_16. a big deal_17. _成功地发展;解决【合作探究】1. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 我父母不允许我跟我的朋友们一起闲逛。allow verb.允许;准许a. allow: let sb do sth 允许He is not allowed to stay out late.他不可以在外待到很晚。 His parents wont _ him _ _ out late.他的父母不会允许他在外

3、待得很晚。b. Smoking is not allowed in the hall.大厅内不准吸烟。 We do not _ smoking in the hall.我们不准有人在大厅内吸烟。2. I guess you could tell her to say sorry.我想你可以叫她道歉。guess verb.1) 猜测;估计I dont really know. Im just guessing.我并不知 道,我只是猜测。Can you guess his age?你能猜出他的年龄吗? We can only _ at her reasons for leaving.对她离去的原因

4、我们只能猜测。 He _ right/wrong .他猜对/错了。 _ _ _where Ive been?你能猜出我去什么地方了吗?2) I guess 想;以为-Are you ready to go?-Yeah, I guess so . “你准备好出发了吗?”“ 是的,我想可以了。 ”-They arent coming, then?-I guess not.“这么说,他们不来了? ”“我想是吧。 ” _ _ (that) youll be looking for a new job now.我想你现在要找新工作了吧。 He didnt see me, _ _.“我想他没看见我。 ”3

5、. Although he is wrong, its not a big deal.尽管他错了,但是没有什么大不了的deal noun.1) a good/great much; a lot 大量;很多They spent a great deal of money.他们花了大量的钱Im feeling a good deal better.我感觉好多了。 It took_ _ _ of time.这费了很多时间。2) 协议;(尤指)交易to make a deal (with sb)(与某人)达成一笔交易Its a deal! (= I agree to your terms)就这么办吧!

6、 Listen. This is the_ (= this is what we have agreed and are going to do) .听着,下面是我们达成的协议。3) 大事;要事I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.我感觉到了压力,取胜对全家来说是如此重要。 Its no big deal.=Its not _ _ _.这 没什么大不了的4. 辨析 too much /much too/ too manya. You gav e me too many cards.

7、 b.I have too much work to do. c.He works much too hard. a. too many 只能同可数名词连用too many films 太多的电影; too many companies 太多的公司; too many problems 太多的问题b. too much 与不可数名词连用The project is taking too much timetoo much water 过多的水或者做状语修饰动词She laughs too much.她笑得太多了。eating to o much and drinking too much.大吃

8、大喝I spend too much on clothes.They both talk too much.c. much too 修饰形容词或者副 词The baby skin is much too delicate.宝宝的皮肤太娇嫩了。I cant reach the shelf - its much too high.【活学活用】选择填空 _ poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.有太多的贫民生活在十分拥挤的条件下。 There_ rules at home.有过多的家规 The street was closed off f

9、or _ cars. 道路由于车辆过多而受阻. Obviously, we dont want to spend _ money. 很明显,我们不想花太多的钱。 Dont give those plants _ water; they will die. 别给这些植物浇太多的水, 它们会死的. You spend _time hanging out with others. 你跟别人闲逛的时间太多了. Im afraid hes _ busy to see visitors. 恐怕他太忙,不能会客. Between ourselves, that young mans hair is _ lo

10、ng. 就咱俩之间说说, 那小伙子的头发实在是太长了. Fathers objection was that the trip was _ _ expensive.父亲反对的是这趟旅行太费钱了。【检测反馈】1. 为什么你不跟你父 母道歉呢?_ _ _ say sorry to your pa ren ts?2. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。_the sun was shining it wasnt very _. 3. 我会一直等到他们来。Ill wait _ they arrive. 4. 马上写信给他,使他能够及时了解情况 Write to him at once _ _ he may kn

11、ow in time. 5. 把你的旧衣服翻一翻,看看有没有可以送人的。Look _ your old clothes and see if anything to give_. 6. You l_ happy. Maybe your team won. 7. -Why didnt you go to the party last night?Because my parents didnt a_ me to go out at night.8. I found a letter _ on the floor when I came into the classroom. A. lying B

12、. lay C. lies D. lie9. Look! Some people are running the red lights. We should wait _ others are breaking the rule. A. if B. although C. unless D. because10. A nice day, isnt it? Yes, _ go for a picnic and relax ourselves? A. Would you like B. Why not C. What about D. why dont 11. Why dont you_ an English club to practice_ English? A. to join; to speak C. join; speaking D. to join; speaking


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