北师大版英语八上《unit 3 countries and cities》word词汇学习.doc

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1、Unit 3 Countries and Cities1. such as 1)比如,例如 2)像这样的,诸如这类There is a lot of fruit in the shop, such as oranges, bananas, etc.店中有多种水果出售,比如橘子、香蕉等等。They visited several cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Qingdao.他们游览了几个城市,如北京、上海、青岛。An imals such as dogs and cats are called pets.像狗、猫这类动物叫做宠物。2. of cou

2、rse 当然,自 然;当然可以Of course hell help me.他当然会帮助我。“Are you going to see Mr. Green with us?” “Of course!”“你和我们一起去看望格林先生吗?” “当然!”“May I use your telephone?” “Yes, of course.”“我可以借您的电话用一用吗?” “当然可以。 “Do you want to go back?” “Of course not!”“你想回去吗?” “当然不想!”3. p refer to do sth.宁愿做(某事) ;更喜欢He prefers to live

3、 among the young people.他更喜欢和年轻人住在一起。I would prefer not to go out today.我今天宁愿 不出去。He offered to drive us to the theatre, but we preferred to walk.他愿意开车送我们去剧场,但我们愿意走着去。4. notany more(=no more)不再 ,没有再We did not see him any more.我们没有再见到他。Tom isnt a boy any more.汤姆不再是个孩子了。You must not worry about it any

4、 more.你千万别再为 这件事担心了。5. no longer (=notany longer)不再She no longer lives here.(=She doesnt live here any longer.)她已经不住在这里了。He found that Mr. Smith was no longer working there.他发现史密斯先生已不在那里工作了。I can wait no longer.我不能再等了。6.for a long time 长时间,很久He stood there for a long time.他在那里站了很长时间(站了半天) 。I didnt k

5、now what to say for a long time.我好长时间不知说什么好。7.no water at all 一点儿(水)也没有There is no hope at all.一点儿希望也没有。“Im sorry to give you so much trouble.” “Oh, its no trouble at all.”m“对不起,给您添了这么多麻烦。 ”“啊,一点儿不 麻烦。 ”It will do you no harm at all.那对你毫无害处。8.be good fo r 对有好处;适合Milk is good for children.牛奶对儿童有好处。Ve

6、getables are good for our health.蔬菜有利于身体健康。The terrible English climate is not good for swimming.这种糟糕的英国气候不适合游泳。9.at the side of 在的旁边,在的一侧There is a big garden at the side of our house.在我家房子旁边有一个大花园。The child stood at the side of his mothe r.这个孩子站在他母亲的身旁。10.at first 起初,开始时At first they didnt agree w

7、ith us.起初他们不同意我们的意见。I can hardly believe my ears at first.最初我简直认为我听错了。There was a little trouble at first but things were soon quiet.开始时是有点儿麻烦,但后来事情很快就平静下来。11.both of them 他(它)们俩都Both of them are my friends.他们两人都是我的朋友。I invited both of them.他们两个我都邀请了。Both of them were wrong.他们俩都错了。12.different from

8、与不同City life is di fferent from country life.都市生活与乡村生活不同。This car is different from the one I drove yesterday.这辆汽车与我昨天驾驶的那辆不同。Hes quite different from what he was ten years ago.他与十年前大不相同。13.o n the other hand 另一方面,而 却He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.他很聪明,但另一方面,他出了很多错。Father and Mother wanted to go for a walk in the park; the children, on the other hand, wanted to stay at home.父母想去公园散步,而孩子们却想留在家里。I know this job of mine isnt well paid, but on the other hand I dont have to work long hours.我知道这份工作报酬不高, 但从另一方面来说,我也不必工作太长时间。


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