北师大版英语六下《Unit 9》教学设计.doc

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北师大版英语六下《Unit 9》教学设计.doc_第2页
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1、Unit9 life in the year 2050第六课时Teaching Aims:1. The students can do some exercise by themselves.2. The students like to learn English.Teaching Emphasis:1. Review this unit and do some exercise.2. Evaluate their learning. Teaching DifficultyHow to do these exercises.Teaching process:Step1 Review home

2、workLet students read out their paragraphs in groups and select the most interesting one to red aloud for the whole class.Review the story, words and grammar.T: Have the children try to retell the story.S: Try to retell it.T: Dictation. Have the children try to write these words in the dictionary bo

3、ok.S: Listen and write these words.T: Review the grammar and have the children do some exercise.S: Try to do these exercises.Step2: Do some exercise.T: Play the tape and have the children try to complete the blanks.S: Listen and try to do them.T: Play the tape again and have the children check the a

4、nswer.S: Listen again and check the answer.T: Have some students speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer.T: Have the children do exercise3 by themselves.S: Try to do it.T: Check the answer.T: Have the children try to write a paragraph.S: Try to write.T: Give an example.Step3: Evaluate your learningT: Have the children evaluate themselves.S: Do them.Homework:Review this unit.课后反思:大多数学生已经掌握了本课书中所学习的内容,并且能够把所学习的功能据运用到实际生活中。


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