北师大版英语高一上册module 2《unit 6 design》word教案.doc

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1、Unit25 At the conference一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,进一步学习情态动词的用法。学生能初步掌握情态动词表判断推测的用法。要求学生能用自己的语言复述课文。正确完成练习册编排的练习。二、教学重点与难点1重点词汇 organize;repeat;attend ;suppose ;earn;send out;get through;ringback;make up; out of breath2重要句型 1)What a lot of information to send out! 2)Would you mind giving a talktoday about DNA

2、? 3)You must be joking! 4)You cant be serious!3语法 学习 must,may ,might,cant ,could 等情态动词的用法。4日常交际用语 打电话(Making telephones ):1)Can you ring up?I cant getthrough2) The lines busyIll try again later3)Could I speak to,please?4)Holdon please5)Can I take a message?6)This isspeaking7)Can you askto ring mebac

3、k,please ?三、课型(一)对话课教具 录音机,投影仪,电话机。课堂教学设计1教师通过以下步骤导入本课:向学生提出下列问题:1)Suppose you will organize a meeting and you want to ask somepeople to come and make speechesWhat do you have to do?(send out lots of invitations)2)And what other things do you have to do if you want your meeting to be a successful on

4、e?( rent meeting halls;book hotels;order meals;arrange buses;make time-tables; selectspeakers;print materials;plan outdoor activities,etc)由学生充分讨论,得出他们自己的意见。括号里的内容供教师参考。2准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1)How many guests are they goingto invite? 2)How many buses do they need?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。Key:1)The

5、y are going to invite over two hundred guests2)They need two buses tomeet the people at the station3再次放对话录音,学生跟读。将学生分为两人一组练习对话。数分钟后,请两、三组同学到前面表演。教师指导学生归纳本课中出现的有关打电话时的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。也可为学生设计一些情景,由同学编写对话。情景 1:You want to visit the History Museum and you make a phone call,asking aboutthe price of ticke

6、ts;any cheaper tickets for students;the time the museum is open to public; whether it closes at weekends;what are on show and other things you want to know情景 2:You are supposed to organize a class-meeting next MondayYou make a phonecall to your teacher,telling himher your plan and ask for your teach

7、ers opinions经数分钟练习后,教师请几位同学借助电话机到前面进行表演,教师予以讲评。提醒学生在打电话时不可对视。也可鼓励学生自己设计其他情节编写对话。4要求学生将该课对话以玛丽的口吻改写为一篇短文。教师可给予必要的提示。提示语:1)be busy organizing a conference;2)send out lots of invitations;3)make aphone call to bus company;4 )cant see clearly a name;5)Lizzy helps me给出首句:We are very busy now because we ar

8、e organizing a large medical conference要求学生根据对话,参照老师所给提示及首句,编写短文。Model:We are very busy now because we are organizing a large medical conferenceWe haveover two hundred invitations to send out,Lizzy asks me to ring up the bus company,for weneed two buses to meet the people at the stationI have tried

9、,but I can not get throughThe line is busyAnd I cant see clearly a name of the guest and ask Lizzy to help meShe issure the letter must be a“D”当堂要求学生完成,如时间允许,可请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。5布置作业 1)预习第 98、99 课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。(二)阅读理解课()教具 录音机,投影仪。课堂教学设计1检查生词及短语。2教师通过以下提问导入正课:Suppose there is a medical conference

10、What do youthink people will talk about at such a conference?板书学生提及的和医学有关的话题,并借此复习有关词语。以下供教师参考:(cancer;smoking and health;heart trouble ;high blood pressure;food and health; sports and health;the problem of losing weight;how to protect eyes ;effect of pollution onhealth;etc)3教师给出读前提问:1)Why did Dr Ba

11、ker think that the invitation was funny?2)Whycouldnt the main speaker give the talk?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1)Because usually DrBaker was not invited to such a medical conference2)Themain speaker could not give her talk because her plane was very late as a result of bad weath-er at the a

12、irport4放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度,并对某些问题进行讨论:1)Where was the medical conference held?2)Why did DrBaker lookat his diary after he got the invitation?3)What was his decision and what did he do then?4)Why do you think one or two people were surprised to see him?5)What happened on themorning of

13、the second day of the conference?6)Do you think the organizer know DrBaker ?How do you know?7)What did the organizer want DrBaker to do?8)Can you imagine howthe organizer would feel after DrBaker said,“You must be joking!I know nothing at allabout that subject”?Key:(仅供参考)1)The medical conference was

14、 held in London2)Because he wantedto see whether he would be free that week3)He decided to attend the conference and repliedto the invitation,accepting it4)Because they had never thought DrBaker would come tosuch a conference5) The main speaker couldnt arrive to give the talk because of bad weath-er

15、 at the airport6)No ,he didntHe politely asked DrBaker to step out to make himselfknown to the organizer7)He wanted DrBaker to give a talk about DNA8)He must beequally surprised at DrBaker because he could not understand a mistake had been made5要求学生将本课中关于贝克博士在接到邀请信后感到有些奇怪的相关描写列出。6以会议组织者的口吻,描述会议第二天的情

16、况(上)。教师给予提示:英文提示(用投影片打出):1)the first day ,OK;2)the main speaker would not be ableto arrive the second day; 3)everybody was worried;4)invite DrBaker to give a talk; 5) know nothing about DNA将首句给出:The medical conference went on smoothly the first dayBut on the morn-ingModel:The medical conference went

17、 on smoothly the first dayBut on the morning of the sec-ond day,we were told that the main speaker,Dr Lively would not be able to arrive that daybecause of bad weather at the airportIt was already lecture time and everybody was wor-riedThen we decided to invite DrBaker to give a talk on DNA instead

18、I knew DrBakerwas in the hallBut when I told him this,he said he knew nothing about DNA and he wasnot Peter Baker but David BakerStrange!学生先在小组内交流并相互启发、补充,然后请学生在班上交流。7布置作业 1)复述本课课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。阅读理解课()教具 录音机,投影仪。课堂教学设计1通过提问温习第一部分课文内容:1)What did DrBaker receive one day?2)Why didhe think that it was

19、 funny to send him this invitation?3)Did he go there at last?4)Whathappened on the morning of the second day?5)What did the organizer want DrBaker to do?6)What did DrBaker say to the organizer?2检查第一部分课文复述。3准备阅读 At the conference()教师给出读前提问:1)Where did they discover themistake?2)Where did DrBaker work

20、 and what was his special field?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1)They discovered the mistake at the organizers office2)DrBaker worked atLincolns College in Tennessee and he was an expert on illnesses of the ear,nose and throat4放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师用投影仪打出以下 statements,要求学生判断其正误。并对错误的 statements 进行修改

21、:1)The mistake was made by the organizer2)DrBaker was working in England3)Both DrBaker and DrLively were experts on ENT4)Dr Baker gave a very good talk the next day5)DrBaker was likely to come to the sameconference the next yearKey:1)False(The mistake was made by someone else when the invitation lis

22、t was be-ing done)2) False(DrBaker was working in Tennessee,USA)3)True 4)False( DrBaker gave a very good talk later that day)5)True5以会议组织者的口吻,描述会议第二天的情况(下)。教师给予提示:英文提示(用投影片打出):1)discover the mistake;2) how the mistake was made; 3)DrBaker,an expert on ENT;4)ask him for help;5)give a wonderful talk将首句

23、给出:Then we went to our office and discovered the mistakeThough I hadputModel:Then we went to our office and discovered the mistakeThough I had put Dr P Bakers name on the list of speakers,someone made a mistake and had written“DrDBak-er”instead when the invitation list was being doneHowever ,he told

24、 me that he was an ex-pert on ENT,and Dr Lively,the main speaker,was going to talk on that very subject thatday When I asked him to help,he agreedHe gave a wonderful talk later that day and Iwished him to come again the next year学生先在小组内交流并相互启发、补充,然后请学生在班上交流。6布置作业 1)复述整篇课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。(三)语言训练课教具 投

25、影仪。课堂教学设计1教师检查课文复述。2教师从本单元词语中选择部分常见词语,配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生反复练习这些例句,并请同学造句,教师予以讲评订正。词语:organize ;send out;ring back;repeat; attend;attention ;unable;serious;intro-duction;get through例句:1)The meeting was badly organized2)The professor organized his thoughts be-fore giving his lecture3)The sun sends out ligh

26、t and heat4)Will you send the children outto play?They are making too much noise here5)He is not inWhy dont you ring back af-ter 6 oclock6)Please repeat the following words after me7)He decided to attend themeeting that day8)He is very quiet and doesnt draw much attention to himself9)I am un-able to

27、 go with you10)Are you serious?11)The introduction in a book tells us what thebook is about12)The operator finally got me through 13)When you get through with yourwork,lets go out3根据第 98、99 两课所提供的情节,描述贝克博士在这次医疗大会上的经历。Ask the students to say something about DrBakers experiences at the medical confer-

28、ence based on the textThe teacher may give students some hints to help them to do the sto-ry-tellingThe hints:1) How did DrBaker feel when he got the invitation?2)Did he attend theconference or not?3)Why was he asked to give a talk instead and what happened to the mainspeaker?4)Was he an expert on D

29、NA or was he an expert on ENT?5)Had the organizer in-tended to invite DrDBaker at first?And why was there a mistake?6)Did DrBaker givea talk at the conference or not?How was his talk received?Model:DrBaker was very much surprised to receive an invitation to theMedical Confer-ence in LondonHowever,he

30、 decided to attend the meeting himselfOn the morning of thesecond day of the conference,the main speaker failed to arrive because of the bad weather atthe airportSo he was asked to give a talk insteadWhen the organizer asked him to give atalk on DNA, DrBaker told him that he was an expert on ENTLate

31、r the organizer discov-ered the mistakeThough the organizer had put DrP Bakers name on the list of speakers,someone had made a careless mistake and had written“DrD Baker”instead when the invi-tation list was being doneAnyhow DrBaker did give a talk that day and everyone at theconference was very int

32、erested in it4书面表达练习中文提示(用投影片打出):1)班里一位新同学很少讲话;2)班主任要他主持下周一班会;3)题目,临近期末,谈下学期打算;4)给班主任打电话,不想主持;5)其母又来电说想转学英文提示(用投影片打出):1)speak to;2)organize ;3)ring up;4)be unable to;5)attend;6)repeat ;7) ring back将前两句给出:A new student has come to our classHe is always silent and seldomspeaks to others七、八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自

33、己的短文,教师予以讲评。Model:A new student has come to our classHe is always silent and seldom speaks to othersOur teacher,Miss Zhao,asked him to organize a class-meeting the following Monday after-noon,for everyone in our class takes turns to do soSince its now nearly the end of theterm,the topic of the class

34、-meeting should be a plan for the new school yearYesterdayevening,he rang up Miss Zhao and said that he was unable to attend the class-meetingWhen Miss Zhao asked him why ,he simply repeated that he couldnt come to the meetingand then hung upLater his mother rang back,saying that her son would go to

35、 anotherschool the next school yearSo he just didnt want to say anything about his plan for the fu-ture5布置作业 1)预习第 26 单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。四、难句分析1Lizzy:Yes,there must be over two hundred bere是的,这儿想必有 200 多份。Lizzy:It must be a“D”想必是字母“D” 。must 作“想必、准是,一定 ”解,用来表示对某事确有把握的推论或揣测。虽然句中的 must 也可用 may 代替,但 must

36、语气更肯定。例如:The farmers must be very tired;theyve kept sowing all the morning农夫们想必很累了,他们整个上午一直在播种。I always meet him in the streetHe must live quite near here我总在这条街上碰到他,想必他就住在附近。must 表示推测常用在肯定句中。在疑问句中用 can,否定句中用 cant。例如:What do you think this invitation can mean?你认为这份请柬可能意味着什么?She cant be a professorshe

37、s so young她不可能是教授她还很年轻。在否定句中,也有用 cant 表示推测的,意思是“想必不,准是不 ”。例如:I can hear the Browns phone bell ringing but no one is answering it;They cant be athome我听到布朗家的电话铃在响,但是没有人接,他们想必都不在家。2Dr Baker replied to the invitation,accepting it贝克博士还是答复了请柬,接受了邀请。1)reply 可作动词,也可作名词。作不及物动词时,意思是“回答”,可用 reply to(sb sth)表示“

38、对作出的回答”;作及物动词时,是“答到、回答说”的意思,后跟直接引语或宾语从句,不直接跟人或物作宾语。作名词时,是“回答、答复”之意,后面可跟介词 to 的短语。例如:She cried,but didnt reply她哭了,但不回答。Please reply to my question请回答我的问题。He replied that he didnt know the secret他回答说他不知道这个秘密。She didnt lift her head,and made no reply她头也不抬,又不回答。reply 和 answer 都有“回答” 的意思,有时可以通用,但 reply 比

39、 answer 正式,指经过思考的答复。二者都可以作及物动词,answer 可直接跟名词作宾语。例如:Can you answer myquestion?Can you reply to my question?你能回答我的问题吗?2)accepting it 是-ing 短语,表示伴随动作,相当于 and accepted it。例如:The boss went to see MrKing,praising him for his excellent work老板去看望了金先生,表扬了他出色的工作。注意:accept 和 receive 的区别:accept 和 receive 都有“收到”

40、 的意思。但 receive 只表示客观上“ 收到某物”,与主观愿望无关,而 accept 表示主观上 “乐意接受某物”。例如:He received the gift,but he did not accept it他收到了礼物,但他没接受。I have received an invitation from JohnShall I accept it or refuse it ?我收到了约翰的请柬,我是接受还是拒绝?3Would you mind giving a talk today about DNA?能不能请你今天作一个关于 DNA的报告?“Would you mind+doing

41、sth?”是日常交际用语,表示礼貌地提出请求。例如:Would you mind sending him a message for me?请你帮我带个口信给他好吗?Would you mind fetching me some water,please?劳驾给我打点水好吗?4Dr Lively was going to talk on that very subject today莱芙利博士今天原先要谈的正好是这个题目。介词 on 在句中作“关于” (about)解。例如:I want to speak to you on a very serious subject我想跟你谈一个非常严肃的问题。I cant agree with you on this point关于这一点,我不能同意你的意见。句中的 very 是形容词,修饰后面的名词 subject,用来加强语气,作“正好” 解。例如:Thats the very thing I need那正是我需要的东西。She determined to go that very afternoon她决定就在当天下午走。


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