北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 2《Heroes》(Section Ⅲ)高效学习方案.doc

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1、Section Superhero.重点单词必记A根据英文释义写出单词1promote raise sb. to a higher position or rank2react respond3quality degree of goodness or worth4disabled unable to use a limb or limbs (肢体)5relationship state of being related by birth or marriage6injury harm done to a persons or an animals body, for example in a

2、n accidentB语境填词7Superman (超人) is usually considered as a superhero (超级英雄). In our eyes, he can pull_through (渡过难关 ) any injury or disaster (灾难) on_his_own (独自地) 8He is far_too_confident (过于自信)that he never commits (犯)any error and he never gives_up (放弃 ).高频短语必背1come to 达到某种状态2raise money 集资,募捐3draw

3、ones attention 吸引某人的注意力4commit suicide 自杀5get on 融洽相处;进展6get involved with 参加,参与7react to 对作出反应8be confident_of 对有信心9pull through 使从(受伤) 中活过来;渡过难关10give up 放弃11on ones own 独自地,单独地12far too 太,极为13live with 忍受,容忍.经典句式必会1He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries.他还募集了

4、许多钱用来促进对背伤的医学研究。句式分析 不定式 to promote . injuries 作目的状语。尝试仿写 我们举行仪式来庆祝国庆节。We held a ceremony to_celebrate_our_National_Day.2This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.这就是我如何参与了为改善所有残疾人的生活质量而进行慈善工作的过程。句式分析 how 引导的是表语从句,to improve . people 为不定式短

5、语作定语。尝试仿写 这就是我们如何应对经济危机的。This is how_weve_dealt_with the economic crisis.3With the progress of new medical research, Im confident that people like me would be able to walk again one day.随着新的医学研究的进步,我坚信像我这样的人有一天 一定能再行走起来。句式分析 be confident that .为固定句型,意为“对有信心。 ”尝试仿写 我对你能按时完成任务有信心。Im_confident_that you

6、 can finish the task in time.4. So you can see, Im far too busy with living to think of giving up.你知道,我整天忙于生活,根本没有时间去考虑放弃。句式分析 too . to 为固定句式,意为 “如此而不能” 。尝试仿写 她太忙了不能照顾她的家人。She is too_busy_to_take_care_of her family.5(长难句分析)This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also e

7、ncouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.这样不仅将公众的注意力引到了对背伤的研究上,而且还鼓励了许多忍受各种疾病的人们。句式分析 本句为简单句,由 not only, but also 连接两个动宾词组。句子的后边living . problems 为现在分词短语作定语。Read the text quickly and find out the words that match the following.Have you seen the famous film Superman? The main actor

8、 of the film is (1)_. He is a famous (2)_, director and producer. He is not only a (3)_ in the films but also a superhero in real life.答案:(1)Christopher Reeve (2)actor (3)supermanChoose the best answer according to the text.1Christopher Reeve is famous as a(n)_Aactor BplayerCdoctor Dsuperman2After C

9、hristopher fell from his horse,_.Ahe couldnt breatheBhe made speeches all over the worldChe became a doctorDhe couldnt walk3What saved Christophers life?AMedicine. BThe doctors words.CHis wifes love. DHis own film.4Christopher did many things for the charity, except that_.Ahe raised a lot of money t

10、o promote medical research into back injuriesBhe made speeches all over the USA about his experiences Che made his parents get closerDhe helped many disabled people improve their quality of life5From the passage we know_.AChristopher could walk at lastBChristopher never thought of giving upCChristop

11、hers parents got married againDChristopher got involved with charity work before he fell from his horse答案: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.BRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.Christopher Reeveborn in September, 1952; made many _films and TV shows but 1 famous for h

12、is _ films. 2 He fell from his horse and _his back; the second year after his 3 accident, he returned to _ making and also raised a lot of money to 4 _ medical research into back _ 5 6 always getting on really _ with his wife. 7 having a strong family relationship his parents became _ than ever befo

13、re. 8 Christopher Reevethe reason why he got involved with _ work 9 wanting to help those disabled people to improve their _ of life. 10答案: successful Superman broke film 1 2 3 4 promote injuries well closer charity quality 5 6 7 8 9 10 考点 1 on ones own 单独地,独自地 教材原句At first, he couldnt breathe witho

14、ut a machine, but he learnt to breathe on his own. 起初,他离不开呼吸机,但他很快学会了自己呼吸。He had to go fishing on his own because his fellows were not free that day.他只好独自去钓鱼,因为他的伙伴那天都没有空。辨析比较 on ones own, of ones ownon ones own “独自,靠自己” ,一般用作状语和表语of ones own “属于某人自己” ,一般用作定语I studied a second foreign language on my

15、 own.我又自学了第二门外语。多角度演练1选词填空: on ones own, of ones ownHe left the company to start a business of_his_own.His wife died and the old man has been living on_his_own for four years.2单句改错The boy did it by his own.答案:byonHe bought a car for his own.答案:forof3单项填空He is old enough to travel_. After all, he is

16、already 18 years old.Aon his own Bof himselfCof his own Dat the moment解析:句意:他够大了,可以单独旅行。毕竟,他已经 18 岁了。因此选 A 项,也可以用 by himself。of ones own 一般作后置定语,意为“属于某人自己的” 。at the moment“那时 ”,不合句意。答案:A考点 2 injury n伤害,损害 教材原句He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. 他还募捐了许多钱用来促进背

17、部研究。What you said just now is an injury to her.你刚刚说的话对她来说是伤害。Pollution does a great injury to us.污染对我们伤害很大。Dont do that.You will do yourself an injury.不要那样做。你会把自己弄伤的。自主归纳be an injury to sb. 对某人有害do sb. an injury do an injury to sb. 伤害某人归纳拓展injured adj. 受伤的get injured 受伤the injured 伤员,受伤的人Luckily, on

18、ly two people got injured in this car accident without any death.幸运的是,在这次交通事故中只有两个人受伤,没有死亡。The injured were sent to the hospital as soon as possible.伤员被尽快地送往了医院。辨析比较 injury, harm, wound, hurtinjury 平时的大小创伤或伤害,尤指意外事故中造成的伤害harm 指精神和肉体上的极小损害,不仅可用于人或物,也可用于抽象事物wound 指战斗中刀或枪的创伤,伤口hurt 尤指精神上和感情上的伤害,也可指肉体上的

19、伤痛多角度演练1选词填空: injury, harm, wound, hurtHe got serious injuries to legs during the car accident.The soldier received two wounds in the battle.The hurt to his feelings is more serious than that in his body.I mean no harm to her.2完成句子Be careful, or you might get_injured ( 受伤)The_ wounded_were_taken_goo

20、d_care_of (伤员受到了很好的照顾) in that hospital then.3单项填空His remarks brought a(n)_to the artists reputation, which made the public angry.Ainjury BwoundChurt Dharm解析:句意:他的言论损害了那位艺术家的声誉,这让公众很气愤。injury“损害,伤害” ;wound“伤口(多指枪伤、刀伤等外伤)” ;hurt 主要指肉体、心灵上和感情上的“伤害”;harm “损害( 不可数名词)” 。答案:A考点 3 give up 放弃(念头、希望等),停止,认输

21、教材原句Have you thought of giving up after the accident?事故发生后,你想过放弃吗?You ought to give up smoking.你应该戒烟。The job means a lot to him. How can he possibly give it up?这份工作对他来说很重要。他怎么可能放弃呢?Take up your courage and dont give up and youll succeed.鼓起勇气不放弃,你才能成功。自主归纳give up doing sth. 放弃做某事归纳拓展give in 屈服,投降,让步;

22、提出,递交give away 不小心透露;赠送,免费给予give off 发出(蒸汽、光等 )give out 分配,分发;(食物、燃料、力气等) 用光,精疲力竭Her patience finally gave out.她最终忍无可忍了。I was afraid the kids would give the whole thing away.恐怕孩子们会把这整件事说出去。多角度演练1介、副词填空His accent gave him away as a northerner.Please help him to give out the papers.Be confident and ne

23、ver give in to the difficulty.2单句改错The gas was given out on the way.答案:was givengaveThis is a secret between us two, but you gave it off.答案:offaway3单项填空His parents told him that smoking did a lot of harm to his health, so he decided to_.Agive it up Bgive it awayCgive it in Dgive it off解析:句意:他父母告诉他吸烟

24、对他的身体危害很大,所以他打算戒烟了。此题考查give up 的用法。 give up 意为 “放弃,戒掉” ,其中 up 为副词,当宾语为代词时,要置于give 和 up 之间。 give in 意为“屈服,让步” ,为不及物动词短语,不能直接跟宾语。答案:A考点 4 come to 达到某种状态,逐渐,终于,结果是教材原句Four days after the injury, I came to understand my situation. 受伤 4 天以后,我开始明白我自身的情形了。In time you will come to know the meaning of what I

25、 said.到时候你就会知道我所说的意思的。She had come to see the problem in a new light.她开始从新的角度来看待这个问题。关键一点come to 后可以接名词或代词,也可以接不定式。接不定式时,表示逐步认识、理解、相信等渐进过程。归纳拓展come to a decision/conclusion 作出决定/得出结论come to a stop/an end 停止/结束come to oneself/life 苏醒过来when it comes to (doing) sth. 当提到(做) 某事时We came to a conclusion th

26、at the discussion was of great value.我们得出结论,这次讨论有很大价值。After a long time, the wounded soldier came to life finally.很长时间之后,伤员终于苏醒过来。多角度演练1完成句子He came_to_a_conclusion (得出结论) according to what he observed.She was very excited when_it_comes_to_travelling_in_space (当读到太空旅游的时候)2翻译句子We come to realize its v

27、alue till then.直到那时我们才逐渐认识到它的价值。罢工终于结束了。The_strike_came_to_an_end_finally.3单项填空When he_, he found himself in hospital.Acame to Bcame aboutCcame across Dcame out解析:句意:当他醒来时,发现自己在医院里。come to 相当于 come to oneself/life。come about 为不及物动词词组,意为 “发生, 产生” ; come across“偶然遇到” ;come out“出版,出来” ,都不符合句意。答案:A考点 5

28、pull through 恢复健康;渡过难关;(使从受伤中) 活下来教材原句The doctor said I was not going to pull through. 医生说我无法康复了。His wife helped him pull through at last.最终他的妻子帮他渡过了难关。Mary had difficulty with her work for the exams, but her teacher pulled her through.玛丽在准备考试中有困难,但她的老师帮她渡过了难关。归纳拓展pull down 拆掉,摧毁pull in/into (火车等)开进

29、站pull up 停下,使车停住pull out 拔出,离开,离站pull on 匆忙穿上The old teaching building has been pulled down and a new one is under construction.旧的教学楼被拆掉了,一座新教学楼正在建设中。He pulled on his overcoat and rushed out.他匆忙穿上大衣就冲了出去。多角度演练1介、副词填空The traffic lights turned red and the driver pulled up.It is easy to pull down than

30、to build up.As the train pulled into/in the station, there was a rush to get seats.With careful nursing, the patient could pull through.2单项填空The train_and all the passengers got off in a hurry.Apulled in Bpulled outCpulled on Dpulled down解析:句意:火车进站后旅客匆忙下车。考查动词短语的用法。pull in“(车) 进站,(船) 靠岸” ;pull out“(

31、车、船等 )驶出” ;pull on“穿上” ;pull down“拆毁,拉倒” 。答案:A考点 6 get on 融洽相处;进展;身体状况;上车 教材原句We have always got on really well. 我们总是相处得很好。How is the construction of the new bridge getting on?新桥的建设进展如何?归纳拓展get on/along (well) with 进展状况/相处关系状况/身体状况(良好)get across (使) 通过;(使)被理解get away 离开get down 下来get over 越过,克服get d

32、own to (doing) sth. 开始认真处理/对待某事get in 收割,收获get through 用完,耗完,按通,完成He seems to be getting along well with his business.他的生意似乎进展得不错。How can I get it across to you how important this is?我怎样做才能让你理解这件事的重要性?We are sure to get over the difficulties.我们一定能克服困难。Lets get down to business.咱们开始做正事。多角度演练1介、副词填空The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe.


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