1、Concerns from Data Analysisin the Real-WorldShengshou Hu M.D., FACCDepartment of Cardiac SurgeryFu Wai Hospital, Beijing, ChinaDES 2007 UPDATETextbook & TheoryDrug-eluting StentsDrug based therapeuticsBare-metal StentsEvolution of CardiologyThe Era of Drug-eluting StentsMore CAD patients prefer DESI
2、 prefer a less invasive and more comfortable therapyThe Era of Drug-eluting StentsIn the praise of DES, controversies never stopThe Era of Drug-eluting Stents Safety and effectiveness: Remained unanswered DES vs. BMS: Different results from different RCTs DES vs. CABG: 3 RCTs are ongoingEditorials i
3、n NEJM on safety and efficacy of DESThe Era of Drug-eluting StentsRestate the indication for DES CYPHER: target lesion 30 mm TAXUS: target lesion 28 mm The Era of Drug-eluting StentsWhat is the current status of DESin the real-world?The Era of Drug-eluting StentsToo perfect designed to consider the difference among hospitals, physiciansEnrolled patients are relative healthier and exclude patients at high riskSelection bias and uncontrolled, but can reflex the truth in the real-worldThe Era of Drug-eluting StentsDES in The Real-worldDES in The Real-world