1、1GOLDRATT SATELLITE PROGRAM高瑞特卫星节目SESSION 8第八讲STRATEGY策略The last one strategy. 最后一个讲次策略。What is strategy?什么是策略?If you ask people what is the meaning of the word strategy, what is the chance that you will get more than one answer? 如果你问其它人策略的意义是什么,那么你得到一个以上答案的机率是多少?What is the chance that you will get
2、 the same answer from two different people? 你从两个不同的人口中得到相同答案的机率是多少呢?So lets start by defining the word strategy; and I am not going to do a whole discussion about it. 所以先让我们定义一下策略,我不打算长篇大论来讨论它。I will tell you what is my definition and we will go from there. 我会告诉你我的定义,然后从这里开始讨论。It is called democracy
3、.这叫做民主。For me strategy is only one thing it is the direction in which you want to move your company now as well as in the future. 对我来说,策略只是一件事你想让公司现在和未来朝着什么方向前进。Thats all - as simple as that. 就这样如此简单。What direction have you chosen to move your company that is strategy. 你选择让公司朝着什么方向前进这就是策略。Well, by n
4、ow we are in the eighth session so you know where always we start. 嗯,现在我们已经到了第八讲,所以你知道我们通常都从什么地方开始。We always start with the question what to change? 我们都从问题开始要改变什么?2What is the core problem?核心问题是什么?What is the core problem with our strategies? 策略的核心问题是什么呢?Well, I think that we better start by saying
5、what is a good strategy, what are the criteria that we should use in order to judge whether or not a strategy of a company is a good strategy or a lousy one. 我认为我们最好先从什么是好策略开始,我们应该使用什么标准来评估公司的策略究竟是好或坏。Well, how do we do that? 嗯,我们要怎么做呢?Lets remind ourselves what we said at the beginning of the first
6、 session every company was built for a purpose. 先回想一下,我们在第一讲一开始说每个公司的设立都是为了达成一个目标。Every company was built in order to achieve something. 每个公司的设立都为了达到某个目的。Which means there is a goal of the company. 也就是说,每个公司都有目标。The strategy by definition, a good strategy, must show us how to reach the goal of the c
7、ompany, because if the strategy does not help us reach the goal of the company then its definitely not a good strategy. 就定义而言,好策略必须告诉我们如何达到公司的目标,因为如果策略不能帮我们达到目标,那么绝对不是好策略。Who is the one that determines the goal of the company? 谁决定了公司的目标?My claim is - the people who own the company, the people that p
8、ut the company are the ones who have the right to determine the goal. 我认为是公司的拥有者,设立公司的人有权决定目标。If we are talking about for profit company, a company that is traded in Wall Street, the minute that it is traded in Wall Street actually there was a commitment to the goal. 如果我们谈到的是营利企业,在华尔街交易的上市公司,那么公司股票在
9、华尔街交易的那一刻,其实就是对目标许下承诺。Why do you think people invest their money through a stock exchange in a company? 你认为人们为什么要把钱透过股票交易来投资一家公司呢?For the sake of God? 3为了上帝吗?They invested the money in order to get more money.他们投资金钱是为了得到更多的钱。So the goal of every company which shares are traded in the stock exchange
10、is to make money now as well as in the future. 所以每家上市公司的目标,就是现在和未来都赚钱。What about other companies, like for example a company that is a high school? 至于其它组织,例如一所高中的目标是什么呢?They have also a goal. And their goal is education. 他们也有一个目标,就是教育。What about the money aspect? 那么金钱层面呢?Somebody has to pay for it.
11、When are we going to pay for it? 总要有人付钱,我们什么时候付钱呢?And it does not matter if it is in terms of contributions or in terms of actual sales - when the company is satisfying us by providing what we have intended. 无论是从贡献或实际的销售额来表示都没有关系当公司提供的东西能满足我们的需求,此时我们就会付钱。So in order to make it totally generic I have
12、 said Make money now as well as in the future. 所以为了让这个概念在每个组织都通用,我说“现在和未来都赚钱。 ”Make money through sales or make money through providing to the extent that somebody, shareholders in this case, will provide the money for you to operate. 透过销售赚钱、或藉由某人(在这个例子里是股东)投资在公司上的金钱来赚钱。If the strategy does not help
13、 us, and show us, how to do that then it is a bad strategy. 如果策略没有帮我们、告诉我们该如何做,那么就是不好的策略。Do we agree on that? 大家都同意吗?Fine. So easy, so simple. 很好,非常简单。Is it so easy to do that?很容易做到这一点吗?Not so simple! 不太容易!But the criteria is obvious.但是评估的标准非常明显。4In other words I will refer to that, to the goal of t
14、he company, I will refer to it as an absolute necessary condition for the strategy, because, as we said, if the strategy does not help us in doing that that is a bad strategy. 换句话说,我会把公司的目标当做是策略的绝对必要条件,因为我们说过,如果策略不帮我们做到这一点,就是不好的策略。Is it the only one? Is it the only necessary condition? 这是唯一的必要条件吗?I
15、do not think so. 我认为不是。As a matter of fact, when we look on the company, or the organisation, its not just the shareholders which are important, because we have learned that not less important are the people which comprise the organisation. 实际上,当我们看一下公司或组织,不单只是股东很重要,因为我们知道组织的成员也一样重要。If we do not get
16、 their collaboration we will not succeed, the organisation will not succeed, to deliver what it is supposed to deliver, at least in the long run. 如果他们不跟我们合作,组织就不会成功,就长期而言,无法达成应该达成的事。Which means we must consider it, we must make these people to collaborate, otherwise in the long run the company will
17、fail. 也就是说,我们必须考虑这一点,让这些人共同合作,否则长期而言公司会失败。And strategy is not just for the next quarter. 策略不只是为了下一季而制订。By the actual meaning of the strategy we are talking not just on the current situation what to do now, we are putting a lot of emphasis, when we are dealing with strategy, on the long run. 就策略实质的意义
18、而言,我们不只是讨论目前该做什么,而是把许多重心放在长远的未来。Now, what is the necessary condition regarding the people that comprise the organisation, the employees. 现在,对组织的成员来说,必要条件是什么?What is absolutely necessary in order to get their real collaboration? 什么必要条件让他们能真正合作?I would say that looking there we are getting the second
19、necessary condition, we must provide a secure and satisfying environment to employees now as well as in the future. 我认为我们可以得到第二个必要条件“现在和未来都必须提供员工安全5和满意的环境。 ”If we do not do that in the long run we will not get their collaboration and then we will not get the goal. 如果没有做到这一点,长期来说,他们就不会合作,我们就无法达成目标。In
20、 other words when I am judging a strategy this will be a necessary condition. 换句话说,当我评估一项策略,这会是个必要条件。A strategy that does not guarantee that, it means it does not guarantee the goal. 无法保证做到这一点的策略,就无法保证目标能达成。And if it does not guarantee the goal it means its a bad strategy. 无法保证目标能达成,就代表不是好策略。Do we h
21、ave a consensus on that? 对于这一点大家有没有共识?Yes as well?应该有吧!Fine, but thats not enough.好,但是这样还不够。The company is not operating in isolation. 公司并不是独立营运。The company operates, any organisation operates, interacting with the external world. 任何一家公司或组织的营运都要跟外界产生互动。If the external world will be offended by the o
22、rganisation, by that we take enormous risk about the future of that organisation. 如果外界受到组织的侵犯,那么组织的未来会面临极大的风险。There is another necessary condition that we have to demand from strategy - a necessary condition that regard the relationship between the company and the external world in which it interact
23、s. 因此我们必须要求策略涵盖另一个必要条件那就是把公司和外界之间的关系纳入考虑。I am calling this third necessary condition. 我把它叫做第三个必要条件。I am saying we must satisfy, we must provide satisfaction to the market now as well as in the future. 我说我们必须“让市场现在和未来都满意。 ”Here when I am talking about the market I mean your clients, I also mean your
24、vendors, I also mean the community in which you operate. 我这里所说的市场是指你的客户、供货商、公司营运地点所在的小区。6But since when I have talked with so many CEO-s when I am talking about do not pollute because otherwise in the next ten years they will close you down, or do not offend you vendors because otherwise you will no
25、t succeed in the future they say yes, but they do not mean it. 但是当我跟许多执行长说不要污染环境,否则在未来十年,他们会让你关门大吉,或是不要触怒供货商,否则你未来不会成功。他们说“没错”,但是他们根本不在乎。But when I am talking about the client is the king they say yes, of course. 但是当我说到“客户是国王 ”,他们说”是的,当然如此。 ”Hes not a king, but unfortunately behaves like a king and
26、if we ignore him then we do not get the sales. 他不是国王,但是不幸地,他的行为像国王,如果我们忽略他,生意就做不成。And thats why I am saying here the market even though when I am talking here about the market I am talking about all the external world in which the company is operating. 因此虽然我这里说的是市场,其实包括了公司营运地点所有的外界环境。So, lets summar
27、ise it. 所以,让我们做摘要。When we come to devise a strategy there are three absolute necessary conditions that the strategy must help us to satisfy. 当我们提到制订策略,这项策略必须能帮我们满足三个必要条件。The three necessary conditions are make money now as well as it the future, the second one is, excuse me. 三个必要条件分别是“现在和未来都赚钱。 ”第二个
28、是,对不起。Make money means make goal units and through that many times get the money. 赚钱的意思是“获得目标单位 ”,很多时候就能因此而赚钱。Make money now as well as it the future. “现在和未来都赚钱。 ”Provide a secure and satisfying environment to employees now as well as in the future. “现在和未来都提供员工安全和满意的环境。 ”And provide satisfaction to
29、the market now as well as in the future.“让市场现在和未来都满意。 ”Now, lets understand something. 现在,让我们了解一件事。7Before we agree so quickly, do you know what is the meaning of necessary condition? 在我们快速达成共识之前,你知道必要条件的意义是什么吗?Necessary condition means you are not allowed to violate it. 必要条件的意义是你不能违反它。If you violat
30、e it, it means you put in danger the whole livelihood of the company. 如果你违犯必要条件,就代表你让整个公司的生计陷入危机。Now let me ask you something. 现在让我问你一件事。If these are the necessary conditions for strategy, how many strategies you know about of companies that violate at least one of the three. 如果这些是策略的必要条件,你知道有多少家公司的
31、策略至少违反了其中一项必要条件吗?What do you think about the strategy of a company that says we will do right sizing. 我们要让组织结构最适化你认为这样的策略如何呢?We will cut 20% of the labour force. 我们要裁减 20%的人力。Do you understand that if we take that seriously that strategy by definition is wrong. 你是否了解就策略的定义来说,其实这是个错误的策略?The question
32、starts to be if we take these things seriously do you really believe that it is easy to build a strategy that will allow us to meet all these three necessary conditions all the time now as well as in the future? 问题开始变成如果我们认真地看待这些事情,你真的相信制订一项现在和未来都能达成三个必要条件的策略,是件很容易的事吗?Not easy at all. 一点也不简单。Why do
33、we feel that it is not easy? 为什么我们会认为不简单呢?Because even when we are just skimming on it, it starts to become quite obvious to us that in real life many times one necessary condition implies things which are in conflict with what another necessary condition is implying. 因为即使我们粗略地看一下,就会发现在现实生活中,很多时候某个必
34、要条件隐含的东西,和另一个必要条件隐含的东西有明显的冲突。As a matter of fact just look on it a little bit closer and you will see that what we are asking is something that most people think that it is impossible. 8实际上,你再仔细地看,会发现我们所要求的是大多数人都认为不可能的事。Because the first one is a beautiful statement of a capitalistic point of view-
35、make money now as well as in the future. 因为第一个漂亮的句子是以资本主义为出发点现在和未来都赚钱。The second statement is a beautiful summary of the socialistic point of view provide a secure and satisfying environment to employees now as well as in the future. 第二个漂亮的句子摘要说明了社会主义的观点现在和未来都为员工提供安全和满意的环境。What we are asking to is h
36、ave them both without any compromise at the same time for ever. 我们所要求的是同时符合两个必要条件,而不做任何妥协。This is not going to be easy, that is for sure.绝对不简单。By the way, look on it. 顺带一提,看一下。In the last 15 years almost world-wide, people from both camps started to realize that the solution is not capitalism or soc
37、ialism, and I am not talking about in governments, but I am talking about in companies, but it must be blended. 在过去十五年中,几乎全球的人都开始了解解决方法不是偏向社会主义或资本主义,我不是指政府官员,而是指公司内部的人,都知道必须把两者结合在一起。Why do I claim it? 为什么我会这么说呢?In the last 15 years, most top management, the one who have to submit every quarter prope
38、r bottom line results are more and more convinced that if their own employees will not be satisfied, in the long run they cannot succeed. 在过去十五年中,必须每一季提出盈亏报告的高阶主管,大多都愈来愈相信如果员工不满意,长期来说公司就不会成功。In other words more and more companies are now convinced - provide a secure and satisfying environment is act
39、ually a necessary condition to make money. 换句话说,愈来愈多的公司现在相信提供安全和满意的环境是赚钱的必要条件。At the same time more and more union leaders start to realize that job security actually does not exist in a company that does not make money, no matter what the promises of the top management. 9同时,愈来愈多的工会领袖开始了解,无论高阶主管给予什么
40、承诺,在不赚钱的公司里面根本就没有工作安全可言。In other words even when the full attention of a person is on one of these three things still people start to realize that the others are actually absolutely necessary conditions.换句话说,即使某人只把全部的注意力放在其中一个必要条件上,他开始发现其它的必要条件也不可或缺。What about this last one- provide satisfaction to
41、the market now as well as in the future. 看看第三个让市场现在和未来都满意。Here I have to really think, all of us have to think to TQM. 在这里我必须真正思考,我们所有的人都要想到全面质量管理。This is a movement that put on the table- the client is the king. 这是众人皆知的活动客户是国王。The client is the king. 客户是国王。You do not provide satisfaction to your ma
42、rket, it is just a matter of time until you are out. 你不让市场满意,那么你被市场淘汰只是早晚的事。Well, it is obvious that it is not easy to do all three. 嗯,很明显地,要同时做到这三点并不容易。But in order to find out exactly what to change, I think that we should pin down the exact conflict, the generic conflict that exists between the t
43、hree. 但是为了找出要改变什么,我认为我们应该找出真正的冲突,存在于这三个必要条件之间的一般性冲突。As a matter of fact something amazing has happened. 实际上,某件惊人的事已经发生了。When I have done this, the analysis for the strategy for company after company, I have done it for many, many companies, you start with things which are so unique to the company, b
44、ecause the companies are very different from each other, at the bottom of the tree, no matter what organization it was, it was always the same conflict. 我在替许多公司分析策略时,都是先从每个公司独特的要素开始分析,因为每家公司的本质都非常不同,然而,无论是什么样的组织,在图的底部都会碰到相同的冲突。This is a conflict that I want to show you. 这就是我想让你看的冲突。Lets look on it.
45、Lets look on the cloud.10我们看一下冲突图。The objective now is very clear. 现在的目标非常清楚。It was not clear 20 years ago. 在二十年前并不清楚。It wasnt clear even 15 years ago, it was in some debate 10 years ago. 即使在十五年前也不清楚,十年前经历过某种争论。Today I would say there is total consensus. 到今天,我认为已经完全取得共识。Lets look on the objective ve
46、ry closely. 让我们仔细地检视这个目标。I claim that the objective, no matter from which direction you are coming, is to put your company on a process of ongoing improvement. 不论你从什么方向来看,我认为目标都是“让你的公司导入持续改善的程序。 ”This is A, this is the objective. 这是 A,这是目标。Why?为什么呢?Have you noticed to what extent competition in the
47、market started to be more and more fierce from one year to the other? 你是否发现市场的竞争开始变得愈来愈激烈?And this is not just in business. 不只是企业。This is correct for education, this is correct for armies, and armies that stand still for 10 years not improving itself, does not have a chance on the field. 教育机构、军队也是如此
48、,十年来在原地踏步不求改进的军队,在战场上绝对没有成功的机会。This is correct for hospitals, this is correct for everything. 医院也是如此,每个组织都是如此。Put a company on a process of ongoing improvement must be at the base of the strategy, otherwise we are dead in the future. “让公司导入持续改善的程序” 必须是策略的基础,否则我们未来就会完蛋。None of the three necessary conditions will be achieved.这三个必要条件都无法达成。Let met talk a little bit more about what is the meaning of process of ongoing improvement.