1368个单词 表格整理版.docx

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1、时间 time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrow yesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter day date moment period history future birthday holiday festival schedule age气候 weather rain snow wind cloud自然 nature mountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky ri

2、ver field forest sea stone star植物 plant grass tree crop动物 animal bird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cow pig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile昆虫 insect bee butterfly spider其他 bacteria地点 place hospital restaurant hotel university factory jail zoo park school store club bar c

3、ourt market town village city机构 organization company charity 声音 sound voice noise music 食品 food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolate sauce 餐饮 meal breakfast lunch dinner 蔬菜 vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce bean 水果 fruit apple orange banana 食材 ingredient oil suga

4、r salt butter cream 饮料 drink coffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol 营养 nutrient mineral vitamin protein 疾病 disease fever flu cancer 房屋 house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen 家具 furniture bed chair desk table seat couch 服装 clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants uniform suits und

5、erwear pocket jeans button zip sock 首饰 jewelry diamond ring 化妆品 cosmetics perfume lipstick powder 交通 transport traffic bicycle ship boat plane train 车辆 vehicle motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel 路桥 road street bridge station 装置 device lock key bell scale tap 设备 equipment shower ra

6、dio telephone camera computer TV fridge video 容器 container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan 材料 material cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical 日常用品 toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knife pen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wire belt w

7、eb film screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpet tool junk fork spoon medicine drug pill数量 couple double load pack lot单位 unit meter inch pound gram piece物事情 thing issue matter stuff object event家庭角色 parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncle aunt grandfather grandm

8、other role具体名词人社会角色 kid child baby boy girl man woman friend lady gentleman boss customer student neighbor person volunteer fool sir madam职业 job doctor nurse professor lawyer engineer teacher coach guard judge群体 group people class team human staff society generation army government family话语 words to

9、pic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission 文字 document story report novel note text letter email blog list menu rule: law grammar principle 信息 information message news update notice fact detail evidence clue background data sign knowledge 状态 state condition environment situation: me

10、ss balance peace emergency chance opportunity 行为 act exercise practice test experiment lesson bath security attention focus step education advertisement treatment trick habit service business homework job: task project challenge duty: responsibility fault performance: concert opera drama study: math

11、 art science philosophy psychology arrangement: deal insurance account engagement occasion: meeting interview party picnic wedding funeral barbecue ceremony money: profit income salary loan cash cost credit deposit price tax bill budget 活动 activity game discipline crime trade economy politics war tr

12、ip fashion industry sports: soccer football golf basketball race 思想 thought idea view theory religion plan: strategy policy program 整体 network internet series career system: language transport 抽象名词 其他 favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprise secret award prize diet pro

13、perty option case example sample score limit experience effort energy figure核心词 part 部位 side edge base core 身体 head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue neck shoulder breast chest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brain heart lung muscle bone nerve hair skin blood sweat 精神 mind spiri

14、t soul emotion feeling: shame stress respect desire pain sense 力量 strength force power: authority ability: sight intelligence memory skill 动物 tail wing 植物 flower leaf root branch 构成类名词其他 whole rest half 属性类名 静态属性 形状 shape appearance 尺寸 size space 位置 position point line end bottom middle top front ba

15、ck center corner left right direction: east west north south品质 quality feature character personality其他 color weight tone material structure 数量 amount number measurement distance volume angle temperature level: degree grade rank standard rate: speed percentage 类别 kind type方式 form way: behavior mood l

16、ogic tradition culture style pattern relation manner 原因 cause reason source excuse factor 目的 purpose goal 结果 effect result 词动态属性过程 course process 本源词 be go come make 拥有某物 have得到某物 get给出某物 give归属拿到某物 take使达到某一位置put使轻轻到达某一位置lay place使从其他位置到达说话者位置bring使从说话者位置到达其他位置send使位置暂停改变hold使位置保持不变keep终点位置位置保持不变 s

17、tay hang settle一事物到另一事物上面cover一事物到另一事物下面support两事物混合 mix两事物互换 switch两事物相连 link join connect stick tie两事物相遇 meet相互位置两事物交叉 cross单纯性动词运动轨迹 从一个点到另 move shift一个点经过某个点 pass低点往高点 raise lift rise高点往低点 drop fall一事物到另一事物后面follow一事物到另一事物前面lead一物载另一物 carry往复运动 bounce roll shake screw速度 快速运动 run rush hurry轻轻接触 t

18、ouch用力接触 hit knock crash使快速运动 throw用力接触并来回移动rub用力使实物脱离原来的位置pull力量对事物朝某一方向用力push draw press空间开放或关闭open close shut一事物进入某一空间fit enter一事物进入某一空间(气体或液体)fill pump spill spray事物离开某一空间clean clear wipe事物离开某一地点leave quit一事物到达某一地点arrive reach空间一事物固定在某一个空间fix set某事发生 begin start happen某事结束 finish时间某事停止 stop方向 一个

19、方向到另一个方向turn从大到小(用力)break crack split tear从大到小 divide整体与部分从多到少 cut形状 bend fold twist stretch spread 尺寸 grow 行为 look see listen hear say speak talk tell ask think believe know like love do 系动词 become seem feel sound smell taste看 find watch observe ignore search show意见 agree cancel let allow告诉 claim w

20、arn introduce explain express confirm要求 beg charge order带有情感地说 argue blame praise encourage complain promise insist shout threat说其他 answer call count pronounce想 consider guess beserve offer doubt suspect trust forget remember imagine mean learn understand wonder decide try want hope wish expect will

21、 shall should may might can must dare need impress attract感觉 enjoy suffer appreciate care hate worry thank welcome bless thrill freak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象 die live burn boil肢体 dance ride lie climb beat上肢 hug下肢 sit stand walk kick jump skip 面部 smile laugh cry嘴巴 eat kiss suck lick blow cough

22、 sing鼻子 breathe皮肤 bleed精神 sleep wake relax人体行为健康 hurt injure cure inject生活行为 cook back fry drive measure wear wash tape record post travel screw dig hide pack mark 社会行为 buy sell shop pay spend waste invite rent fight kill steal cheat invest rob wait marry divorce borrow lend owe vote bet celebrate p

23、lay pretend help direct entertain interrupt distract design build invent copy prepare organize manage handle treat control use apply save choose accept pick collect win fail miss lose check examine compare solve analyze 运动 skate swim fly shoot 工作 work interview hire fire compete retire 学习 read write

24、 spell translate 事物之间的关系match qualify equal share include separate belong depend involve 事物的发展变化change develop improve reduce add promote 世故型动词食物的相互作用damage spoil ruin affect attack大小 big huge little small medium 高低 high low 长短 long short tall 深浅 deep shallow 粗细 thick thin fat slim 宽窄 narrow wide 重量

25、 heavy light 形容词 物的属性与构成正斜 straight curved flat 形状 round square 距离 near far 事物与空间 full empty blank bare dirty 时间 new fresh 数量 extra only single poor rich slight total 质地 hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pure plain even 力量 strong weak tight loose firm tense 状态 liquid gas soli

26、d 温度 hot warm cold 湿度 dry wet 亮度 bright dark dull 味道 sweet bitter delicious sour spicy 声音 loud quiet 时间 young old 身体 hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant alive 行为 busy violent wild 外表 beautiful ugly sexy 心智 smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient 态度 polite lazy honest ru

27、de brave aggressive 情感 interested curious proud sure confident 人的属性与构成心情 happy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy mad excited bored disappointed jealous lonely 难度 easy hard difficult 时间 late due urgent efficient 可能性 possible available 安全性 dangerous safe 事的属性与构成其他 wrong strict correc

28、t fair proper lucky successful 品质(好) good nice fine great perfect wonderful amazing excellent 品质(坏) bad terrible awful 真实性 real true false fake 完整性 complete 精确性 exact specific 复杂性 complicated simple 综合属性其他 fun horrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross 特殊性 special regular 一致性 same different

29、 普遍性 typical normal common general popular average particular own 重要性 serious causal important main formal professional 必要性 necessary 事物关系关联性 free relative legal physical mental local native international cheap expensive separate public worth 轨迹 across along past over up down through on off in out a

30、gainst 起点 from 动态位置终点 to toward for about 点 at 介词静态位置点与点 by beside before after behind between around 点与平面 beyond under above below 点与空间 outside inside within 从属 of with without 时间 during since till 替代 instead of 比较 than as 整体与部分 besides among except including 因果 according to 其他 despite per 时间 now e

31、arly just then recently ago already yet ever never forever 位置 here there 方向 away forth apart together aside 数量 extra alone 程度 quite much very well extremely almost enough 强调 actually especially absolutely certainly 速度 fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually 频率 again often usually always 顺序 fin

32、ally eventually 转折 otherwise 可能性 probably perhaps maybe 递进 also too either neither else 副词引导 when where how why what 因果 because 转折 but though 并列 and 条件 if unless except 时间 while 连词选择 or whether 顺序 last next 数量 all any some both each either neither every few many much 限定词指代 this that these those another such 代词 I you he she we they it 疑问代词 which who 冠词 a an the 感叹词 bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn 缩略词 Mr. Ms. 数词 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand million billion


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