1、感觉神经系统症状郑州大学第一附属医院神经内科苗 旺GENERAL PROPERTIES OF SENSORY SYSTEMSFigure 10-4: Sensory pathways1. SENSORY RECEPTORSA: Free nerve endings (pain, temperature)B: Pacinian corpuscle (pressure)C: Meissners corpuscle (touch)D: Muscle spindle (stretch)AB CDSENSORY RECEPTOR TYPESFigure 10-1: Sensory receptorsRu
2、ffinis endings respond to tension and stretch in the skin SEGMENTAL INNERVATION (DERMATOMES)PERIPHERAL INNERVATION感觉传导路由三级神经元组成:第 级神经元 :胞体位于脊髓后根神经 节或脑神经感觉神经节第 级神经元 :胞体位于脊髓后角细胞及延髓薄束核、楔束核或脑干脑神经核第 级神经元 :胞体位于丘脑感觉接替核 SPINOTHALAMIC PATHWAYCarries pain, temperature, touch and pressure signals1st neuron enters spinal cord through dorsal root2nd neuron crosses over in spinal cord; ascends to thalamus3rd neuron projects from thalamus to somatosensory cortex2.浅感觉传导路 :前外侧系统 the anterolateral system (先交叉,后上行 )轻触 -压觉 ,痛觉 ,温度觉的传入纤维经后根节外侧部 (细纤维部分 )进入脊髓后角并于此换元换元后的第 级神经元发出纤维在中央管前交叉到对侧沿脊髓丘脑前束、脊髓丘脑侧束上行到达丘脑感觉接替核