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1、五年级英语上册期中考试 姓名:_成绩:_ 一.看单词,找出画线部分读音不同的一项. ( 1.A.he B.hen C.letter ( 2.A.river B.rice C.rabbit ( 3.A.pencil B.apple C.photo ( 4.A.run B.cute C.jump ( 5.A.toe B.thank C.butter 二.找出不同类的单词 ( 1.A.book B.pencil C.panda D.pen ( 2.A.cat B.cake C.bear D.tiger ( 3.A.cap B.hat C.tie D.photo ( 4.A.five B.my C.h

2、is D.her ( 5.A.toy B mine C.yours D.hers 三.英汉互译 1.in the box_ 2.Be craeful._ 3.give out _ 4.昨天_ 5.每个人_ 6.大英博物馆_ 7.伦敦眼_ 8.明信片_ 9.长城_ 10.结束_ 四.按要求写一写 1.box(复数 _ 2.skip(现在分词_ 3.I(名词性物主代 词_ e(单三形式_ 5.feel(现在分 词_6.drop( 过去式_ 7.meet(过去式_8.go( 过去式_ 9.buy(过 去式 _10.do(过去式_ 11.take(过去式 _12.see(过去式_ 13.are(过去式

3、 _1 4.is(过去式_ 1 5.visit(过去式_ 五.单项选择 ( 1.You should say hello _your friends. A.on B.to C.at ( 2.I won a chess game. Now I feel _. A.bad B.sad C.happy ( 3.He is blind. He cant _ A.hear B.see C.speak ( 4._is the picture? Its on the wall. A.What B.Where C.Who ( 5._milk do you want? A.How much B.How many

4、 C.How box ( 6.There _ enough pencils. A.are B.is C.am ( 7.There are too _books on the desk. A.much B.many C.enough ( 8.What _Sam do last weekend? A.does B.did ( 9.Sam, give one pencil to _ child. A.a B.every ( 10.This bag is _. A.she B.her C.hers 六连词成句 1.are too there many books _ 2.arent there car

5、s enough _ 3.at did the you do weekend what _ 4.Sam out gave them _ 5.bought I twenty pencils yesterday _ 七.给下列句子选择恰当的答语. ( 1.How many pencils are there? A.He went to the shop. ( 2.What did Mike do yesterday? B.By bus ( 3.Whats the matter? C.Yes ,ther are enough ( 4.Are there enough books? D.Nothing

6、. ( 5.How did they go? E.There are ten pencils 八.翻译下面的句子. 1.你什么时候回来? _ 2.我们参观了许多地方. _ 3.袋子里的苹果太多了. _ 4.你想要多少牛奶? _ 5.我给你发一张明信片. _ 6.Daming took a photo of his father. _ 7.Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to wear it. _ 8.There are twenty-five children in the class. _ 9.Youve got two pencils now. _ 10.We

7、went to the British Museum. _ 九.补全下面的句子. 1.Look _ those ice creams! 2.Can you read the shopping list _ me? 3.How _ cheese do you want? 4._did you go? 5.It isnt his,Its _ 十.阅读理解(对的画T, 错误 画F Dear Daming: Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met john in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. W

8、e bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus . I run to the bus,But I dropped my ice cream! ( 1. lingling went to the park yesterday ( 2.They met John. ( 3.They went home by bike. ( 4.Lingling walk to the bus. ( 5.Lingling dropped her ice cream. 十一.作文 要求:写一写你过去一天的生活 _ _ _ _ 五年级英语第一学期期中测试 听力部分 一、选出你

9、所听到的单词,将序号填入提前的括号中。 (1. A. do B. does C. did D. done ( 2. A. when B. what C. who D. where ( 3. A. these B. those C. this D. that ( 4. A. want B. went C. wait D. with ( 5. A. finish B. finished C. fish D. food ( 6. A. meet B. met C. mountain D. meat ( 7. A. bag B. back C. bike D. black ( 8. A. drop B

10、. dropped C. dropping D. drops ( 9. A. run B. ran C. running D. runs ( 10.A.back B. box C. bottle D. bag 二、选出你所听到的句子,将序号填入提前的括号中。 ( 7. A. There are enough pencils. B. There are too many pencils. C. There arent enough. ( 8. A. We visited lots of places. B. They took photos of the mountains. C. They t

11、ook a photo of his father. ( 9. A. When did you come back? B. How much milk do you want? C. How many do you want? ( 10. A. Do you like cheese? B. Did you like cheese? C. Did they buy ice creams? 三、听句子,找出对应的答语,把正确答案的代号填入题前括号中。 ( 1. A. I come back every Sunday . B. I came back last Sunday. ( 2. A. We

12、went to the British Museum. B. We sent you a postcard. ( 3. A. I like bananas B. Six, please. ( 4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. ( 5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. 笔试部分一、单项选择。 (1.I_my ice cream yesterday. A. drop B. dropped C. dropped (2. _oranges do you want? A. How many B. How much C. How (3.A: -Is

13、it Sams schoolbag? B:-Yes, its_. A. his B. its C. hers ( 4.Is this Amys T-shirt? Yes, its _. A. her B. hers C. she ( 5._ juice do you want? A. When B. How many C. How much ( 6.Sam _a new book yesterday. A. buy B. buys C. bought ( 7.Did he _to the park last Sunday? No. He_ there last Saturday. A. go,

14、 go B. went, go C. go, went ( 8._ pen is this? I ts hers. A. Who Whose C. What 第三节国家产业政策导向及其影响 A. Yes, she did. B. She liked it. 批还有3000多个产品。面对以两位数激增的产业,监管问题倍受关注。中国对于 医疗器械实行的是“ 闭环”式监管,首先在产销环节中通 过许可证、生产资格审查、经 营许可证等严格市场准入门槛,其后还要对产品的安全性继续跟踪。因为很多问题是 在使用后,甚至是长期使用后才可能出现,如果出现不良反应,最后必须根据其发生的 频率、患者伤害程度进行再 评价

15、。 ( 10.What did Lucy do on the Great Wall? She _ some photos. A. take B. takes C. took 二、连词成句. 1.how milk do much want you _ 2.there desk too are many books on the _ 目前中国医疗资源缺乏,主要投入疾病治疗领域,对于疾病预防投入较少,社会对 于疾病预防意识仍然淡薄。 中央关于构建和谐社会若干重大问题的决定明确提出 “加强公共卫 生体系建设”、 “提高重大疾病预防控制能力 ”。我们认为,医改将贯彻这 一思想,重视疾病预防体系的建设和操

16、作,以达到降低社会医疗成本、提高医疗效果 的目的。这将带来预防性检查 市场规模的大幅提升,提升相关产品需求。 3、医改冲击现有医疗器械销售模式,优势产品赢得竞争 中国大部分医疗器械企业生产的产品同质化,竞争集中在销售环节,商业贿赂现 象严重,流通领域混乱。国家明确提出“整顿药品生 产和流通秩序”,必然冲击医疗器 械行业的原有销售模式。新的医疗器械销售将会处在一个更透明、更公平的环境中, 因而相对具有技术优势和价格优势的产品将赢得竞争。 第四节外资企业进入情况与投融资体制分析 一、外企进入情况 发达国家的医疗器械产业与制药业的产值比为11.9,而中国的这个比率为15,这 显示出中国医疗器械市场的

17、巨大发展空间。2005年,中国已成为仅次于美国和日本的 世界第三大医疗器械市场。到 2007年,中国医疗器械市场销售额接近600亿元,平均每 年保持13%- 15%的 发展速度 ,其中高端医疗器械销售额已达100亿元,平均每年保持20%左右的发 展速度。根据医疗器械行 业“十五”发展规划,到2010年,中国医疗器械总产值将达 到1000亿元,在世界医疗器械市场上的份额将占到5%,届时将超过日本,成为世界第 二大医疗器械市场。 ( 2.Did you go home by bike? B. No, he didnt. ( 3.How much meat do you want? C. Its h

18、is. ( 4.When did you come back? D. Yes, I did. ( 5.Did he eat rice yesterday? E. Six, please. ( 1.When did you come back? A. Yes, they did. ( 2.Did they buy ice creams? B. We came back last Sunday. ( 3.How many oranges do you want? C. Its hers. ( 4.What did Daming do? D. He went to the Great Wall. (

19、 5.Whose bag is this? E. Five bottles, please. 五、阅读理解。 Dear Lingling, Last Sunday,it was September 9 th. I had a good time. I had a picnic with my father, my mother, Aunt Li and Uncle Wang. We went to Xi Mount by car. There were lots of fruits on the trees. How beautiful they were! They were sweet a

20、nd fresh. We helped the farmer pick the fruits. We came back at half past five. Love from, John ( 1.When did John have a picnic? A. yesterday B. last Saturday C. last Sunday ( 2.Who wrote this letter? A. Lingling B. John C. Johns father ( 3.How did they go to Xi Mount? A. On foot B. By car C. By bus ( 4.When were they back? A. At 4:30 B. At 6:30 C. At 5:30 ( 5.Did they help the farmer? A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didnt. C. No, he didnt.


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