2012秋人教版英语七上unit8《when is your birthday period 5》word教案.doc

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1、“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案 课 题 Unit 8When is your birthday? ( Period 5) 授课时间 学习目标 本课的主题是方位,事物名词是学生单词突破的重点,学习一些与学生的生 活相结合的事物词汇,明确地表述各个事物所处的位置。围绕这几点设置了四个 活动,利用多媒体素材,以任务型的教学模式来 完成整个教学。其中图片的展示 能给学生更立体的感受,更加明确的空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发 学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效果。 学习重难点 1. under prep.在之下,表示一物体在另一物体之下 ,如: 2 .on prep.在之上,表示两个物体的接触,如

2、: 3. behind prep.在之后,表示两个物体一 前一后的位置关系,如: 4. next to prep.仅次于;与 邻接 5. take 和 bring take v.“拿走” 表示把某物从说话人所在的地 方取走,带走。 bring v.“带来” 表示把某物带到说话人所在的地方,如: 6. some 一些、若干。修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词,表示不定的 数或量, 7. between prep.介于(两者)之间。表示在两个不同事物或两点之间,所 连接的两个名词或代词可以表示两个人、物或点, 8. too adv.也,口语中用的较多,其位置一般在句末.在句末时,前边常有 逗号,The

3、 room is too small. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 1.知识探究:Talk about where things are. 2.预习过程: 1、尝试归纳本单元学习的重点词 组和句子。 Warming up Invite different students in turn to come to the front of the classroom. Holding up the pictures of their actual rooms, Make sure the students are using prepositions correctly. Key

4、words check 2.完成一下习题,单项选择。 1.A:Goodmorni ng,Miss Miao,_? B:Fine,th ank you. A.Wha ts your name B.How are you? C.Hello D.OK 2.Are you Jim? Yes,I _.My name _ Jim. A.is;is B.am;am C.is;am D.am;is 3.A:_this in English? B:Its a pencil. A.Whats B.Its C.Whats D.What 4._name is Zhen Mei.Whats_name? A.I;you

5、B.My;you C.My;your D.I; you 5.A:Hello! Are you Li Hua? B:_. A.Yes,Im not B.No,I am C.No,I m n ot.I m Li Li D.Yes.Im Li Li 6._ is seven and six? A.What B.Where C.How D.It 7.This is _frie nd. A. Lucy and Lily B.Jim and Tom C.Jim and Toms D.Lucys and Lilys 8.Dad,this is my friend,Xie Kai.Xie Ask studen

6、ts to check all the words they know Practice Ask students to write five new words. After that,exchange books and share their lists with other students. Have a student write his/her five new words on the blackboard to share them with the whole class. Reading Invite a student to read it to the class.

7、Point at the box below. Say: Please read the note once more by yourself. Then draw the room in the box. Get students to do the activity individually. Ask students to exchange their books and check their work with each other. Just for Fun Have all students read the conversation. Ask a pair to perform

8、 the conversation in the front. Summary In this unit,weve reviewed the key vocabulary and practiced reading the target language in the form of a note. Homework 1. Read the note in Section B 3a 2. Share your lists of new words to build vocabulary. Kai,_ my father. A.that is B.he is C.it is D.this is 9.A:Look at the picture of my family. B:Oh,it s nice.Whos that? A:_ my brother. A.Its B.Its C.T his D.That 10.A:Wheres my pencil-box,can you see it? B:_,I cant. A.Not B.Yes C.Sorry D.Thank you 教后反思 瑞安市新纪元实验学校中学部


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