2013人教版必修三unit 2《healthy eating》word教案.doc

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1、Book 3 unit 2 Healthy eating 词汇拓展 1. consult v. _ n. _ n. 2. limit n/v _ adj. _ adj. 3. curiosity n. _ adj. _ adv. 4. weakness n. _ adj. _v. 5. digest v. _ n. 6. strength n. _ v. 7. benefit n/v. _ v. 8. combine v. _ n. 重点短语 1. 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 _ 2. 应当;应该 _ 3. 体重减轻;减肥 _ 4. 增加体重 _ 5.说谎 _ 6. 暗中监视 _ 7. 谋生

2、_ 8. 削减;删节 _ 9. 欠债 _ 10. 不久以后 _ 11. 赢回;重新获得 _ 课文原句重现 He couldnt _(让雍慧哄 骗人们后跑掉). (have) 仿写:这孩子应该受到惩罚。_. 对他撒谎这事你不应该就这么算了。_. 我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。 _, you must apologize to her immediately. 考点: have sb do sth / doing sth have sth done have + 宾语 + to do ( have 有) 1. Youd better _. (把那颗坏牙拔了) (pull) 2. At

3、that time, _. (他没有人可以说话) (talk ) 3. The teacher _(让他的学生每天早上读英语) every morning for half an hour. _ 再没有比这更好的了。 仿写:直到那时我才突然意识到没有人比我更幸福的了。 It was no until that _. 句式:1. no/ not / never / hardly/ nothing/ nobody + 比较级 2. never + so/ such + 原级 + 名词 3. no / none / nothing + so + 原级 + as 4. 否定词+比较级+ than 5.

4、 can / could + never / not + enough / too 6. 比较级 + than + any other / anyone else / all other / any of the other / the rest of 1. I have never heard _.(从来没听过比这更有趣的故事) (such) 2. 李明是他班上最聪明的学生。 (than)_ 3. How beautiful she sings! I have never heard _ (更动听的嗓子). (voice) 4. I think nothing is _ (比旅游更令人愉快)

5、. (pleasant) 5. 在我的一生中给我震撼最大的是第一次来中国参观。 (shake) _ 6. 他度过了最担心的一天。 (worrying) _ 7. She is the cleverest student in my class. She is cleverer than _ _ _ in my class. She is cleverer than _ _ in my class. She is cleverer than _ _ _ _ students in my class. 8. Are you pleased with his work? Not in the lea

6、st. _ (糟糕透了 ). I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and starting _. (宣传我参观 的食物的好处) 仿写:为了自己国家的利益,他全力以赴。 1. I am sure that everyone _ (获益良多) from this activity. 2. Many people find that regular physical activity gave them _ (使他们受益匪浅). 3. Its said that Yoga

7、 _ (有很大益处 ) human health. (of) 4. A large sum of money has been raised _ the poorly-educated children in the mountainous districts. 5. The article helps readers have a better understanding and appreciation of the work as well as his style and thought, _ (读者们从中受益匪 浅). (P52)McDonalds cares about healt

8、hy eating too and works with scientists to provide food _ (高质量的,安全的,健康的) be of + (great / no / little) importance / significance / value / use / help / interest (抽象名词) be of + (the same / a / an) age/ size / height / weight / shape / kind / type / sort be of + wealth / education / courage / ability

9、1. Such changes are _ (并不重要). 2. The Americans are _(各种种族和肤色) . 3. This medicine is _ (没用). 4. The book he gave me is _ (几乎没价值). (P9)What will happen to you _(加入你的饮 食不均衡) 词汇精研 lie / lay 1. _ my coat on the chair, I _ down on the blackboard. 2. For better treatment, the doctor _(撒了个善意的谎) saying his i

10、llness is nothing serious. 3. 谎言掩盖不了事实。_. 4. She told me that happiness _ (在于帮助他人变得快 乐). 5. Bennie _ (躺在那棵大树下) with is whole body feeling as if it were on fire. 6. The fresh air in the open air _ our health and we will _ it. 7. There was an oil painting _ in the corner. It _ there for several days.

11、A. laying; had laid B. lain; had laid C. lying; had lain D. laid; had been lain 一言辨析 The man _ there _ that he _ the money on the table. get away with / get across / get along on/with / get round/around / get down to / get sb down 1. If you cheat in the exam, _ (必予追究). 2. Im afraid I cant _(从会议中抽身).

12、 3. News soon _ (传开了) he had resigned. 4. The manager tried to explain the problem, but what he said _ (没对选手讲清楚). 5. If we can _, (目前的困难), then everything should be all right. 6. Isnt it time you _ (开始批改试卷)? 7. Its going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me _ (收衣 服) on the line? “get”的其他短语及用法

13、 1. (10 浙江) After that, he knew he could _ (应对一切紧急事件) any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. 2. Once you have become addicted to cigarette smoking or alcohol, its hard to _ _ (戒掉它) it even though you try hard. 3. (11 红安高三联考) The child ought to be punished. You shouldnt let

14、him _ (说谎不受惩罚). 4. The thief got away with several thousand pounds worth of jewellery. 5. You should _ (让孩子们跑起来 ). 6. He _ (让他姐姐帮他洗衣服). 7. (10 广东) For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to _ (把你的车更定地检查). 8. In some countries people can _ (让人送货 ) to their home. (del

15、iver) cut down / cut off / cut out / cut up / cut in / cut through / cut into 1. Im afraid taking a part-time job might _ (占用我的学习时间) my time for study. 2. Her little finger _ in an accident at the factory. 3. He _ the park and got there in time. 4. I havent given up drinking but Im _. 5. Im sorry to

16、 _ on your conversation. 6. He has decided to _ smoking and drinking. 7. (06 湖北) Should you be friend, your health care and other benefits _ _(不会马上中断). 8. Pictures form these magazines _ (可以删掉), and used as teaching aids. 9. One of the aircrafts engines _(失灵了). 10. She _ (痛苦极了) when her husband left

17、 her. combine combine with / and be combined in a combination of in combination with 1. We should _ (劳逸结合 ). 2. The two principal political parties _ (已经联合起来) to form a government. 3. Steel is produced by _ (把铁和碳结合起来). 4. This kind of car _(这种车既快又安全). 5. In this day and age, women can have children

18、and jobs as well. I cant agree more. Its great to _(兼有这两者). 6. Profits have been going up since the two countries _ last year. A. tricked B. doubted C. employed D. combined 7. Diets are most effective _ (与锻炼相结合). consult _ n. _ n. consult sb about sth consult sb on sth consult ones lawyer / a map /

19、the dictionary 1. I wonder why _ about this matter. A. I didnt consult B. I wasnt consulted C. wasnt I consulted D. I shouldnt consult 2. I suggest you _ (向你的医生咨询)about your stomache as soon as possible. 3. I need _ (和我的同事商讨这些建议). 4. In western countries, it is quite common for a person to _ a psych

20、ologist when he has some psychological problems. A. consult B convey C. convince D. confirm Grammar: Modal Verbs 1. (09 四川)I dont care what people think. Well, you _. 2. (07 北京)In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _ take care of your luggage. 3. Could / Might I use your bike tom

21、orrow morning? Yes, you can/ may. No, Im afraid not. 4. (湖南 )Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. You _ not have my computer if you dont take care of. 5. (10 全国)Just be patient. You _ not expect the world to change so soon. 6. The car _ break down just when we were about to s

22、tart off. 7. Its a pity that he _ be so careless. 8. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt sure yet. 9. A left- luggage office is a place where bags _ be leg for a railway. 完成句子 1. (09 上海)It _ (一定是 TOM)that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (be) 2. (09 江苏)He did not regret s

23、aying what he did but felt that he _ (本能够表达出来) it differently. (express) 3. (08 江苏)Im sorry. I _ (本来不该对你叫嚷) the other day. Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. ( shout ) 4. (08 天津) She _ (不可能已离开学校), for her bike is still here. 5. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _ (没必要麻 烦) to

24、carry my umbrella with me. 6. We _ (或许不能证明) great adventures, but we have done the greatest march even made in the past ten years. 7. There _ (应该没有困难) about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school. 8. (10 天津)Mark _(没有必要忙). After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.


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