2013外研版(三起)六上《unit 2 i often go swimming》word教案.doc

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1、新标准英语三年级起始第七册 Module 8 Uint2 I often go swimming. 执教者:覃小苗 柳州市石碑坪中心校 2542490 课型描述:新授课 1、教学目标: 知识目标: New words: always、 sometimes、 never 、often Function: 通过使用频度副词讲述行为、习惯和喜好等。 能力目标: 能用所学的频度副词讲述行为、习惯和喜好等,培养学生开口说 英语的习惯。 情感目标: 通过体验、参与实践等活动,让学生学会合作学习。 学习策略:采用激励性评价,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求 知欲和表现欲;通过小组合作学习,培养学生自主学习和运用

2、语 言的能力。 2、学时分配:1 课时 3、教学重点: 能用所学的频度副词讲述行为、习惯和喜好等。 4、教学难点:在用所学的频度副词讲述行为、习惯和喜好的同时注 意第三人称单数的变化。 5、教学法: 直观教学法、听说法、游戏法 6、教具准备: 图片、录音机 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming- up 1. Greetings. 2. Free Talk. (1)Do you often ? (2)I often watch TV. What do you often do ? Step 2 Presentation 1、 New words Always 边

3、说边画圈涂色 I read English on Monday 、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday 、Friday 、Saturday 、Sunday. I always read English. Use always make a sentence .(学生造句) What does heshe always do ?(引出第三人称单数) He always listens to music.(用同样的方法教授 often、never、sometimes) 。 Often I go swimming on Monday 、Friday 、Saturday 、Sunday

4、. I often go swimming. Sometimes I dont like computer games very much. I play them when I feel bored. I sometimes play computer games. Never I dont like playing football. I cant play football. I never play football. 2. Look and say Look at the part 1 and then talk about these pictures.看图 介绍人物。引导学生尽可

5、能多说出图中的人物在做什么。 Eg: This is Xiaoyu .Hes reading an English book . This is Simon . Hes riding a bicycle This is Heping. Hes writing stories in English. This is Maomao. She cant play football. This is Lili . Shes cleaning the blackboard. This is Lingling .She doesnt play with dolls. This is Daming .He

6、is eating . This is Sam . He is swimming . 3. Listen and do Listen to the tape and write down “always , sometimes ,often, never” in the correct picture. Step 3 Practice 1. Look at the pictures and talk about these pictures. Please use “always , sometimes ,never ,often. Eg: Xiaoyu often reads English

7、 books. 2.Talk about your classmates Talk about your classmates. Four people a group .You can use “always, sometimes, often , never and sentence What do you oftenalways Sometimesnever do ?”. Name wacth TV do the homeword help mun wash clothes read books play with dolls clean the room Xiaohui always

8、always sometimes never often never sometimes Eg: Xiaohui always wacthes TV. Step 4 Homework 课堂作业 p39-40 Blackboard Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming. often reads an English book always rides a bicycle. sometimes writes stories in English never plays football sometimes cleans the blackboard never p

9、lays with dolls often eats with a knife and fork often goes swimming 课后反思: 本节课教学学生基本能掌握频度副词的用法,同时能够比较好的 运用于第一人称。但是也存在许多问题。 一、 在第三人称单数的突破时存在一定的问题。学生对于第三人 称单数的运用还不够熟练。如在新单词的教学中问学生 What do you often do ?学生进行作答后,再向全班发问 What does heshe do ?这样学生就可以进行第一轮的第三人称单数的感知。 然后在进行课文教学时先问 What is Lingling doing ?听完录 音后学生把频度副词写在相对应的图上后可以再次用第三人称单 数进行提问 What does Lingling never do ?学生又可以再次对 第三人称单数进行感知。最后老师在板书在黑板上,学生在进行 操练,这样第三人称单数的重点就自然而然的突破了。 二、应多给学生展示的机会 本节课感觉老师讲得太多,没有放手给学生。应该多给学生 表现的机会,让学生自己进行单词的学习,课文简单短语的学习 可能效果会更好。 三、 合成词的教学。 在合成词的教学时,可以让学生自己找出单词中有几个词组成。 这样让学生有学习的成就感,提升学生的学习兴趣。


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