2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《A field trip part B》word版教案3.doc

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1、A field trip 第四课时 教学重点: 1. Lets learn 部分的动词短语的 ing 形式:counting insects,collecting leaves, writing a report, playing chess,having a picnic。 2. 在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的动词短语。 3. 听、说、读、写动词短语:counting insects,collecting leaves,writing a report,playing chess,having a picnic。 4. counting 和 collecting 的正确发音示

2、范和指导。 教学难点: 1. 词汇量较大,有些短语不易掌握: counting 和 collecting 的发音较难且 易混淆。 2. 动词短语的 ing 形式:强调 writing 和 having,加 ing 要去掉字母 e,再加 ing。 课前准备: 1. 磁带、挂图 2. 实物:背包、太阳镜、笔记本、饼干、香蕉、果汁、象棋、树叶 报告单 教学过程: 一、Warm up(热身) 1、Free talk: Whats the weather like today? Which season do you like best? Why? I like spring, Its always s

3、unny and warm. We can go outside for a field trip.(板 书课题并跟读) 2、Song: At first,Lets enjoy the song field trips clap your hands together, please. 3、Review: During field trip, we can do many things,we can catch butterflies, what else? Now, can you read these phrases? OK, read them twice. Please chant l

4、ike this:what are you doing? Im taking pictures, what are you doing?.group 1 ask, group 2 answer. Chant and act. 二、Presentation(新课呈现) 1、collecting leaves/ counting insects Boys and girls, if I want to take a trip.where can I go?(nature park) What can you see in a nature park? A.摘树叶 T:Zhangsan come h

5、ere,look and act. What is Zhangsan doing? (板 书),指名回答:He is picking up leaves. B. 数树叶 T:Wow, so many leaves. Can you count? What is Zhangsan doing now? 指名回答:He is counting leaves.教学 counting. 开火车读-Can you count pencils? 数书本,数课桌,数椅子 . C. counting insects T:look,what are they? 蝴蝶、蜻蜓、瓢虫、蚂蚁。 They have th

6、e same name-insects. Can you count? -counting insects. D收集树叶 T:these leaves are beautiful.arent they? Id like to do like this? Collecting leaves. Read it higher and higher. 2、having a picnic/ playing chess/writing a report. 出示包:Before a filed trip. We shuold prepare a bag like this.can you guess wha

7、ts in my bag? Why? A.sunglasses because of the sunshine. B.notebook because we can collect leaves C. ball pen we can write with pen.(板书 write) 出示卡片 Look, what is she writing? Is she writing a letter/an email?出示报告 引出 report. 拼读 writing. E is silence, 去掉 e 再加 ing. D.banana.a bottle of juice. a box of

8、cookies. We can have a picnic.(板书 have a picnic,教学 picnic) Look, what are they doing? 引出 having a picnic.拼读 having E、Chinese chess. Look whats this? 教学 chess. Can you play chess?请两生下 棋。What is Lisi doing? He is ,Is Ding Wu playing chess, too? 3.齐读短语: having,having,having a picnic. Counting,counting,

9、c 三、操练拓展 出示挂图。 1.Look, they are in the nature park. Ill give you 10 seconds to prepare.what are the students doing?listen carefully and judge. (1) Sarah is writing a letter. ( ) (2) Wu Yifan is collecting leaves. ( ) (3) Mike is playing chess.( ) (4) John and Zhangpeng are playing chess.( ) (5) Amy

10、is writing a report.( ) 2.操练:What is amy doing? She/He is 3. Make a chant Chen Jie, Chen Jie, What is Chen Jie doing? Having a picnic,Having a picnic. She is having a picnic. 4.Game: one by one. T: Now, lets play a game. Pass it, when I stop music ,you shuold stop too. Someone shuold stand up ,act a

11、nd answer. What are you doing? A field trip 教学反思 乐海瑛 本单元的话题是:Field Trips本课时是这一单元的第 1 课时,文本题材 是五个词汇,叫学生掌握有关 Field Trips 的一些词组,并且学习了一般疑问 句的复数形式:Are they.?及其肯定和否定回答本课时的教学目标是让学 生掌握一般疑问句的单数形式:Is he /she .?及其肯定和否定回答在一定 的语言环境中进一步巩固运用所学词组和句子对于本节课的教学,我有三点 教学思路与大家分享 一充分利用学生这一有效的教学资源 英语教学只有从学生本身出发,才能让学生感兴趣,引起共

12、鸣所以今天 在呈现本课新知时我改变了以往的做法,而是采用通过让学生做动作老师询问 这一方式来引出本课的功能句,一开始我出示一些小动物的图片,让学生们说 说“what is doing? What are they doing?”从而复习了 flying,swimming,running,jumping, Walking 等单词,在新授过程中我让学生们拍照片引出 taking pictures for you,在 拓展环节出示学生们喜闻乐见的灰太狼的故事,贴近学生生活实际。 二多维活动体现教师角色的变换 师生是教学中的两个主体,教师是主导,学生是主体。教师角色要适时变 换,才能充分发挥学生的主体

13、作用,课堂教学才会成为师生间共同参与的多维 活动。 在本堂课的教学中,首先,教师是示范者,通过各种手段直观呈现材料,“引 发”学生思维,“启动”学生探索。在呈现新知前利用课件创设 Field Trips 情景,再通过与学生交谈引出本课功能句型,并示范如何用英语去询问。其次, 教师是启发者,引导学生去发现去学习。在引出本课功能句型后,老师没有急 于告诉学生如何回答,而是引导学生,让他们自己说出完整的答句 Yes,he/she is.或 No, he /she isnt.。在任务进行的过程中,学生既说又唱,既演又想, 手、脑、口、耳、眼、肢,体并用;静态、动态结合。在轻松、愉快的活动中 真正用感官和心灵去体验英语语言及其运用。最后,在完成任务的过程中,教 师还是助手和观众,引导和帮助学生顺利地完成调查任务,进一步巩固拓展所 习得的语言。让他们体会到成功的喜悦,从而树立学好英语的信心。 三注重对学生学习策略的培养。 本课是一篇词汇教学。特别注重对学生听说的训练。小学高年级阶段,对 话教学是以提高学生的听说阅读能力为根本目的的。为了更好地训练学生的听, 我采用问题引领方式,让学生带者问题去听,听地更认真。有利于养成良好的 听的习惯。通过自主阅读,了解对话大意;通过合作阅读培养良好的说的习惯, 同时有利于培养学生互助合作精神。


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