2015秋冀教版英语七上Unit 8《Lesson 47 The U.K. and Australia》导学案.doc

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1、鸡儿学校七 年级 英语导学案 班别: 姓名: 学号: 学习小组: 备课日期: 2013 年 12 月 17 日 上课日期: 12 月 18 日 设计者:范桃 审核:王垚 课题 Lesson 44:Jacks Goodbye Party 学习目标 1.知识与能力: 要求能正确地读出单词:hey,Sydney(悉尼),John,Mike,Washington D.C.(华盛顿特区),Greg,Vancouver(温哥华) ; 并要求会拼如下单词: soon,invite,everyone,London(伦敦),captial,U.K.(=United Kingdom)(英国) 2.通过学习对话让学

2、生学会简单的用英语谈论世界地图。 学习重难点 1.短语小结: 2.重点句型 he invites all of his friends Thank you for inviting me! London? Thats the capital of the UK,right? John is to her left 学习方法 Practice discussing 教 学 程 序 学习过程 教学内容及预见性问题 一预习导学 自主练学 1.短语翻译: a goodbye party ,go back to be happy to do Thank you for have a lot of fun

3、 the capital of China _ invite sb. to_in front of_ a pretty girl_ 2.句子翻译: he invites all of his friends Thank you for inviting me! London? Thats the capital of the UK,right? John is to her left 二导学过程 课内探究,问 题探究 探究一 he invites all of his friends.他邀请他所有的朋友。 invite 的用法是什么呢? (1) We invited all our relat

4、ives我们邀请了所有的亲戚。 (2) They will invite us to dinner tomorrow他们将邀请我们明天共进晚 餐。 (3) He often invites me to play computer games他经常邀请我玩电脑 游戏。 【拓展】 invite 的名词形式为 探究二 Thank you for inviting me! 谢谢你邀请我! =Thanks for your invitation谢谢你的邀请。 Thank you for 的结构有什么需要注意的呢? 结论 : Thanks for your email=Thank you for your

5、 email谢谢你发 给我的电子邮件。 Thanks for helping me 谢谢你帮我。 (同义句) . 探究三 London? Thats the capital of the UK,right? 伦敦?那是 英国的首都对吗? 句中 capital 的多个含义,你有多少了解呢? (1) London and Paris are capital cities伦敦和巴黎都是首都城 市。 (2) 意为“首都城市,省会城市” ,相当于 capital。 对其提问 ? 三、达标训练 I.填空 l. Can I invite you (go) shopping with me? 2The lit

6、tle boy is happy (play)with the dog 3Thank you for (teach)us so well 4你知道中国的首都是哪儿吗? Do you know what of China is? 5We have a lot of (fun) at the party. II.选择题 1.Do you know captial of China? A.an B.a C.the D./ 2.Thanks a lot for me your birthday party. A.invite,for B. invite,to C. inviting,for D. in

7、viting,to 3. is the capital city of China? A.What B.Where C.When D.How 4.Are you happy a letter from Li Ming? A.get B.to get C.getting D.gets 5.Where Tom and Jack come from? A.is B.are C.do D.does 四、拓展提高 师生互动、展 示提升 、知识 点展示大比拼 I根据首字母填空。 1. Canada is n_ of the U.S. 2. There is a l_in Canadas flag. 3.

8、China is famous f_the Great Wall. 4. People speak E_in Canada. 5. Its vey c_in winter in Canada. II.句型转换 1. Tony is from the U.S.(同义句) Tony the U.S. 2. London is the capital city of the U.K.(对划线部分提问) the capital city of the U.K.? 3. Thank you for helping me. (同义句) Thank you for . 课后反思 总结重难点: 今日一得: 今日不足 :


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