2014人教新目标英语八下 unit 6《An old man tried to move the mountains》学案2.doc

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1、Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains 学习内容 Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. (2) 学习目标 1、 知识与技能 掌握本课时出现在新的词汇,并复习总结一些动词的用法。能够进一步锻炼 自己在阅读技巧,提高自己在阅读能力。并注意文中在关联词,学会在自己 在写作中,运用关联词去构建文章. 2、 过程与方法 自主学习,阅读课本,完成课后 3B 的内容;自学检测,回答细节性问题;合 作学习,核对自学答案,并形成小组观点。参与全班合作精读,了解目标语 言的用法,并做好笔记;完成 4A,4B 的

2、练习,达成课堂检测。学会写影评。 3、 情感态度价值观 学会欣赏电影,并有自己在想法。 学习重点 学习难点 1、 掌握本课时中出现的生词和基本句型。 2、学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点 自主学习: 一、自学指导 1、阅读文章后面的练习题 3B,并对文章进行扫读,划出你找到的答案信息。 2、组织语言把第一步找到的信息进行整理,重排,写在蓝框内。 3、精读课文,划出你自己认为的重点和难点。 4、跳读课文完成自学检测的内容。 二、自学检测 (学有余力的同学可以独立完成,请不要习惯在做题的时候依靠课本) 写出下列的单词和短语 1 隐藏;隐蔽_(过去式)_ 2. .物体;物品_

3、3.尾巴_ 4.有魔力的;有神奇力量的_ 5.棍,条_6. 西方国家的 _ 7.使激动;使兴奋 _(形容词)_/_ 8.变成_9. 上映_ 10.这是因为_11.平时,在其他时候_ 12. 一部叫美猴王的新电视剧 _ 13.对感兴趣_14.放弃_ 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. A neighbor _ (call) Tony, helped me repair my fence yesterday. 2. The Monkey King can make 72_ (change) to his shape and size. 3. His uncle isnt interested in _

4、 (play) chess at all. 4. The two boys kept _ (skate) for one hour. 5. No one _ (be) able to answer him at that time. (测试效果如何呢?请自我检测并注意调整自己的学习策略) 合作学习: 1、 小组合作,核对自学检测的答案。监督每一个小组成员,填好学案,并进行记忆。 2、 小组内进行查背,并在学案上打“背” 3、 在组内划出自己认为在难点和重点,组内解决,并把解决不了的划出来作为展示内容。 展示反馈: November 1979, pupils in England were ab

5、le to watch a new TV program (介词) Monkey. Most of them were hearing this story for the first time. (call) However, this story is not new Chinese children. The Monkey King or Sun (介词) Wukong is the character in the Chinese book Journey to the West. (主要的) (传统的) The Monkey king is not just any monkey.

6、In fact, he sometimes does (正常的) not even a monkey! This is because he can also make 72 changes (看起来像) (词性) ) his shape and size, himself into different and . But (turn) (animal) (object) he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. To fight bad (除非) people, the Monkey King uses a mag

7、ic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick small he can keep it in his ear. At other times, he is able to make it big and long. (如此,以至于) (同义词) (翻译) The Monkey king the children of China many years. And as soon (excite) as the TV program more than 30 years ago, Western children (放映) became interested

8、in this story because the clever Monkey King (read) keeps to help the weak and never gives up. (fight) (翻译) 巩固测评: 当堂练习 一、 单项选择 (每题 1 分,共 10 分) ( )1. I will send you an E-mail as soon as I _ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive ( )2. My sister has practiced tennis for a long

9、time.She plays tennis _you . A. As good as B.so well as C. as well as ( )3. As soon as you finish _ ,you will call me . A. works B. to work C. working D. worked ( )4. _Lucy tries her best to study,she wont pass the exam. A. If B. When C. Before D. Unless ( )5. Our English teacher was ill,so Miss Wan

10、g had a class for us. A. too B. Either C. Instead of D. instead ( )6 Wukong can make 72 changes _ his shape and size. A in B on C to D at ( )7 The writers new book will _ next month. A come in B come on C come out D come into ( )8 Some parents make their children _ chores at home. A to do B do C doi

11、ng D does ( )9 We couldnt help _ when we heard the funny story. A laugh B laughing C laughs D to laugh ( )10 When water is heated, it will turn _ water vapour (水蒸气). A into B on C in D to 拓展延伸 一、 翻译下列句子: 这是因为他能根据他的形状和大小做出 72 中变化把自己变成不同的动物和物体。 _. 1979 年 11 月,英国学生能够观看一部叫美猴王的心电视节目。 _. 30 多年前这个电视节目一推出,西

12、方的孩子对读这个故事很感兴趣,因为聪明的美猴王 一直与邪恶斗争,帮助弱者,并从不放弃。 _. 他变得对观看足球赛感兴趣。 He_ _ _ _ a football match. 她坚持努力学习,从不放弃。 She _ _ _ , and never _ _. 三年前这本书出版了。 This book _ _ three years _. 这部电影鼓舞了中国人民许多年了。 This film _ _ Chinese people _ many years. 美猴王能使他的金箍棒变小吗? _ the Monkey King _ his stick _? 糟糕的开端能转变为美好的结局。 Bad be

13、ginnings can _ _ good endings 二、用所给单词正确形式填空。 (5 分) 1. When I passed the classroom last night ,I heard someone _(talk) loudly. 2. After graduation from the University ,he got _(marry) to a girl. 3. We will put off the sports meeting if it _ (rain) tomorrow. 4. He said he _ (can) speak three languages

14、. 5. My brother _(talk) on the phone when I came back home. 6.If you keep _(practice) like that, you will win the race. 7. The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop _ (smile) when they got married. 8. In the story, Hou Yi _ (shoot) down nine suns. 9.Mary is a shy girl. She always _ (hide) herself in her room. 10 Yu Gong said that his family could continue_ (move) the mountains after he died 10.She is a _taller than me. 三、写作练习。 (分层题) 请再次阅读课本 4a 句子。然后当一次编辑,为小朋友们编新灰姑娘的故事,期待你的故 事会比格林童话里在更美好。如果你暂时没有太多的思维你可以把这些句子用关联词, 顺序词连接起来,形成自己的文章。


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