2015春北师大版英语八下Unit 4《Lesson 12 Generation Gap》word教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 4 Dealing With Problems Lesson 12 Generation Gap 1. 教学内容分析 本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第四单元的第 12 课,话题为 Dealing with problems,属于课标话题 7 情感与情绪(feelings and moods) 以及话题 8 人际交往(interpersonal communication)下的第 27个子话题 (cooperation and communication。本课是一节阅读课,内容涉及单元话题 Dealing with the problem 中的 Generation gap 这一

2、子话题。本课的阅读材 料是 What do you argue about at home? We asked three students and their parents.描述的是三个家庭孩子和父母对孩子学习、交友、习惯等方面 不同的看法。 本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对课文 的理解,首先通过创 设情境,欣赏快乐的家庭合影照片,体会和家人在一起的快乐;通过调查问卷, 了解孩子与父母之间的主要矛盾;随后通过阅读,获取孩子和父母对问题的不 同看法。通过追问问题,引导学生利用所获取的是事实性信息推断出孩子对父 母管教的感受和父母管教孩子背后是对孩子的关爱;最后结合课文信息和课上 讨

3、论进行语言输出活动:以角色扮演父母与孩子针对本节课的三个问题对话进 行语言和情感体验、自我评价反省等活动。 第二课时,在复习课文内容的基础上,通过了解本课设计收集学生中父母 与孩子的主要问题和解决措施的任务,引入本课语法内容-动词 let 与 make 的 意义、用法;通过观察和分析例句,发现并总结动词 let 和 make 的功能和区别。 通过创设语境,帮助学生进一步理解两个动词的区别。通过分组讨论,汇总问 题和解决问题的措施,完成任务。 2. 教学内容 话题:Generation Gap 词汇:gap, generati on gap, housework, add, on ones ow

4、n, enter, password praise, lazy, strict, care, care about, boss, grow up, pretty, except, mess, whenever, fair 语法:动词 let 和 make 的意义、功能和用法。 策略:通过阅读,围绕“代沟”的话题获取相关信息,并在语境中体会父 母对孩子的关爱。 3. 学生情况分析 1. 基本情况: 授课对象是市示范 中学学生,英语基础好,思维活跃,乐于表达自己观点和想 法,对知识的渴求强烈。但是初二的学生处于青春发育期,生理和心理变化很 大。他们产生了强烈的自尊心和被他人尊重的需要,而且时常表现

5、出对周围人 的抱怨和不理解。所以有必要引导他们学会倾诉内心的想法和倾听他人的想法, 与周围人进行更好的沟通和交流, 2. 已有话题和知识方面: 话题:学生在处理问题和解决问题相关话题方面有生活经验,容易产生共鸣。 知识:使动词的使用是本课的语法,但是学生理解其意义,所以对阅读不会 造成障碍。第二课时将作为重点学习其用法。 3. 能力方面: 学生获取篇章表层信息没有障碍,但真正感受父母行为背后的情感,从而 与文本产生共鸣方面,以及深层理解文章主题和进行批判性思维上需要教师进 一步引导。 第一课时 The first period 1.教学目标来 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 学生通过阅读,

6、获取三个家庭父母和子女对一些常见教育问题的不同看法 的事实性信息; 2. 学生通过所获取的事实性信息,推断出父母对孩子的关爱; 3. 学生能够根据所学、所感,以角色扮演对话进行语言和情感体验、自我评 价反省等活动。 2教学过程 J 教学环节 教师活动 设计意图 互动模 式&时 间 Pre- reading Step 1: Lead in 1. Draw Ssattention to the topic of the lesson by presenting the picture of their family photos by questions: Q1: Do you love your

7、 parents? Q2: Do your parents love you ? 2. Ss talk about what problems they always argue with their parents by presenting the survey. 3. Ss talk about their feelings when they argue with their parents by questions: Q1: When you argue with your parents, are you happy? Q2: Are you parents happy? 4. S

8、s think why we always argue with our parents by answering questions Q1: What kind of family life would you like to live? Q2: Why do you sometimes argue? 1. 激发学生情感, 体会与家人在一 起的快乐时光。 2. 通过调查问卷, 复习和运用本节 课的核心词汇, 为下面获取信息 做铺垫。 3. 通过追问,让学 生意识到与父母 之间争吵时会影 响彼此的心情和 借助问题,表达 自己想和父母友 好相处的一员并 进一步引发学生 思考与父母争吵 的原因,导

9、入课 文学习情。 IW CW 4 While- reading Step 1. Read for the general information. 获取大意信息: 1.学生通过浏览图 1. Ss read quickly to guess what might be in a passage by reading the pictures, title and the bold words to encourage Ss to 2. Ss are trained fast reading skills by the key words with the help of questions. Q

10、1: Who are three students? Q2: Who are three parents? 3. Ss re-construct the structure of passage with the help of questions. Q1: Which part are the students talking about? Q2: Which part are the parents talking about? Step 2. Read for the detailed information. Part 1 1. Ss get and understand the de

11、tailed information with the help of the questions. Q1:What problems do they argue with their parents? 2. Ss check the answers by presenting it on PPT. 3. Ss share how they feel their parents with the help of questions. Q1: Do you have the same problem like theirs? Q2: When your parents argue about t

12、hese things with you , how do you 片、标题黑体字的 方式,培养学生通 过关键信息预测文 章大意的能力 2.学生通过快速阅 读,以找关键字的 方式,获取人物关 系,训练学生利用 关键词获取信息的 快速阅读能力. 3. 学生通过浏览课 文、抓人物关系, 重新划分篇章结构, 为情感体验和语言 输出做铺垫。 获取细节信息 第一部分: 1.学生阅读第一部 分-三个学生对问题 的看法,通过回答 问题,划线的方式 获取孩子眼中的问 题,培养学生获取 细节信息的能力。 2.通过追问学生问 题,学生结合文章 信息和自身生活经 历和感受,推断出 三个孩子对于孩子 的感受,和孩子眼

13、 中的父母是什么样 子,培养学生浅层 推理的能力。 (可能答案: strict, unfriendly, ungenerous, IW CW 25 feel? Q3: How about the three students? Q4: Are they satisfied with their parents? Q5: What do they think of their parents? Part 2(what three parents said) 1. Ss. get and understand the detailed information with the help of th

14、e questions. Andys family Q1: Why does Andys mum argue with him? Q2: Do you think Andy is really lazy on his study? Q3: Why is his mom strict with him? Jessicas family Q1: Why does Jessicas mum argue with her ? Q2:Is Jessicas mum really ungenerous? Q3: Why does her mom act like her boss? Edwards fam

15、ily Q1: Why does Edwards mum argue with him? Q2: Do you think it is a good habit for Edward to do like these? And why? Q3: If he keeps a bad habit, is he still popular among classmates? Q4: If his room is always messy and dirty, is it good for his health? bored) 获取细节信息 第二部分: 1.学生阅读,以回 答问题、划线的方 式,了解父

16、母对孩 子问题的看法,培 养学生获取细节信 息的能力。 2通过追问,培养 学生对事实性信息 的理解,并结合生 活经历、感受、推 断出父母对孩 子的 关爱。 Post- reading Activity 1. Come up with the solutions. 1. Ss voice their opinions with the Activity 1 学生在理解父母对 孩子关爱的基础上, 引导学生思考当和 父母出现意见不统 IW CW Pw 10 help of questions. Q1: Do you still argue with your parents? Q2: When yo

17、ur parents argue with you about your study, your messy room and other small matters, what should you do ?来 2. Ss come up with the solutions of dealing with the problems between students and their parents with the help of questions. Q1: What do you think of their answers and do you have more better i

18、deas to communicate with their parents? Activity2: Understanding the generation gap. 1. Ss self-think what the generation gap is and how to get on well with parents in the context. T: Sometimes, you think your parents cant understand you, it is so-called generation gap. They are too strict with you.

19、 They cant understand you. They are old. Do you know the reasons? T: When you were young, they teach you to wear clothes, tie your shoes . They teach you to wash face , wash hands and combThey are used to caring about you, loving you and taking good care of you. They worry you a lot. No matter how o

20、ld you are, in their eyes, you are still a child. Q1: So can you understand them now? 一的时候该如何解 决。 Activity 2 1.通过完成人物与 话语匹配,进一步 检测学 生对文本的 理解。 1. 学生通过核对答 案,小组讨论, 以角色版样对话 进行语言和情感 体验,找出解决 问题的方法。 2. 通过创设情境, 进一步深化主题, 帮助学生理解父 母对自己的关爱, 体会到所谓的代 沟是缺少相互理 解与沟通。 If you understand them , will there be generation

21、 gap between you and your parents? T: When they are strict with you , it doesnt mean they dont understand you. They only want you to be a better man. Q2: Who are parents? Ss: Parents are the people who_ Homework 1. Listen to the tape. 2. For further information about “the solutions to generation gap

22、”, read the articles on the exercise book and underline the solutions to solve the problem with children and parents. 3. Write down the dialogue about how you solve problems. 学生通过浏览课文、 抓人物关系,重新 划分篇章结构,为 情感体验和语言输 出做铺垫。 CW 1 第二课时 Second Period 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 在语境中发现、体会和归纳动词 make 和 let 的意义、用法和区别

23、。 2. 运用描述父母与子女矛盾和提出建议的信息和词汇,讨论孩子与父母矛 盾的及解决措施。 教学环节 教师活动 设计意图 互动模 式&时 间 Pre-task Step1: Ss understand the task by reading the report A lot of teenage students have some problems with their parents. Andy, Jessica, Edward showed their problems in our text book. Would you like to help some of them? 1. S

24、s understand the task with the 学生了解本节课 任务。 IW CW 3 help of two questions. Q1: What problems do they argue with your parents? Q2: Do you have good idea to solve it? 2. Ss form different groups according to problems they want to solve. While- task Step 1. Language preparation- Vocabulary about describ

25、ing the problems. 1. Ss review the problems about the three students and their parents argued. 1. Ss understand and focus on language about how to describe the problems. 2. Ss discuss in pairs to understand and tell the difference between make and let and share in class. 3. Ss learn how to use the t

26、wo words by completing the sentences with the correct from of let or make. 4. Ss summarize the usages of make and let. Step2. Language Preparation-solutions. 1. Ss brainstorm the suggestions to solve the problems. 2. Ss think and offer more supports to make their solutions acceptable and reasonable.

27、 问题描述语言 准备: 学生通过回答问 题,观察、理解、 归纳动词 make 和 let 意义、 区 别,知道如何描 述孩子与父母之 间的看法(问题) 。 学生通过练习巩 固 make 和 let 的 意义和用法。 解决措施语言 准备: 1.各小组收集解决 问题的措施。 2 通过深度思考 建议的合理性, 完善建议。 IW PW CW 30 Post-task Ste1. Presentation 1. Ss present the task they have done by describing the problems they discussed and share the solutions they come up with. 小组展示各小组 的可行性建议, 其余小组给予评 价和补充。 IW PW CW 6 Homework Polish your speech and write it down in your exercise book. 巩固所学,落实 笔头 CW1 1


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