2015秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《E Your room》word教案1.doc

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1、 授课日期 课型 Reading 授课教师 教学课题 总课时:4 第 1 课时 教 学 目 标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 能听,说,读,写有关卧室用品的词汇及意义。 2. 能给卧室用品图写上标签。 3. 能运用地点介词和室内物品描述房间。 4. 能通过阅读对话判断陈述是 否符合原文。 5. 积极参与课堂活动 教学重点 卧室用品的词汇及意义 阅读技能 教学难点 如何引领学生掌握教学重点 教学方法 引领启发法 教学准备 Ppt students sheet 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 时间安排 教 学 过 程 Step1 Check the homework Deal with

2、 any difficulty the students have. Step1 Show some pictures to lead Ss to learn the names of bedroom things . Then ask Ss to look at key words on page20, play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat. Step2 Say “ Label the things in the picture with the key words” then check by asking Ss to rea

3、d key words aloud. Step3 Say: look at the picture on Page20. This is Weimins bedroom. Lets describe the room, for example, The balls Learn the names of bedroom things look at key words on page20, listen and repeat. Label the things in the picture with the key words then check by reading key words al

4、oud. Look at the picture on Page20. Follow the teacher to understand what to do. then work in pairs to describe the room. 用图片激活学生 头脑中卧室用品 名称 学生跟读词汇, 进一步记忆词汇, 熟悉词汇的发音。 熟悉词汇的书写 运用地点介词和 室内物品描述房 间,达到复习地 点介词和熟悉词 汇的目 的 5 6 5 8 are in the basket. The coat is on the wall. Then ask Ss to work in pairs to des

5、cribe the room. Monitor as the students practice, give help if necessary. Step4 Say: well do reading. First ask Ss to read the statements and translate to see if they understand the meanings, deal with any problem they have. Ask Ss to read the dialogue to determine if the statements are true or fals

6、e. Then ask Ss to check in pairs, then in class by telling the reason. Step5 Play the recording again, the first time having Ss just listen. Then say “listen and repeat”. Play the dialogue, pausing after each line for Ss to repeat. Do this several times if necessary. Then ask Ss to work in pairs to

7、practice the dialogue. Step6 Say: Close your book. Role- play the dialogue with a good student. Then ask Ss to role- play in pairs, telling them if the students need , they may look quickly in his or her book, but dont look when speaking. Read the statements and translate, ask classmates or the teac

8、her for help if necessary Read the dialogue to determine if the statements are true or false. Then check in pairs, then in class by telling the reason. Listen to the dialogue and repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue. Role-play the dialogue Finish the homework 明确阅读任务 训练阅读对话判 断陈述是否符合 原文的能力 跟读录音,培养 语感, 熟悉发音 对话。 进一步熟悉对话 巩固课上所学 10 4 6 1 Step6 Homework 1. 跟读录音 2. 完成学案上的题 板 书 设 计 课 后 反 思 对本节课阅读策略的指导很到 位。 目标达成。


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