2015秋北师大版英语七上Unit 2《Lesson 6 A School Day》word教学设计.doc

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1、北师大版初一英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 6 教学设计 教材分析 本课 是北师大版初中英语 七年级上册教材第 2 单元的第 6 课,话题为结合时间 谈论课程表。 本节课为第六课的第一课时,侧重时间的表达,通过听力活动提取 Sun Li 和 Tom 之 间的对话的信息。在听力环节中,注重引导学生在听前审题,划关键词,速记的策略。最后 结合课文的信息和语言进行输出性的活动。 教学目标 1学生能够运用 half, a quarter, past, to 准确表达时间并在听中反应出时间。 2. 学生能够通过听 Sun Li 和 Tom 之间的对话获取有关科目和时间的信息。 3. 学生能够针对课

2、程表的信息提出设问并回答,并能够谈论课程表。 教学重点和难点 教学重点:通过听力活动获取有关科目和时间的信息。 教学难点:针对课程表的信息提出设问并回答。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 教学资源 设计意图 1.(1)Show Ss the title and ask: How many days are there in a week? (2)Present the words with pictures Answer the question. Speak out the words together 2. Ask Ss: What class do you have today?

3、 Speak out the words of classes. Step 1 Pre-listeningK 12 mins 3.(1)Present some pictures of clocks with different time. Help Ss speak out the time correctly. (2)Have Ss sum up how to use past and to. (3)Have Ss do a chain dri ll to practise time . (4)Ask Ss to do Ex.1, P42. Speak out the time by “h

4、alf, a quarter, past, to” with Ts help. Sum up how to use past and to. The first student ask the secon d student: what time is it?/whats the time? The second student answers and asks the next student. Do it individually. Then check the ppt 课本 提取学生已知 的关于星期, 科目的单词, 加以复习巩固。 重点操练时间 表达法。为下 面的听力活动 做准备。 an

5、swers like: No.1 is 1st listening 1. Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue and get the main idea. What are they talking about? A. Their English class. B. Their classes on Wednesday. Read through the question. Underline the key words. Choos e the correct answer. 听前审题划关 键词,在听力 中抓关键词。 通过这一学习 策略,指导学 生做听力题的 方

6、法,提高正 确率。 2nd listening Have Ss listen to the dialogue again and choose the best answer. 1).When do they have science class? A. At 8:00 B. At 1:30 C. At 8:50 2).Whats the first lesson in the afternoon? A. English B. Maths C. History 3).Why does Sun Li ask Tom to wait? Because he doesnt have a pen. B

7、ecause he is late for his class. Because he doesnt want t o have the class. (Play the dialogue a second or third time if necessary.) Read through the question. Underline the key words. Choose the correct answer. Show the answers and tell the reason. 听前审题划关 键词,在听力 中抓关键词。 通过这一学习 策略,指导学 生做听力题的 方法,提高正 确

8、率。 Step2 While- listening 18 mins 3r d listening Have Ss listen and complete the timetable for Wednesday. (Advise Ss write the first letter when they hear the answer. Then complete the word. ) Call back the answers in the whole class. Have Ss speak out the answers like: We have at. Listen and comple

9、te the timetable for Wednesday. Speak out the answers by Ts model. ppt 学案 课本 在听力中抓关 键词。听到答 案先写首字母, 再补全单词, 通过这一学习 策略,提高效 率。 板书设计 Unit 2 Lesson 6 A School Day On Wednesday, we have at past to 7:30 5: 45 8:15 11:40 10:28 9:35 1. Play the recording. The first time have Ss just listen, the second time, a

10、sk Ss to read after it. Read after the tape. Read in pairs. Two or three pairs read in class. 模仿正确的语 音语调朗读课 文,同时加深 对对话的理解。 2. Present the timetable for Wednesday. Ask Ss: 1) What classes do you have on Wednesday? 2) When do you have English? Have Ss work in pairs to practise the two questions. Answe

11、r the two questions. 理解课程表的 内容和结构, 明确可以提哪 些方面的问题, 为输出做铺垫。 3. Present the timetable for a week, and ask Ss to answer the questions orally. (Ex.3, P42) Work in pairs to ask and answer the two questions. Step 3 Post-listening 14 mins 4. Encourage Ss to ask more questions about the timetable. Answer the questions according to the timetable. Work in groups and think about more questions. Present their questions and answers. ppt 学案 课本 鼓励学生根据 课程表设问, 培养学生发散 思维的能力。 Step4 Homework 1min 1. 听录音并跟读课文。 2. Ex. 1, 2, P83. 3. 根据课表提问并回答。 (至少三 个问题) Listen and take notes. 口头到笔头, 巩固所学。


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