2015秋牛津上海版英语九上Uint 2《Great minds》word知识点讲解.doc

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1、2014 新版深圳牛津版九年级英语上 Unit 2Great minds 知 识点讲解 Unit 2 Great minds 课文 Word changes: fiction(n.)fictional (adj. 虚构的, 小说的)fictionist(n. 小说家, 创作家) genius(n. 天才、才能 ) talent, gift idiot 白痴 gift(n. 天赋)= talent(n. 才能)- n. 礼物) = present gifted(adj. 有天赋的 , 有才华的) universe(n. 宇宙 )universal(adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的) work(v

2、. 运行 )- n. 工作 a piece of work works n. 工厂(视为单数) a gas works 文学艺术作品(视为复数 ) curiosity(n. )- curious(adj. 好奇的)- curiously ( adv.好奇地) humour/ humor (n. 幽默)humorous (adj. 幽默的) theory(n. 理论)- theoretical (adj. 理论上的)- theoretically(adv.理论上)- theorist (n. 理论家) theory of relativity: 物 相对论 distant(adj.)- dist

3、ance(n. 距离) perfectly(adv.完美地)- perfect(adj. 完美的)- perfection(n. 完美)- perfectionist(n. 完美主义者) applause(n. 鼓掌 )- applaud (v. 鼓掌、赞扬)- applausive(adj. 拍手欢呼的 ) wood n. 木头 woods 树林,森林 wooden adj. 木制的 13. receptionist n. 接待员 receive v. 收到 receipt n. 收据 receiver n. 听筒 purpose n. 目的 , 意图; vt. 打算, 决意 purpose

4、ful adj. 有目的的,有决心的 purposeless adj. 无目的 14.observatory n. 天文台-observe v. 观察- observation n. 观察 -observer n. 观察者 15. research n. v. 研究;调查 researcher n. 研究人员 16. harmless adj. 无害的 -harmful adj. 有害的 - harmfully adv. 有害地 - harm n. v. 伤害 17. regard n. 关心; 考虑, 问候; vt. 视为; 尊重; 注视, regards n. 问候;致意 best reg

5、ards 18. astronomy -astronomer 天文学家 astronomical (adj.)天文学的,天体的 19. enter (v.) 进入 = come into entrance (n.) 入口 20. produce (vt. 杰出的 23 encourageencouragement 24.daydream daydreaming phrases 1.regardas = consider.as=think ofas 把视为/当作 2.a gift for= a talent for = a present for 有的天赋 3.attempt to do sth

6、.=try to do sth. 尝试做某事 4.have a sense of humor=be humorous 有幽默感 5.work out = solve=deal with 解决,处理(问题) 6.work= operate =run 操作 运行 7.on ones way to sw. 在去往 的路上 8.receive an invitation 收到邀请 9. give a lecture =make a lecture=have a talk/speech 做演讲 10.let sb down = disappoint sb.= make sb. disappointed

7、让某人失望 11.What is the distance= How far is it 多远 12.perfectly=without any mistake 完美地 13.be pleased with sth =be satisfied with 让满意 Its a pleasure (for sb) to do sth 有幸/荣幸做某事 14.learn sth. by heart= know sth. by heart =remember=memorize 熟记 15.lead sb to =take sb to 带某人去 lead to sth.= cause sth. 导致,引起

8、 16.find out=discover 找到 发现 17.be in trouble in doing sth.= have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有麻烦/困难 18.In fact=Actually =As a matter of fact 19.offer sth. for sb. =offer sb, sth.=supply sb. with sth. =supply sth. to sb. =provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物 20.so + adj. + that 从句=too +

9、adj. to do = such + n. + that 从句 21.join in the applause=take part in the applause 加入到鼓掌中 22.have no idea+宾从= dont know+宾从 不知道 23.take/leave a message 带/ 留口信 24.in reply to sth.= to answer sth. 回复 回答 25.be in trouble / danger 处于困难或危险中 26. in fact / as a matter of fact 实际上;事实上 27.have ability to do s

10、th. 有能力做 28. plan to do sth. 计划做 29. go on a trip to 去进行旅行 30. need ( want / require ) to be done/need doing 需要被做. 31. all sorts of trouble 各种困难 32. work as 任职, 当 33. call sb. back= return ones call 回某人电话 34. put sb. through to sb. 为.接通(电话)到 35. at the beginning of 在的开始时 36. make sure 确信 37. do a re

11、search on . 做有关.的研究 38. at the entrance of 在入口处 39. leave behind sth 身后留下 25. II. Paraphrasing: 1. I dont know how I can improve my English. I dont know how to improve my English. 2. We dont want to make our teacher disappointed. We dont want to let our teacher down. 3. Jack made a perfect answer an

12、d the professor was very pleased. Jack answered perfectly and the professor was very pleased. 4.Im so tired that I cant finish my homework today. Im too tired to finish my homework today. 5. Charlie Chaplin was a man with a sense of humor. Charlie Chaplin was a man who was good at making people laug

13、h. 6. Hans has learnt the lecture by heart. Hans has remembered the lecture. 7. Hans gave the lecture perfectly instead of Einstein. Hans gave the lecture without any mistakes instead of Einstein. 8. The question is so easy that even my driver knows the answer. The question is easy enough for my dri

14、ver to know the answer. 9. Einstein received invitations from the professors in the universities to explain his theories. The professors in the universities invited Einstein to explain his theories. 10. I regard him as my best friend and we share everything in life. I consider him as my best friend

15、and we share everything in life. 11. Einstein had the gift of curiosity. Einstein had the talent of curiosity. 12. Einstein was pleased to drive a genius like Hans. Einstein felt happy to drive a genius like Hans. 13. He offered me a glass of wine. 13. He gave me a glass of wine. II同义短语。 1.a sense o

16、f humor. = humorous 幽默 2.regard .as= think ofas = look on as. = consider as 把当作 3.let sb down = make sb disappointed 4.decide to do = make decision to do = make up ones mind to do 决定做某事 5.be surrounded by = form a circle round 6.learn by heart = remember= memorize 7.offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 8.

17、shortly = soon = in a short while 9. perfectly.=without any mistake 10.have a talent for = have a genius for = have a natural ability for 11.attempt to do = try to do 12.lead to = cause 13.join in = take part in 难点全解 1. Many people consider Albert Einstein a genius. consider 及物动词,意为 “认为;觉得”。consider

18、 sb./ sth.(as) sth.意为“ 认为某 人/某物是” 。 英汉互译: 他认为自己是一个了不起的人。 _ They were considered as heroes. _ 另外,consider 后还可接 that 从句。 He considered that we could do the work well. _ 拓展:consider 意为“考虑”,相当于 think about, 其后可接名词、代词、动词 -ing 形式、从句 或“疑问词 +不定式”作宾语。但其后不能接跟动词不定式作宾语。 例句:Youd better consider my suggestion. _

19、We are consider going to Hainan next year. ._ He has never considered how to solve the problem. _ 2. This story about him shows that he also had a sense of humour. sense 可数名词,意为“感觉;理解力;判断力”通常用单数。sense of humour (幽默感 )。 根据汉语完成句子: 张老师非常幽默。 Mr Zhang has a very good _ _ _. 她没有方向感。 She didnt have a _ _ _

20、. humour 不可数名词,意为“ 幽默” I like such stories full of humour. _ 拓展:humorous 形容词,意为“滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的” 。 He had a wide mouth and humorous eyes. _ 3. Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different universities. 辨析: receive 和 accept receive 指客观上“收到 ”,也可以表示 “接待”和“遭受” accept 用来表示主观上“ 接受”

21、 某人、 “承认或赞同”某一看法或理论 一言变异:He received a gift but he didnt accept it. invitation 名词,意为 “邀请;请柬”。用法:后常接 to sth.或 to do sth. My father had an invitation to visit his friend in Beijing. _ 拓展:invite 动词,意为“邀请” 。常见用法有: invite sb. to邀请某人去(某地/某一活动) 我们邀请高老师来参加我们的聚会。 _ invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事 他们邀请我和他们一起去上海。

22、 _ 4. Its a pleasure to drive a genius like you , Dr Einstein. pleasure 在此用作可数名词,意为“ 乐事;快事” 。Its a pleasure to do sth.表示 “做某事是一 件乐事” 辨析:pleasure, pleasant, pleased 填词: Its a _ to hear from you. Reading bring me great _. What a _ trip! The mother were very _ with her two daughters. 5. I wish I could

23、avoid giving my lecture tonight, Hans, but I dont want to let my audience down. avoid 动词,意为“避免;避开”。avoid doing sth. 意为“ 避免做某事”。 另外,avoid 还可 以接名词或代词作宾语。但 avoid 后不能接动词不定式作宾语。 We got up early to avoid missing the early bus. She tried to avoid all the problems. lecture 可数名词,意为“讲座;演讲”。give a lecture 意为“讲

24、课;演讲” ; 可数名词 乐事;快事 pleasure 不可数名词 高兴;快乐;愉快,take pleasure in (doing) sth.意 为“从做某事中获得乐趣 ” pleasant 形容词 令人愉快的;宜人的。通常修饰物 pleased 形容词 高兴地;愉快的。be pleased with 意为“对 感到满意”;be pleased to do sth,意为“乐于做某事” attend a lecture 意为“ 听讲座 ” 那位科学家给我们讲课了。 The scientist _ _ _to us. 你听了那个有关马克吐温的讲座了吗? Did you _ _ _ _ Mark

25、Twain. let sb. down 意为“使/令某人失望”。 昨天她让我们大失所望。 _ 6. look for find “找到;发现 ”,强调结果;find out 表示经过调查、 探听后发现.。 试题: What are you _ ? Finally, they _ the lost child. At last, we _ who stole the watch. Have you _ when the train will arrive? 7. I ve listened to your lecture so many times that Ive learnt it by h

26、eart. so adjadv + that “如此.以至于”(用来修饰形容词或副词) so many/few +复数可数名词+ that 我犯了如此多的错误,以至于我没能通过这次考试。 so much/little + 不可数名词that 我有如此少的钱,以至于不能卖任何东西。 Thats such an easy question that even my driver can answer it. such +aan +adj +可数名词单数+that “如此 .以至于” (用来修饰名词) = so +adj+aan +可数名词单数+that 他是如此聪明的一个男孩以至于每个人都喜欢他。

27、 such +adj +复数可数名词+that 这些数学题如此难以至于我做不出来。 such +adj +不可数名词+that 这个工作如此艰巨以至于很少有人能按时完成。 8. Now were in trouble. (be) in trouble 意为“处于困境;倒霉”。 如果他不能按时完成工作,他就会倒霉了。 _ have trouble with.在 方面有麻烦/问题。 Maybe you will have trouble with your English, but never give up. _ have trouble (in) doing sth. 作某事有困难 I hav

28、e some trouble in reading her letter. _ 9. learnby heart 背诵,用心记 例句:Ive listened to it so many times that Ive learnt it by heart. (L21, P103) 我已经听了很多次了以致于我都背下了它。 试题: I have read the poem so many times that I can _ it _ . 10. Doctors warn people to avoid too much sun this summer too much +不可数名词 too ma

29、ny+不可数名词复数 much too +形容词 11. Dr yang one of the cleverest women in the world. one of the+形容词最高级+复数可数名词,表示“最.之一” 随堂练习 一根据句意、首字母或汉语提示写出单词,补全句子。 1. We should help those people in _. ( 困境 ) 2. He says he has a wonderful sense of h_. 3. Peter won an a_ for his wonderful performance in the show. 4. Ive li

30、stened to your l_ so many times that Ive learnt it by heart. 5. His face turned p_ when he heard the news. 6. My brother is interested in the u_. He wants to be an astronomer when he grows up. 7. As a students, you should o_ the school rules. 8. We re going to have a party at Dannys house _ ( 今晚 ) 9

31、. You look _(苍白的). Whats the matter with you ? 10. Mr Wang didnt accept our _ ( 邀请 ) to the meeting. 二用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a pleasure _ ( go ) for a walk with you. 2. He described his travel in South America in a _ ( humour ) way. 3. The lady refused his _ ( invite ) to the dinner party. 4. I _ ( li

32、sten ) to this piece of music many times. 5. Its hard to avoid _ ( meet ) his as it is such a small village. 6. Its my _ ( please ) to help you with the luggage. 7. Einstein took a seat, listened to Hans give his lecture without _ ( difficult ). 8. The Guang-Shen highway _ ( reduce ) the distance be

33、tween Guangzhou and Shenzhen. 9. Heavy _ ( applaud ) broke out as soon as she finished speaking. 10. There are many _ ( theory ) about the origin of life. 三、释义题 1. You should cheer up and let your parents down. A. make your parents happy B. make your parents excited C. make your parents angry D. mak

34、e your parents disappointed 2. People usually make fun of their friends on April Fools Day. A. play jokes on B. have fun with C. play with D. tell some jokes to 3. We will take part in social practice during the summer vacation. A. join B. join in C. be in D. do 4. I avoided him as much as possible.

35、 A. keep away from B. put away from C. give away from D. through away from 5. I dont quite catch what you said at the meeting. A. miss B. hear C. have D. understand 6, if you dont obey the rules at school, you will be punished. A, improve B, follow C, break 7, why didnt tony come to the party last n

36、ight? -I have know idea. A, dont know B, dont care C, dont think so 8,tony is an honest boy and I think you can trust him. A, consider B, displace C, believe 9, who gave a lecture in the hall yesterday afternoon? -Some top students in our school. They shared their study experience with us. A, class

37、B, speech C, show 10,you shouldnt play a joke on jack because he is a serious boy. A, pay attention to B, make fun of C, depend on 11, you looked serious. what happened to you? -Please take a seat. I have something to tell you A, stand up B, enjoy yourself C, sit down 12. Finally, Linda won first pr

38、ize in the competition without difficulty. A, easily B, slowly C, carefully 13, How many students will join in the game in your class? -More than twenty A, watch B, think about C, take part in 14,sams friend consider him an excellent tennis player in the club. A, introduce him to B, compare him with

39、 C, think of him as 15,what are going to do tonight? A, later B, tomorrow C, this evening 四、单项选择题(知识点) 1. If you dont study hard, youll your parents . A.let;down B.write;down C.look;up D.cheer;up 2. -We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet. -Really ? Will you please show me _ it ? A.

40、what to use B. how to use C. how can I use D. what I use 3. There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldnt _ falling over it in the darkness. A. help B. resist C. avoid D. prevent 4. You study hard youre sure to pass the exam. A. enough ; to B.as ; as C.so;that D.such;that 5. Beijing has_ m

41、any cars that there is often traffic jam in rash hours. A. so B. very C. too D. such 6. Steven,could you help me _when the plane will take off on the Internet? A.get on B. find out C. look for D. look after 7. -Would you like camping with me? -Id like to .But Im busy my homework. A. to go ; to do B.

42、 to go ; doing C. going ; to do D.going ; doing 8. The little boy his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. A.lent B.offered C. took D. Brought 9. Some students spend _ time on the Internet. They forget to study, eat and sleep.They cant even communicate with people in real life. A. too many B. man

43、y too C. too much D. much too 10. What did Lily tell you just now ? She asked me _ others her secret. A. to tell not B. not to tell C. dont tell D. not tell 11. He lost his key.It made him _ in the cold to wait for his wifes return. A. to stay B. stayed C.stays D. stay 五,英汉互译; 1. 幽默感 _ 2. 在某人去.的路上 _ 3. 做演讲 _ 4. 使.失望 _ 5. 听某人做某事 _ 6.如此.以至于 _ 7. 单凭记忆,能背诵_ 8. 弄清,查明 _ 9. 坐下_ 10.轻而易举 _ 11. 参加 _ 12.最后_ 13. 不知道 _ 14.处于困境中_ 15. 远离._ 16. 避免做某事 _ 17. 变得_ 18. 想要做某事 _ 19. 警告某人做某事_ 20. 主动提出做某事 _ 21. 使某人做某事 _ 22. 让某人做某事 _ 六,翻译 1,他学习英语毫不费力(have no difficulty inwi


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